Homo sapiens

Chapter 19 Arrangement

More than a month later.

The time came to the end of June 2018.

At this time, after a series of tests and adjustments, the soldier programs of the seven soldier experimental subjects were finally able to run stably, at least they would not exhibit artificially retarded behavior.

In order to make the soldiers look a little different, a new [habitual characteristic] has been edited in the soldier's subroutine.

For example, they like to tell incomprehensible jokes, make noises when eating, have a mouth habit, like to eat specific foods, like specific books and TV shows, etc.

Each soldier will randomly have two or three habitual characteristics as a reflection of differentiation.

After all, it would be very surprising if a group of people were all silent. Unless these soldiers stayed in the core area of ​​the scientific research base, differentiated characteristics were essential.

Although the computing power of Bingren's biochip is only a few hundred megabits per second, fortunately, Bingren has an advantage, that is, it can issue vague instructions.

Nowadays, the operation mode of general artificial intelligence is actually very simple and crude. The specific performance is as follows:

Set up a series of running modes. After encountering a problem, match it through the database, and then execute it according to the preset running mode. If the corresponding mode is not matched, manual intervention is required.

And that execution instruction has to be very precise.

For example, take the instruction to eat.

Ordinary artificial intelligence must set hundreds of parameters such as precise time, position, speed, strength, and movement.

There is another type of artificial intelligence, which uses powerful computing power and databases to conduct exhaustive analysis. The problem is that current computer technology cannot support the popularization of artificial intelligence.

For example, AlphaGo can only perform computational analysis on a single problem in a single field and through a pre-set framework.

If AlphaGo is used as the on-board artificial intelligence of a car, it may not be as good as Xiaoai.

The operating mode of soldiers does not need to be so complicated, because the experimental subjects themselves are human beings and they can execute vague instructions.

That is, if the soldier program orders to eat, the body will call upon the habits and instincts of the original brain, and does not require continuous and refined control by the soldier program.

This saves a lot of computing power and makes the soldiers behave more humanly instead of looking like robots.

Using the previous experimental animal storage cabinet, Li Qingye loaded Bafat and other soldiers into it and ordered Chen Jianxiong to escort them to the previous warehouse No. 3 of Dart Port.

Bafat and the others have their own identity documents and do not need to forge their identities.

As for their previous gangster status, that gangster has been crippled by Lao Du. As long as they no longer touch those black products, there will naturally be no big problem.

After the storage cabinet was safely delivered to the warehouse, Li Qingye followed closely and came to the office building in Dart Harbor to inspect the work.

After making an excuse and dismissing the warehouse manager, he quickly released the seven soldiers. According to the previously arranged tasks, these people took action quickly.

When they heard that Li Qingye was coming to Dart Harbor, Li Jinglan and Kang Nan hurried back from the farm construction site.

"Not bad, 6 breeding farms have been built, but the manpower seems to be a bit insufficient!" Li Qingye put down the documents in his hand.

Li Jinglan nodded: "Kangnan and I are already preparing for recruitment and will hold job fairs in surrounding towns in the near future."

"Well, very good." Li Qingye suddenly changed the topic and shouted towards the door of the office: "Come in!"

Bafat and another skinny soldier walked in.

"His name is Bafat. He is a child of a relative of mine. He is an honest man. From now on, he will study with Jinglan. Don't worry about me. Please help me to discipline him. The other one is Bafat's friend. You also make arrangements."

Hearing Li Qingye's words, Li Jinglan didn't show anything. After all, this kind of thing is not a big deal in Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia.

There are many family businesses in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, and it is common for relatives and friends to cross paths with each other. Who doesn’t have seven aunts and eight aunts?

Li Jinglan patted Bafat on the shoulder and replied with a smile: "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely make arrangements."

As for the remaining five soldiers, two of them are secret agents and will enter the company through open recruitment.

The other three people were lurking in the surrounding areas, collecting relevant intelligence for Li Qingye.

If everyone is put on the bright side, these people will easily be isolated by Li Jinglan, Kang Nan and others, so it is wise to combine the bright and dark.

Li Jinglan quickly arranged jobs for Bafat and the two of them.

Bafat is Li Jinglan's assistant, responsible for driving and running errands. Another soldier is assigned to manage the construction progress of the construction site and is a temporary supervisor.

Li Qingye remained silent about this.

Less than ten days.

The other two secret agents have also passed the recruitment of Homo Sapiens Company, namely warehouse keeper and breeder. After all, these are ordinary jobs, and the wages are at the average level in the local area.

In addition, Li Qingye asked Bafat to study at the job fair. Through this arrangement, it was ensured that the two hidden informants could enter the company smoothly.

July 16th.

Li Qingye inspected the construction site again.

This is a seaside town, about 33 kilometers away from Dart Port. Homo sapiens company has invested in a total of 8 large-scale breeding farms in this bay.

At this time, two farms in this breeding base have been completed, and employees are conducting final inspections.

Under the scorching sun, everyone was sweating profusely.

Li Qingye took a sip of ice-cold mineral water: "Huh... these employees have worked hard, working under the bright sun. Jing Lan, we need to give them high temperature subsidies and ask the canteen to prepare more watermelon, ice cream, mung bean soup and the like."

"I'll make arrangements as soon as possible." Li Jinglan turned around and gave some instructions to his secretary.

Li Qingye continued to ask: "When are these two completed farms estimated to be put into use?"

Tashi, who knew a lot about breeding technology, stood up and replied: "Boss, please test the waterproofness of the pond and debug the equipment. It is estimated that it can be put into use in half a month."

Li Qingye nodded, and then ordered: "That's good, then you and Kangnan will discuss it, and first separate a group of small white eels from the breeding farm on Calagua Island and come here. Don't raise glass eels all at once. .”

"Understood." Tashi also understood very clearly.

As a newly completed new pond, there will definitely be various problems that need to be adjusted at the beginning. Glass eels are too fragile.

Just when everyone was about to leave after viewing the breeding base.

Li Qingye suddenly pointed at an employee who worked very hard: "This young man is good, Jianxiong, please arrange for him to be transferred to the security department.".

Although Chen Jianxiong, Li Jinglan and others were a little surprised, the boss transferred an ordinary employee to a position, and it was not like appointing the other person to be a minister, so there was no reason to refuse.

In fact, this was an arranged encounter, and Li Qingye's purpose was to confuse the Security Department. After all, the Security Department was responsible for his daily security work and also managed the scientific research base on Calagua Island.

Whether it is your own safety or the secrets of the scientific research base, you must use trustworthy soldiers to take care of it.

He doesn't trust those security employees. After all, these people are just employees. How many people can be relied on at critical moments, it is estimated that a 9.9% discount will be given.

Taking advantage of the company's recent large-scale recruitment opportunities, placing soldiers within the Homo sapiens company is something Li Qingye has always wanted to do.

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