Hollywood Road

Chapter 470 Money

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At the same time that Twentieth Century Fox launched the project, Murphy’s new project was also officially named "The Wolf of Wall Street". Although Jordan Belfort himself caused some troubles, Stanton Studios holds the relevant copyright of the autobiography, and the terms are clear There is no ambiguity, just like Winston Groom in "Forrest Gump" back then, and it is impossible for Jordan Belfort to shake this film. [Gate of Mysterious Realm]【..】

After the project was approved, 20th Century Fox, Stanton Studios and Megan Ellison’s foundation held three-party talks, and officially determined that the production cost of the film was 100 million US dollars, of which 20th Century Fox accounted for 60% of the investment. Um, Stanton Studio holds 25% of the adaptation rights and part of the investment, and Megan Ellison's foundation holds 15%.

Compared with investment, Murphy focused his profits on the director's salary. His basic salary was 15 million US dollars, and he enjoyed 20% of the film's global box office share, as well as 100% of the DVD and online pay-on-demand revenue. 20/20.

At the same time, Robert Downey Jr. and Jonah Hill also accepted Murphy's invitation to play the two most important roles of Jordan Belfort and Dony Azoff respectively.

The salary of the three of them alone is as high as 35 million US dollars, accounting for more than one-third of the production cost. Adding in the expenses of Murphy's entire production team, the salary of the crew will inevitably reach nearly half of the total production cost.

This also means that it is impossible for the crew to offer high remuneration to other actors, thus lacking the possibility of attracting big-name actors to join.

Of course, there were also people who came for Murphy Stanton, such as Christopher Waltz, who cameo-starred as Jordan Belfort's leader on Wall Street with a symbolic salary of 10,000 US dollars.

And Margot Robbie, who pitched Murphy to play Jordan Belfort's second wife, Naomi.

"I heard from David that you want to audition for this role?"

In the office of Stanton's studio, Murphy looked at his girlfriend's best friend sitting opposite, and said, "Maggie, there are some things I need to explain to you first. [Gate of the Mysterious World]"

In any case, he and Margot Robbie have known each other for many years, and the other party is David Robbie's sister and Gal Gadot's good friend. Even Murphy would consider these relationships as appropriate, not to mention Margot - Robbie's condition is not bad.

"Murphy, I've seen some character scripts from the agency." Margot Robbie brushed back her blond hair, "I think I'm still very suitable to play a beautiful and sexy model."

After speaking, she laughed herself first.

Margot Robbie knows where her strengths are. Under the same conditions, she must be the first choice in the audition.

"You're very confident." Murphy teased, and Margot Robbie pouted and said, "The thing I learned the most from Gale is self-confidence."

Thinking of Gal Gadot made her smile even wider.

Murphy shook his head, stopped talking about these irrelevant things, and gradually turned to the main topic, "Maggie, there are some things, I hope you have enough understanding before the audition."

"Yeah!" Margot Robbie nodded.

"The salary for this role is only $500,000." Murphy said directly without going around in circles, "No matter whoever wants to get this role, the salary of $500,000 will only be low or high."

If the actors used are not well-known, the salary will naturally be lower, even reduced to tens of thousands of dollars.

In the past, Margot Robbie played this role. There were not many choices, but now Margot Robbie is different. Both Three Idiots and Sosanna in the last film have made her famous , with her current worth, the salary of 500,000 US dollars is indeed a lot lower.

"The pay..." Margot Robbie hesitated, but still said, "I can accept the pay, and I will tell my agent. [Fights Break Sphere]"

Then she put on a serious expression again,

"Who told this to be your movie!"

"I haven't finished yet." Murphy went on to talk about other requirements, "This role will have a lot of drug use, and... full. Naked scenes, you'd better be mentally prepared."

Margot Robbie opened her mouth, "Uh..."

In such a large-scale "Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones", she played Sansa Stark without missing a point.

Therefore, Margot Robbie still has some concerns.

Murphy didn't have time to wait for her to think about it here, so he said directly, "Well, I'll ask someone to reserve an audition spot for you. If you want to participate, just call Bill."

This is already a great deal.

"Yeah." Margot Robbie nodded slightly, stood up and said, "Then I'll go first. Goodbye, Murphy."

Murphy had his secretary send Margot Robbie out of the Stanton studio.

