"What did you say? Dong Xing was beaten back?"Ni Yongxiao was shocked when he heard the report.

Damn it, you Dongxing is such a waste.

How long has it been? In less than two hours, you were beaten away by Hong Xing. This is too rubbish. Alright

"Brother Xiao, Su Wentian is bringing people over to us. What should we do now?"The younger brother looked at Ni Yongxiao nervously.

If the back road is blocked, then they will be trapped and it will be difficult to rush out.

"Damn it, Dongxing is a bunch of trash."Ni Yongxiao cursed.

But he also knew that it was useless no matter how much he scolded Dongxing now. The other party had already run away, so there was nothing left to say.

""Retreat" has no choice. Ni Yongxiao can only withdraw with his people.

"Yes, Brother Xiao"


"Brother Yi, just now Brother Tian sent someone to deliver a message, asking us to bite the Ni family's people tightly and prevent them from retreating. Brother Tian will surround Ni Yongxiao from behind."Ahu ran to Tian Yangyi and opened his mouth to report.


Tian Yangyi nodded after hearing this. At this moment, he happened to find that Ni Yongxiao was preparing to lead people to retreat.

"Brothers, the Ni family members are cowarded and want to run away. The people who killed us want to run away. Do you think you can agree?"Tian Yangyi stood on a high place and shouted loudly


After Tian Yangyi's instigation, everyone in Hongxing suddenly shouted excitedly.

Is it possible to run away after killing someone?

"What to do?"


"Okay, let's kill him and don't let Ni Yongxiao escape."Tian Yangyi roared, and then led Ahu to kill him.

The thugs behind Hong Xing rushed forward in excitement.

They bit the Ni family's thugs tightly to prevent them from running away so easily. Got it

"Brother Xiao, we are bitten behind us and cannot evacuate, what should we do?"Han Chen looked at Ni Yongxiao anxiously.

At this moment, the Ni family has not yet fallen, and Han Chen has naturally not absorbed the foundation of the Ni family to rise. Now Han Chen is just a bitch of the Ni family.

"Damn it, damn it……"Ni Yongxiao, who had always been a civilized and gentleman, could not help but curse at this moment.

If it weren't for the guys from Dongxing, would he be in such a dilemma now?

If they turn around and fight Hong Xing, Su Wentian will send people to block their way back, and they will eventually be surrounded. Needless to say their fate.

But if you don’t turn around and fight, you’ll be bitten hard from behind and you won’t be able to escape at all.

"No matter, run."

Ni Yongxiao gritted his teeth and said harshly.

There is no other way. Now we can only abandon the people behind. By the way, they can also resist the speed of the other party's pursuit, and then they rush out.

"Brother Xiao, but in this case, our reputation will……"Han Chen hesitated.

Leaving half of the younger brothers behind, the eldest brother ran away with the remaining half. If this spreads to the world, the reputation of their Ni family will be ruined.

"Stop talking nonsense and do it."Ni Yongxiao glanced at Han Chen with a sinister look.

Why didn't he know?

But he had no choice but to lose his car to save his commander.

Otherwise, everyone would be trapped here, and they would lose everything. Just more

"Yes, Brother Xiao."

Han Chen opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing. He shook his head secretly and turned around to give instructions.


"Damn it, just let that guy Ni Yongxiao run away."Tian Yangyi cursed unwillingly.

Ni Yongxiao's plan was all seen by Tian Yangyi.

But he had no way to stop it. There were more than a thousand people in front of him blocking the way. If he didn't deal with them, there was no way he could even think about it. Catch up with Ni Yongxiao.

However, it won’t be possible to deal with them in a short while.

"Brother Yi, Brother Tian has brought someone here."

At this moment, Ahu came to Tian Yangyi and pointed to the front to report

"Brother Tian is here?"

Tian Yangyi looked up and saw Brother Tian and his men blocking the path of more than a thousand people from behind.

"If he could pursue him a little tighter, he might be able to keep Ni Yongxiao. Tian Yangyi sighed regretfully, and then said:"Let's go see Brother Tian.""

When Su Wentian brought people here, he happened to see this scene

"Ah Sheng, tell them to go down and lock them up if they surrender."Su Wentian's heart moved and he ordered to Tian Yangsheng.

"Yes, Brother Tian."

When Tian Yangsheng heard this, although he didn't understand Brother Tian's purpose of doing this, he still took Tony to convey Su Wentian's order.

These abandoned Ni family thugs were originally desperate, and there were pursuers behind them and interceptors in front.

But now they heard that they could survive as long as they surrendered. Almost instantly, everyone dropped their weapons and squatted on the ground.

Just in time, this scene was seen by Tian Yangyi who came over.

"Brother Tian"

"Sorry Brother Tian, ​​I let Ni Yongxiao run away."Tian Yangyi came to Su Wentian and bowed his head.

"Unexpectedly, this Ni Yongxiao actually ran away leaving so many people behind. Su Wentian laughed disdainfully and said:"From today on, the Ni family is ruined.""

Today, Ni Yongxiao can leave more than a thousand people and run away. Will it be the same next time? If word spreads to the world, who will work for the Ni family in the future?

If he is Ni Yongxiao, even if he dies, We cannot leave so many people behind. As long as the Ni family does not fall, Ni Yongxiao will not be in any danger.

"Go and imprison these people for me, and then use them to go to the Ni family in exchange for ransom."Su Wentian smiled coldly. He didn't ask for much. One hundred thousand for each person. The Ni family had to give it even if they didn't want to.

Only by redeeming these more than a thousand people could the Ni family maintain a little reputation. Otherwise, they would just Let's wait to be disbanded on the spot.

"Yes, Brother Tian."

According to statistics, a total of 1,362 Ni family thugs were captured this time.

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