Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 523 Disintegration

A week later.

Yan Xiong came to the office with a piece of information, put it on the table, and said: "Sir, the power structure within the Education Association has been clarified. The main person in charge is Situ Hua, and the political work is handled by Qian Shinian. Do."

"Huang Menghua serves as the deputy attendant and is responsible for contacting the teaching staff in each district."

He Dingxian took the document, opened it and said, "Is it that simple?"


"The Teachers Association is a registered trade union, so there is no problem legally. However, Qian Shinian is the chairman of the Chinese Trade Union, and his reputation has always been very bad."

The Chinese Trade Union is a department initiated by Gui Lao. It is nominally the Hong Kong Island Chinese Federation of Trade Unions, but in fact no one recognizes it at all.

In other words, the Chinese Trade Union has never been for the purpose of uniting the Chinese, but is an organization that serves to disintegrate the unity of the Chinese and dominate the Chinese.

"It seems that Situ Hua is just a tool man who came out to stand. Behind the scenes are the group of troublemakers led by Qian Shinian." He Dingxian frowned and continued to look at the documents. Yan Xiong's brows jumped sharply after hearing the words "people who are causing trouble in Hong Kong" and he quickly asked: "Do you want to arrest them?"

Although he had never heard of the term "Hong Kong elements", it did not prevent him from understanding the meaning of the term.

Since the boss used such harsh words to define several people, he was naturally the first target that needed to be eliminated.

"Among these three people are two city councilors, a justice of the peace, and a legislator. They can't be arrested just by asking." He Dingxian shook his head: "Arresting the three people without any evidence can only be attacked and annihilated by the Hong Kong government. Chance."

"If it arouses the collective resentment of the Legislative Council, it will bring great obstacles to the development of the police force."

Not to mention whether to use legislation to attack the police force, many things will become troublesome if the Ka-yika police force applies for legislation in the future.

"First, we will deploy elite agents from the Crime Unit, Intelligence Section, and Anti-Corruption Department to set up an investigation team to check whether the three people are involved in power-for-money transactions, and then consider how to arrest them next."

"Yes, sir!"

Yan Xiong replied solemnly, not daring to be negligent.

In the past, Szeto Wa, Qian Shinian, and Huang Menghua relied on the "Hong Kong Island Education Association" to enter the political arena and established the "Hong Kong Island Citizen Voluntary Democratic Movement Federation" and the "Hong Kong Island Democratic Alliance." Both of these are political parties that are really causing harm to Hong Kong, harboring a large number of cockroaches and pro-British people.

If it is reasonable for a political party to be active in political activities, good or bad, then why can the Hong Kong Island Teachers' Association and even the student unions of major schools in Hong Kong participate in social movements? You know, the Hong Kong Island Students' Union is the backbone of the movement that harms Hong Kong.

All kinds of rebellious speeches and demonstrations are mostly organized by student unions.

In some universities, even the president is beaten by students, and even the school directors dare not mess with the president of the student union.

This is because the Hong Kong Island Teachers’ Association has been pursuing political activities from the very beginning. It first used a “registered trade union” to provide a layer of legality, and then used the Teachers’ Association to kidnap faculty and staff. After ten or twenty years of accumulation, all teaching staff in Hong Kong are members of the Teachers Association.

At that time, one mobilization by the Teachers Association and one policy could shake up the entire education sector.

No matter how highly ranked university presidents and school directors are, they cannot do without teachers and are even more afraid of teachers causing trouble.

Because teachers are the main value of a school, major schools that dare not mess with teachers, let alone the Teachers Association. As long as the Teachers Association directly connects with the student union, it can use money and degrees to corrupt the student body and empower the student union.

So, don’t laugh at the bad University of Hong Kong and cover up the Hong Kong Students’ Union. In fact, it is not the school that is bad, but the teachers in the school. One of the principals, school directors, and teachers serves management, one serves the economy, and the other serves academics.

They only hold high positions, and their political influence has long been stolen by the Teachers Association.

As for young people and student groups, they have always been fans of social movements. They are an important front that will be won over by the enemy if they don't fight for it. It can be said that Gui Lao can think of using the Teachers Association to indirectly control the young people in Hong Kong Island, which is indeed a very clever method.

Another part of this plan is to use the votes of faculty and New Territories people to push figures from the Teachers Association to the seats of parliamentarians, and gradually maintain Gui Lao's influence by controlling the Legislative Council. It was because of the lack of grassroots influence when the Education Association was first established that Szeto Hua was re-employed. Even though Hong Kong Island is still under the rule of the Governor's Office, Gui Lao knows best that the power of the Hong Kong government is being lost.

They not only have to prepare for the fight for the sovereignty of Hong Kong Island, but also prepare for how to continue to influence Hong Kong Island after the return of Hong Kong Island.

Even for some well-known reasons, the latter is ranked before the former.

The Teachers Association can also provide outstanding students with political opportunities through the two political parties, so that students can work hard willingly. In the future, Szeto will rely on votes from the New Territories to become a member of the Education Functional Group of the Legislative Council, and use the authority of the Legislative Council to poison the education sector. Education has always been called the political fortress of disaster, and the best time to knock down a fortress is when it is first built.

New Territories.

Tuen Mun.

