Hollywood Starts with Animation

Chapter 116 Profit over 100 million

The financial crisis swept across Southeast Asian countries, and the currencies of various countries or regions depreciated one after another.

For a time, the entire financial market was shocked!

Many businesses and banks are at risk of bankruptcy and bankruptcy.

However, press spokespersons from Southeast Asian countries and regions said they were not panicking. Ask people to believe that the government will be able to salvage the situation. Even issued a document saying that many international speculators must regret the impact on the currency of their own countries and regions!

July 20.

On this day, the head of Malaysia's financial control department attended the ASEAN emergency summit and delivered a speech at the meeting.

"Everyone, we can't wait any longer, we must act, otherwise it will be too late! Even, in a critical situation, we can apply for assistance from the International Monetary Fund."


Heads of countries scoffed at the speech made by the representative of Malaysia.

Although they know that the financial crisis swept across Southeast Asia is serious, they do not think that their country cannot survive the crisis.

The representative of Singapore said: "Our Singapore dollar is strong, and the turmoil in the foreign exchange market is temporary. I think we have the ability to weather this crisis. Therefore, we do not need the International Monetary Fund to participate!"

The representative of the Philippines: "We are also opposed to applying for assistance from the International Monetary Fund. We are a big country, not the stupid Thai authorities."

Indonesian representative: "Yes, don't forget the Asian miracle we have achieved in these decades!"

The confident and arrogant words of the representatives of various countries really made the representatives of Thailand angry!

What a fucking bully!

There is wood!

Co-authoring is my family's worst luck right now, isn't it?

That's right, the representatives of various countries and regions are just watching the excitement.

As for you saying that their own country's currency is devalued?

Huh, little question. This is nothing more than a regular market turmoil.

Well, many of them think so!


at the same time.

Zucker, who was watching the news of the ASEAN meeting in Los Angeles, shook his head disdainfully.

"The Asian Miracle? It's just an illusion of prosperity driven by some policies. Are you still taking it seriously?!"

The so-called Asian miracle refers to the rapid growth of GDP and the accelerated growth of government tax revenue in Southeast Asian countries and regions in the past ten years, which has promoted the rapid economic growth of their countries and regions.

In fact, the foreign exchange policies of some Asian countries and regions have been extremely inappropriate in the past decade or so.

In order to attract foreign capital, they maintain a fixed exchange rate on the one hand, and expand financial liberalization on the other hand. For example, before the domestic financial system was not straightened out, Thailand abolished the control of the capital market in 1992, which made the flow of short-term funds unimpeded and formed the prosperity of the financial capital market.

And this just provides the conditions for foreign speculators to speculate on the Thai baht.

At the same time, in order to maintain a fixed exchange rate system, Asian countries and regions have used foreign exchange reserves for a long time to make up for their deficits, resulting in an increase in foreign debt.

"As we all know, when there is a lot of medium-term and short-term debt, once the outflow of foreign capital exceeds the inflow of foreign capital, and the country's foreign exchange reserves are not enough to make up for the shortfall, the currency of this country and region will depreciate, it is inevitable. "

Zucker shook his head.

"You guys are really confident, but I believe it won't be long before your bowels will be regretful."


The truth is as Zucker expected.

In a few days.

The currencies of various countries in the entire Southeast Asia region are still depreciating wildly and continuously, terrifying the always proud governments and regional authorities!

International speculators one by one,

With their huge capital, the accumulated wealth of more than 7 trillion US dollars is constantly impacting the foreign exchange market of Southeast Asian countries.

They frantically plunder the wealth of countries and regions!

In less than a week, countries and regions have lost enormous wealth. There are billions of dollars in less areas, and even tens of billions of dollars in losses!

"how is this possible?"

"My God! These wolves are so cruel!"

"The situation is completely out of control!"

"The foreign exchange reserves of our countries and regions are completely unable to cope with these jackals and leopards!"

"It's over!"

"Our foreign exchange market is screwed!"


Authorities in Southeast Asian countries and regions were dumbfounded. The situation got out of control and caught them off guard.

July 31.

On this day, the Malaysian government is the first to speak!

“As our foreign exchange reserves are insufficient, we have decided to abandon our efforts to defend the ringgit (Malaysian currency).”

That's right, the Malaysian government is cowardly facing the surging influx of international speculators.

Giving up the protection of the ringgit means their total surrender!

On the day, the ringgit (Malaysian ringgit) fell 7.8% against the US dollar. A group of international speculators, led by the five major investment banks on Wall Street and the Quantum Fund, are making crazy money today.

"Boss, we made a lot of money!"

Henry Jurgenberg, President of Gale Capital, said excitedly to Zucker: "One day! In just one day, we have made 30 million US dollars in the Malaysian foreign exchange market!"

Henry has reason to be excited!

It made a profit of US$30 million in one day. Although this figure cannot be compared with the five major investment banks on Wall Street, today's profit is also the highest single-day profit of Gale Capital since the beginning of July.

"Yeah!" Zucker nodded.

Excited, Zu Ke could not help but wave his fists fiercely.

Zhu Ke is also proud of himself. Although he is a traveler and knows some things about the financial crisis, he doesn't know much. After all, he was not in the financial industry in his previous life, and the system also pretended to be dead. He was able to achieve today's profits. , How can you not be proud and proud?

The financial and foreign exchange market is changing rapidly, and a fluctuation of one or two percentage points can make many people go bankrupt, not to mention today's ringgit fell 7.8%.

200x leverage!

This is also the first time in the Asian financial crisis that Zucker used such a huge leverage to control.

It turns out that Zucker made the right bet!

With a profit of 30 million US dollars in a single day, once the news broke out, it was enough to make Zucker famous.

"Although the result proved that I won, the risk is too great and the heart can't stand it. The next step is to play steadily."

Zucker murmured.

Time entered August, and in the next ten days, a group of international speculators frantically overturned the foreign exchange market in Southeast Asian countries and attacked the city.

Following the fall of the foreign exchange market in Malaysia, the foreign exchange markets of countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore, which are mainly based on "replacement of export-oriented economies", have collapsed one after another.

The currency is depreciating like crazy!

Heads of Southeast Asian countries and regions have said: "The trend is over, the situation is completely out of control!"

It was not until the International Monetary Fund and the five permanent members of the United Nations participated urgently that the out-of-control economic situation in Southeast Asia was alleviated.

But it's too late!

What is left to countries and regions can only be a mess and a piece of chicken feathers!

Within 45 days of the outbreak of the Asian Financial Crisis, financial institutions headed by the Soros Quantum Fund had earned more than $2 billion;

The profits of a large number of capital investment banks and international speculators on Wall Street are also very considerable, less than hundreds or tens of millions of dollars, and more than billions of dollars; of course, the five major Wall Street investment banks that made a fortune behind the Quantum Fund, That is more profitable, each of which is more than the income of the Quantum Fund.

Zhu Ke's Gale Capital is regarded as a small shrimp among a group of international speculators.

But, who made Zucker the transmigrator? !

Relying on the advantage of foresight, Zucker used high leverage generously at several key nodes, and made a lot of profits in one fell swoop.

In 45 days, Gale Capital settled and made a profit, totaling 260 million US dollars!

Looking at the financial report in his hand, Zu Ke raised his mouth slightly: "This is just the first wave of the Asian financial crisis."

"You must know that in the history of the original time and space, this financial crisis lasted for more than a year. I will not participate in the Hong Kong and Wanwan markets because of a red heart. However, the operation of the Japanese yen and the Korean won does not matter what you say. Gotta get a kick."

The second update of "" is sent, and I ask for support every day.

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