"Brother Li, will you let him go, let's just kill him without doing anything!" Scar

watched Luo Dingfa leave, and said with a little unfinished.

Chen Li looked at him and said with a smile, "He is Lian Haolong's right-hand man, if you kill him, aren't you afraid that Lian Haolong will seek revenge on you?" "I don't

care if he is Lian Haolong or Lian Haoworm, as long as Brother Li speaks, I dare to cut the Heavenly King Laozi!" Scar patted his chest and said.

"Hahaha, good job, Scar! Come out to mix, just have the fierceness of you!" Chen Li patted him on the shoulder and said.

Scar also smiled, "Brother Li, then I'll take my brother to cut this Ah Fa now!" I'll run away after cutting it, don't trouble Brother Li!"

Chen Li stopped him and said, "Scar, come out to mix, in addition to being ruthless, you must also have wisdom." Luo Dingfa I keep it is still useful, and when he is no longer useful, someone will naturally help me kill him! We don't need to do it!"

"Then who will help us kill him?" Scar asked puzzled.

Chen Li smiled and didn't answer him again, but said to Alun and the others: "Now the police are keeping an eye on it, if you don't do it yourself, don't do it yourself!"

After returning to the office, Chen Li directly sent a pager to Huang Zhicheng.

At this time, Huang Zhicheng was in a meeting, but when he saw that it was Chen Li, he immediately returned to him a hotel address.

An hour later, Huang Zhicheng met Chen Li on the roof of the hotel.

"Sir Huang, I'm a little curious, why do we want to meet on the rooftop? Isn't it more convenient to talk directly with a pager?"

"The pager is not secure, and the message is easy to detect. Do you have any situation to report to me?" Huang Zhicheng didn't want to talk nonsense with Chen Liduo, so he asked straight to the point.

Chen Li added fuel to the incident of catching the fat intestine last night, and said: "The fat intestine said that Ah Fa will go to Dawangzi to transport a batch of goods in the near future, but he doesn't know the time and place. I think this is very important news, so I will immediately report it to Inspector Huang!" Huang

Zhicheng frowned and said, "Well, this is indeed a very critical news. Zhongyixin has been dealing in drugs very frequently recently, if you have any other news, you must report it to me in time

!" "Inspector Huang, don't worry, I will report as soon as I have news!" Chen

Liyi said rhetorically, and then he asked again, "Inspector Huang, I provided such important information, can you offset my murder?"

Huang Zhicheng shook his head and said, "Chen Li, murder is a capital crime, if you want to write it off based on just a few pieces of news, then there is no death row prisoner! But don't be discouraged, although it can't be completely written off, your punishment can be reduced! As long as you provide more key information, one day, you can atone for your crimes!" "

I understand, Inspector Huang, I will make persistent efforts to get my guilt as soon as possible!" Chen

Li is like drinking a big bowl of chicken soup, full of infinite motivation and yearning for the future.

"Well, Chen Li, you are very conscious! I am very optimistic about you!" Huang

Zhicheng patted Chen Li's shoulder with great satisfaction, but he was sneering in his heart, wanting to completely atone for the crime, if you don't completely squeeze out your surplus value, you can honestly be my informant for me.

After Huang Zhicheng left, Chen Li put away his ignorant expression and replaced it with an incomprehensible profundity.

Huang Zhicheng, an old fox, has first-class pie painting skills, big and round.

No wonder Chen Yongren was deceived by him for three years and three years in the movie, and finally he couldn't return to the police station until he died.

It's because I believed Huang Zhicheng's nonsense.

And Chen Li, who knew the truth, naturally didn't think that this old fox would really let himself go.

When you lose your use value, you will definitely not be able to escape from the crime of homicide and crime.

The reason why Chen Li told Huang Zhicheng about Zhongyixin's transaction in Dawangzi was not to atone for his guilt, but because he didn't know the time of the transaction.

But he believes that with Huang Zhicheng's methods and the information of his undercover agents, the other party will definitely know the specific time of the Zhongyi Xin transaction.

The trading time of Dawangzi and Xihuanwei is synchronized, and Chen Li can calculate the time of Xihuanwei's transaction through the time of Huang Zhicheng's actions.

This batch of goods in Xihuanwei was secretly carried out by Su Su and Ah Fa, and only sent a few henchmen, and when the time comes, Chen Li can not only intercept their money halfway, but also eat a boatload of 200 million goods if he can.

This time and again, it is 400 million!

It is much more than the last time I ransacked Ah Fa's warehouse, and I made 40 million incense.

After returning to the photo studio, Chen Li summoned Alun, A Leopard, and Scar.

Let the three of them choose ten of them from among the many younger brothers, who are agile and absolutely loyal.

Because this robbery of the West Ring Tail is a very important matter, there must be no mismatch.

Be sure to end the fight before the faithful and the police react.

"Do you have anything else to say, if it's okay, go get busy first!"

Alun said at this time: "Brother Li, Ah Guang is back."

"Ah Guang, when did he come back, and where is he now?" Chen Li searched for Ah Guang's name in his memory, and soon remembered that this was "his" friend when he was a child.

A few years ago, Ah Guang stood up for Chen Li, killed someone by mistake, and fled to Southeast Asia.

It's been nearly a decade.

Chen Li and Aaron both thought that he had died outside, but they didn't expect to come back at this time.

"He's downstairs!" said Arun.

"Then don't let him come up quickly

!" "Well, I'll call him now!" Alun

went downstairs and called Ah Guang up, the two met, Chen Li was actually fine, the original memory had little impact on him now, but Ah Guang hugged Chen Li very excitedly.

"Brother Li, I also thought I would never see you again in my life, but I didn't expect that I would die and come back!" Ah Guang was very excited at the moment, after decades of exile, Hong Kong Island was the last harbor in his heart.

"Ah Guang, it's good to come back! Ah Lun and I have been looking forward to you all the time!"

Chen Li also squeezed out a little tear, no way, acting too indifferent at this time will chill his brother's heart.

Aaron also walked to his side and said, "Ah Guang, I must have suffered a lot in foreign countries all these years."

"It's okay, it's good to get used to it, but there are no relatives and friends around, and sometimes it's very lonely!" Ah Guang wiped away his tears, he had been in exile for decades, and he had shed countless blood, but he had never shed tears.

Chen Li put his arm around his shoulders and said, "Now that you're back, me, Aaron, and Ah Leopard, Scar, etc., these are all your good brothers." You won't be lonely anymore!" "

Ah Leopard, Scar, let me introduce to you, this is my good brother Ah Guang who has played since I was a child!

"You don't have to call me Brother Guang, just call me Ah Guang. Ah Guang said politely to the two.

Ah Bao said: "Brother Guang, you are Brother Li's brother, and we should call you brother." My name is Ah Bao, Brother Guang needs to give direct orders in the future!

" Chen Li said: "Ah Guang, a lot must have happened in Southeast Asia over the years, right? Can you tell us about it?"

"It is true that a lot of things have happened, in the first year I entered Southeast Asia, I was sold to a fraud organization in northern Myanmar, and then I escaped and joined a mercenary organization called "Red Blood Cells"...

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