At the entrance of the Situ Ancestral Hall, hundreds of wooden tables were set up, and a grand flowing banquet was being held.

Almost all the prominent people in the New Territories were present, including several members of the Municipal Council and the Legislative Council. A large portion of Poon Choi is placed on each table, which includes pig head, beef, chicken, cabbage, lettuce, and enoki mushrooms.

All in all, it’s a Hong Kong-style hodgepodge.

The younger members of the Situ clan, who were young and strong and were being put into important positions, followed the clan leader with pride and honor. When some juniors from the branch saw the clan leader coming to toast, they quickly stood up, holding the wine glass and said: "Uncle Hua, congratulations."

"Congratulations to Uncle Hua for being elected chairman of the Teachers Association."

They looked at Situ Huadao with admiration in their eyes.

A few years ago, the Situ family was a rural clan. In a short period of time, the patriarch became a justice of the peace, a legislator, and now the chairman of the Hong Kong Island Education Association. Although everyone knows that a few titles have no real power, they are enough to control people in the countryside.

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

Situ Hua was wearing a suit with a red belt hanging on his shoulders, with the words "Successfully elected Chairman of the Teachers Association" written on it. Dressing up is a bit uncouth, but it is very appropriate for the moment, and it is the best way to win the respect of the locals.

After toasting with several tables of people from the same clan, he also finished drinking with several chatty people with big surnames.


He cleared his throat and suddenly said loudly: "As Chairman of the Teachers' Association, I am supported by my fellow New Territories residents and members of the Municipal Council. I assure you that while doing a good job in the work of the Teachers' Association, I will also try my best to develop the New Territories." educate."

"The New Territories is a rural area with few schools, let alone good schools. After the end of World War II, the Hong Kong government has been committed to developing education in the New Territories and has done a lot of work over the past few decades. I devoted myself to education because I hope that people in the New Territories can study in the future. If you study hard, you can go to a good school.”

These words can be said to hit the point of pain for the New Territories villagers. Many villagers present immediately stood up and applauded loudly, shouting: "Okay."

"Thank you, Uncle Hua."

Situ Hua has a kind and kind smile, his temples are a little gray, but his hair is neatly combed, giving him the impression of being old, stable and trustworthy. Lu Hantao and Wang Zhenbang couldn't help but feel a little envious when they saw Situ Hua's beauty.

Inside the ancestral hall.

Situ Hua, who had just finished toasting, hurried in and sat down at the tea table. He looked at Qian Shinian and Huang Menghua who were already drinking tea and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, Chairman Qian and Councilor Huang, I'm old and can't bear the power of alcohol."

"The same goes for us. We hid in the ancestral hall early to make tea." Qian Shinian was wearing a suit and a pocket watch, dressing up like an English gentleman. Huang Menghua was wearing a beige women's suit and glasses, looking like a strong woman: "Mr. Situ, there will be a meeting with the Central faculty and staff tomorrow, and I need you to prepare well."

"no problem."

Situ Hua agreed simply.

The Hong Kong Island Teachers' Association was established not long ago and is still very weak. Only teachers and staff from some schools in the New Territories and Kowloon have registered as members. Expanding the membership base is the top priority.

"Sir, the latest information from the investigation team is that Qian Shinian took bribes for a long time when he was the president of the Chinese Labor Union, helping British-owned factories to provide labor and taking commissions in the process." Yan Xiong stood in the office and reported several clues: " In addition, Huang Menghua’s election as a municipal councilor may be suspected of fraud, and Municipal Director Lewis was involved.”

"As for Situ Hua, we have no clues yet."

The Urban Council is not one of the three departments and twelve bureaus, but an independent parliamentary department. It is the intermediate level in Hong Kong Island's "three-tier parliamentary" system. The highest level is the Legislative Council and the lowest level is the District Council. However, the three-tier parliamentary system is not simply a matter of rising from level to level, but a relationship between individual candidates.

For example, if you run for the Legislative Council and are elected, you are a legislator, and if you run for the Urban Council and are elected, you are a city councilor. There is a distinction between high and low levels between the two, but there is no superior-subordinate relationship. As for the lowest level district council, it is also called a township council.

The group of people who often hold photos on the streets, hand out leaflets in person, and give speeches are candidates at the city and district levels. The Legislative Council is not a game played by ordinary people. Apart from routine election activities, they will not appear alone in public.

He Dingxian was not surprised that the investigation team uncovered dirty information about the two of them. People who betrayed their conscience in order to help the ghost guy would definitely not have any lofty ideals. You must be greedy if you have the opportunity, and you must be greedy if you don't have the opportunity. However, several departments worked together and failed to obtain any black information about Situ Hua, but he was quite surprised: "Is Situ Hua very clean?"

"The matter of running for election is very clean. There is no bribery or violation of laws. Even in the past several injury cases involving the maintenance of the clan system or the acquisition of Ding rights, other people in the family have gone to find them, and it is difficult to find them. People testify.”

This is the unity of the clan.

He Dingxian nodded and said: "First arrest Qian Shinian and Huang Menghua, and then put Situ Hua in a dog cage and bring him to me. Without their behind-the-scenes support, let's see what big trouble Situ Hua can make."



Yan Xiong solemnly accepted the order.

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