Hollywood Starts with Animation

Chapter 229 Determine the director of

The "Spider-Man" movie has a production budget of up to 140 million US dollars. Looking at the whole of Hollywood, it is also a first-line commercial production of the A category. Of course, we must be cautious about the selection of the director.

"Boss, I think Cameron is very suitable. As we all know, he is a big fan of Spider-Man." Old Bill suggested.

As early as 1990, Cameron announced that he would personally direct the "Spider-Man" live-action movie.

To this end, he even went on his own to write the script and prepared for five months.

However, various copyright disputes between several production companies, Cameron lost the opportunity to direct "Spider-Man".

Kevin Feige vetoed: "I don't agree. I don't deny Cameron's directing ability. The achievements of "Titanic" have attracted worldwide attention, but Bill, do you think our production cost of 140 million US dollars is enough for him to make ?"


Old Bill raised his brows and gritted his teeth: "You also said that he is good enough. I firmly believe that Cameron is the most suitable candidate. Looking at Hollywood, there are not many people who can be better than Cameron in science fiction movies."

Don't forget, the sci-fi movie "Terminator" series is Cameron's proud work.


Zucker shook his head immediately.

James Cameron is indeed a master director, but his ability to spend money like water also makes people tremble.

The main thing is the cycle of his filming, which is so protracted!

"Titanic" lasted for 4 years from the start of the project, to preparation, shooting, post-production, and release;

The production cycle of "Avatar" is as long as 6 years;

"Where does I have so much time for Cameron?"

"Even if I am willing to give him such a long time, investors such as Mountain Capital and the Carlos Foundation are definitely not willing to wait that long."

Zhu Ke thought for a while in his mind, and said solemnly: "Everyone, let's not mention whether Cameron is the best candidate. What price should we pay to make him willing to be the director?"


Old Bill and the others were stunned.

"That's right!"

Kevin Feige said loudly: "Cameron's price is too high, we can't afford it. We must know that only 20% of the North American box office dividend is enough to minimize our profits."

A "Titanic", Cameron accounted for 15% of the box office dividends, making him $115 million!

"Don't want Cameron, he's too expensive!" Zucker firmly rejected Old Bill's proposal.

He is too expensive!

A person like Zhu Ke, who is full of stingy attributes, is definitely not willing to give this huge sum of money, even if he is very arrogant!

Moreover, at this stage, the financial situation of Wald Pictures is not as good as imagined.

Old Bill said again: "Kevin, who do you recommend?"

The voice fell, and the eyes of everyone present immediately focused on Kevin Feige.

Although Kevin Feige is young, his outstanding ability has won him unanimous affirmation from everyone since he joined Wald Pictures. Young and promising is his label. Moreover, he is currently the second-in-command of Wald Pictures, with huge power.

"There are two people I recommend."

"And they're all very good directors."

"One is our old friend Zack Snyder. The "Spartan 300 Warriors" in post-production is extremely good, and we can fully believe in his ability;"

"The second is Stephen Sommers. Some people present may not have heard his name, but he is an excellent director who has been following for a long time. He is also fully qualified to direct the "Spider-Man" movie."

Stephen Sommers?

As Kevin Feige's voice fell, there were really many people present who had never heard of this name.

Stephen Sommers, who is he?

"It was him!"

Others may not have heard the name Stephen Sommers, but Zucker really knows him!

The famous "Mummy" series is Stephen Sommers' proud work. In 2009, he also directed the hit movie "Special Forces: The Rise of the Cobra".

"Zha Dao is indeed very good, and I agree with Mr. Feige's recommendation."

"I watched a lot of the unedited clips of "300", and Zha Dao's color scheduling was excellent."


There is no doubt that for Zach Snyder, who has worked with Wald Films many times, the executives present are still happy to work with him again.

"I don't agree!"

The old guy Bill McNick retorted: "Everyone, don't forget that "Spider-Man" is a sci-fi superhero movie. Director Zha has no experience in this regard. With a production cost of 140 million US dollars, we can't take risks."


For a time, many people present also hesitated.

A big production of 140 million US dollars can't have the slightest mistake!

Don't you see many film companies that blindly made high-cost movies and made the wrong choice of directors, resulting in a fiasco at the box office and the company going bankrupt?

Wu Baige's "Wind Whisperer" failed miserably at the box office.

Let MGM, which is already very old, on the verge of bankruptcy;

Ang Lee filmed "The Hulk", adding too many humanistic factors and philosophical thinking to a good superhero film, resulting in a fiasco of the film, and he himself completely lost the favor of first-line commercial blockbusters.

As a person from the Great Celestial Dynasty in his previous life, Zhu Ke knew the two of them very well.

Therefore, Zucker is very cautious in the selection of the director of "Spider-Man".

Old Bill, Kevin Feige, and a group of executives each had their own opinions and recommended candidates. No one could convince anyone, and in the end, Zucker made the final decision.

Zucker doesn't make the final decision, so the decision on the director's choice will inevitably be delayed for a long time.

- Sam Raimi!

"I recommend Sam Raimi as the director of the "Spider-Man" movie!" Zucker said solemnly.

Immediately, everyone was surprised.

Old Bill: "If I remember correctly, he seems to be the director of the thriller "Ghosts" series."

Kevin Feige: "Boss, is he okay?"

Can't help but not doubt?

Is a director who often shoots horror/thriller movies competent to direct "Spider-Man"?

Anyone who changes will put a question mark first, which is human nature.

However...they don't know that in the original time and space, Sam Raimi is the director of "Spider-Man".

He did a pretty good job!

In fact, Zucker initially considered Zach Snyder to direct Spider-Man.

But when he thinks of "Superman: Man of Steel", "Watchmen" and other movies, Zucker feels that he is not suitable.

Zach Snyder is the kind of director who has a very strong style and a "dark" tendency.

How can the funny Spider-Man Peter Parker become a "dark"-inclined hero next door?

Therefore, Zu Ke had to reluctantly abandon the love general!

Furthermore, letting Sam Raimi, the "original" director, direct "Spider-Man" can also guarantee success to the greatest extent.

Most importantly, he charges cheap!

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