Hollywood Road

Chapter 354: A Cruel Strike

During filming breaks, Jessica Alba went out of her way to find Murphy and introduce her new boyfriend to him.

"Murphy, this is my boyfriend Derek Jeter, a shortstop for the New York Yankees." She then introduced, "This is Murphy Stanton, the most outstanding young director in Hollywood."

"Nice to meet you, Murphy."

The tall and strong man on the opposite side reached out his hand first, and Murphy shook his hand, "Nice to meet you, Drake."

Although they are very polite to each other, they lack a common topic. Although baseball can be said to be the second largest professional sport in North America, Murphy knows nothing about it.

"I still have things to do." Murphy pointed to the other side of the set and said to Jessica Alba, "Take Drake around."

"Yeah." Jessica Alba nodded and said reassuringly, "I'll start rehearsing tomorrow."

Murphy smiled, turned and walked towards the set.

Back behind the camera, he had a few words with Philip Lascher, and then found a Western-style swordsman who was acting as an action director, exchanged some precautions for the next action scene, and sat back in the director's chair When I was on the set, I saw Jessica Alba walking out of the studio with the shortstop named Derek Gieter.

Murphy sighed softly. To a large extent, he changed Jessica Alba's career as an actor, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he changed his fate, but Derek Jeter still appeared .

He would not be so stupid as to interfere in Jessica Alba's private life, that would be a thankless task, and since she chose Derek Jeter, she must bear the corresponding consequences.

The break soon ended and the filming resumed. Murphy also put these aside and devoted himself to work.

In front of the camera, Sean Bean as Ned Stark and Miller Clayton as Jaime Lannister swing two great swords, but their movements are not coherent at all, sometimes only completing a single chop If you cut it, Murphy will stop it, and the action scenes without editing will definitely not look as exciting as the finished film.

Even if the shot is occasionally extended by a few seconds, Sean Bean and Miller Clayton's movements are slightly clumsy by today's Hollywood standards, but this is the effect Murphy wants.

But most of the time, the stunt doubles of the two are the ones on stage.

The filming of this highlight scene lasted for nearly half an afternoon, and ended with Ned Stark being pierced through the thigh by a minion.

In many epic movies or TV dramas, the protagonists are always enemies. Even if they are besieged by countless people, they can calmly deal with them. Even if it is a sneak attack from a dead corner, they will not pose any threat to them.

But this approach is not suitable for "Game of Thrones", there will be no super characters like Legolas in this series.

To be precise, there will be super masters in the series, but good skills are only relative.

The former "A Song of Ice and Fire" had an alias in North America: ".Fuk". The Kill in it seldom ended in a chivalrous manner, but mostly slaughtered. The Fuk in it seldom had sex, but mostly raped.

The so-called super masters are actually not much more powerful than ordinary fighters, and there is absolutely no such thing as an enemy of ten thousand people, so when the masters are in trouble, they are often tortured miserably.

For example, James Lannister, recognized as a super-class expert, but because he was tired from fighting with Brienne, he was captured alive by several mercenaries, and his hands were chopped off, and Brienne was almost raped.

Brienne can be regarded as a genuine Kingsguard, but when she was intact, she immediately despaired when she saw 8 soldiers in the enemy, and was bitten off by a mercenary one by one.

The Hound is the king's number one personal guard, and he is considered a first-class master. He fought three against his brother's personal guards. Although he killed all the enemies, he was mortally wounded and was abandoned by Arya.

This is one of the reasons why many people don't like Daenerys Targaryen.

It is because in this very realistic and abusive world, she is the only one who drives the plug-in all the way, invincible and invincible, pampered and developed.

Of course, Jon Snow is also very buggy. No matter where he goes, the people who hang out with him are killed or abused one after another, but he relies on his incomparable good luck to make his way to the sky.

Having said that, no matter how close it is to reality, this is still a TV series after all, and it is impossible for the protagonist not to have any aura.

After the transition, the action scene continued, and Murphy began to shoot some close-up combat shots. Like the previous shooting, he still used stunt doubles on a large scale.

It is very simple to distinguish which shots are completed by the actor himself and the stunt double. Action shots with frontal close-ups are often done by the actor himself, and those whose faces cannot be seen clearly are almost all stunt doubles.