After calling 20th Century Fox to discuss the availability of funds, Murphy also left the Stanton studio. He gathered stylist Jack Watson and art director Helena Espora to go to several famous brands The company seeks some help and support.

Since Jordan Belfort lived a life of extravagance at the time and used top-notch luxury goods, and it has been a while since now, it is not easy to find related props on the market.

Murphy's idea is to borrow the original samples from some brand companies. If not, I hope they can provide materials such as clothing design patterns so that the crew can make them themselves, and after the filming is over, all related props are guaranteed to be destroyed.

This can also be regarded as advertising for these brands, and there is no advertising fee.

If it was Murphy five years ago, no one would pay attention to him, but now he has managed most of the companies where the brands are located without spending much effort.

It is no exaggeration to say that these are one of the foundations of filming, because if Murphy wants to restore Jordan Belfort's dissolute and luxurious life, it is impossible to just use some cheap things in the filming of the film.

Murphy also explained in advance to Robert Downey Jr. and Jonah Hill that their roles also have a lot of large-scale roles. For the consideration of the next awards season, it is best for the two guys to play in person.

The film's sex scene can be troublesome, but it's an essential part of Murphy's plan.

Money, betrayal and sex are always intertwined. Sex needs money as a foundation and ends in betrayal. Money and betrayal are good brothers.

Murphy never thought of deleting the large-scale plot in the autobiography, but would try his best to restore it. Even if it cannot appear in the theater version, it can be added in the subsequent director's cut version.

Women's haircuts, men's self-blasphemy, and the crazy agitation of pyramid schemes, as well as the ugly scene of drugs and sex everywhere in the office after making money, these are the main points.

This line of empty-glove white wolf means very much. Since it does not provide specific labor products, it must burn its own desire, and then let the fire of its desire ignite customers, so that they can enter the network.

In fact, Murphy's planned "Wolf of Wall Street" will be full of drug abuse, prostitution, gang rape and even rape throughout the story.

In fact, in the final analysis, what Murphy wants to shoot is an interesting film that can attract the audience.

It is true that Jordan Belfort is not a good person, even ten times worse than Murphy and the Stanton party members, but one thing cannot be denied, Jordan Belfort's life makes many people yearn for it!

Not to mention other things, Jordan Belfort's situation is what many people dream of in terms of wealth alone. It seems easy for him to realize it, which is even more desirable.

There are many examples of such sudden wealth, but the personal charm of Jordan Belfort that the actor can display is what makes him special, although his difference is not those righteous courage or unique talent, his Difference is a charming evil that buries his life in sex, drugs, alcohol and deceit. He is by no means a pillar of this society, but he lives a "wonderful" life beyond reproach.

He throws parties at home, on his yacht and even in his office, he is always in the carnival, except for the contagious speech, he will go crazy for a small pill, he may not be a role model for anyone , can only provide a different kind of life that makes people look forward to, there is no room for learning and no possibility of copying.

To a certain extent, Joan Belfort is a lunatic, even mentally ill.

At the beginning, Murphy considered that it would be appropriate to change the title of the film to "Wall Street Psychosis".

Superficial charm, exaggerated expression, constant pursuit of material and drug stimulation, habitual lying, strong desire to control, never ashamed of his behavior, irresponsible, indifferent, no self-control, sexual, promiscuous, intercourse . . . .

These are all things the film will show, so Murphy sets the emotional tone of the film as soon as he outlines the script.

Any film will have its own emotions, which is the common sense of filmmaking, such as the heavy tragedy of "Man of Steel", the absurdity of "Gone Girl"...

But in this film, Murphy does not intend to show any real and normal emotions. All the similarities that normal people call friendship, love, and family affection exist in the film, but they are all false under the cover of money and sex. .

What holds Jordan Belfort's empire together is the worship of a common idol by all its members: money.

Murphy's idea is very simple. Those employees under Jordan Belfort who are always like chicken blood are not worshiping Jordan Belfort himself, but the way of life that money can buy that he represents. In the final analysis, they worship What is money.

As in the past, Murphy focused more on polishing the script and reviewing other preparatory work. Work such as the actor's first audition and the preliminary list of location locations were still handed over to the heads of various departments. .

For the role of Naomi, the crew decided to conduct an audition. (To be continued.)

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