Careful people can also find that whether it is a movie or a TV series, in an action scene, almost 90% of the time, the face cannot be seen clearly.

The fighting scenes of "Game of Thrones" are not necessarily difficult to shoot, but in order to show real fighting, punching to the flesh, it will inevitably cost a lot of money.

Due to the investment here, Murphy must use a relatively low cost to shoot relatively good action scenes. He has also learned a lot from the previous cooperation with Tiger Chen, and there are still not many problems in dealing with these action scenes.

Murphy uses the simplest way to shoot action scenes, which are mainly divided into two types. One type can be collectively called a simple punch, and the other type can be named a hard blow.

Simple punch is the general term for some of the simplest shooting methods of action scenes. It is widely used in the film industry all over the world, and the effect is quite good.

For example, in David Fincher's "Fight Club", Edward Norton used this simple technique for the first punch, and then used this method in many places in the film.

In the filming of "Game of Thrones", all the actors are willing to do this kind of performance, because this kind of stunt does not require much skill, they just need to be able to grasp the timing accurately, in the words of Sean Bean, "It's quite enjoyable to act."

When Murphy wants to shoot a hard punch or a sword, the basic method used is very simple, just let an actor hit the opponent's head and neck with an empty punch or a long sword.

Of course, it is not difficult for outsiders to guess this little trick, so the director can't choose the wrong shot.

In order to capture this simple punch well, Murphy used a telephoto lens. The telephoto lens has the effect of compressing space. Using a telephoto lens will make the distance between objects appear shorter than the actual distance.

A fatal blow is also a general term for many shooting methods. In a simple summary, it can be said that sometimes, just a heavy punch or a long sword slash, the character directly knocks down the villain, cleanly and neatly.

All the action scenes that Murphy shoots will not last too long, and often the winner can be determined in a few rounds, and he needs to hit hard for this effect.

To get this kind of action shot, he, the director, has to make sure the actor hits the blow very hard and perfectly

This kind of shooting technique also needs to be changed. The camera must move closely with the actor's punch or sword movement.

In order to show the speed and strength of this blow.

The angle of the camera is very important, it has to be very close to the victim and facing the direction the main character is attacking from, if using a telephoto lens, the camera cannot be too far away from the actor, Murphy makes sure that the camera just captures both actors at the same time .

However, the camera should not be too close to the actor. If it is too close, the victim will take up most of the shot. Shooting at this angle, the audience will feel that they are the victim, and they will not be able to feel the blow of the protagonist. The hearty and dripping or cruel killing.

So when Murphy uses this method to shoot, he always keeps in mind that the attacker is the key point, and the effect will be quite good if he uses the center framing when shooting.

As long as the filming is done well, a powerless blow in reality will become handsome and heroic.

Although Murphy's shooting in Northern Ireland was exhausting, the team was still orderly and poised. No matter when shooting at any time and any place, the crew's camera never shook for no reason.

After filming the action scenes, the crew encountered some problems when moving the vehicle to the glacier on location, and finally had to choose to shoot a sequence outside the hotel. A nearby rock more than a thousand feet high was frozen. Column, but none of these stopped Murphy from shooting.

It is now December, and the weather in Northern Ireland is not forgiving, but Murphy feels very comfortable with the crew's working attitude and equipment operation.

Whether it is Northern Ireland, which has relatively harsh conditions, or Malta, a small Mediterranean island with a pleasant climate, the shooting of Murphy's three crews code-named "Dragon", "Wolf" and "Lion" was far smoother than planned.

The theme, shooting location, complete filming plan and budget of this series, as well as the superb skills of the photographers and the hard work of the actors are all the keys to a smooth work in Murphy's eyes.

The busy work continued until near Christmas in 2005. The crew only gave two days off to those who had no work. Most of the other main cast and crew, still under the leadership of Murphy, centered on Belfast, Various locations seized the current snow season time to shoot.

Since Murphy was unable to return to Los Angeles for Christmas, Gal Gadot, who usually returns to Israel at this time of year, did not fly to Tel Aviv. Instead, he followed the latest batch of crew members and took a special chartered flight to Belfast.

As in the past, Murphy did not go to the airport to pick her up, and Gal Gadot went directly to the location in the crew's special car.

Unlike the previous one, there was another girl who came with Gal Gadot this time.

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