Hollywood Road

Chapter 316 Chilling Back

??The dark room was unusually quiet. Murphy and the others were hiding in the corners. The camera was aimed at James Franco. A sexy and hot girl jumped on him and kissed him frantically. Like a goat in heat.

"Cut!" Murphy yelled, "This one is over."

James Franco took a step back and sat on the couch as Jack Watson went over to touch up his makeup while his assistant came over to Amanda Seyfried, who was not yet twenty years old. makeup.

"Good job, Amanda." Murphy gave a thumbs up over there.

This is his consistent style. He always praises actors much more than criticizes them, especially young actors. As long as their performance is not too bad, he will help them build up their confidence.

Amanda Seyfried's performance should be quite good among girls of the same age. When the character is quiet, she has a kind of pity that can touch people's hearts. When the character should be as crazy as before, she looks incomparable Sexy and coquettish.

As divisive as the character itself is, Murphy ends up choosing Amanda Seyfried in order to use her to drive a wedge between the audience.

He likes the way he introduces characters, Amanda Seyfried's Andy, who sneaks in like a werewolf through the back door and pounces on Nick Dunne, who is obviously not too resistant.

When Murphy was looking for Andy's actor, he was very clear about looking for someone who could split the audience into two factions at once, like swinging a big sword to split the theater in half, and the women would cross disgustingly arms folded, leaning back in the chair and saying, 'He's such an asshole,' and the men leaning forward, rubbing their chins, responding, 'Yeah. However, this is also understandable'.

In the audition, Amanda Seyfried showed this ability, and the shots just shot also proved that she has this ability. She will make people feel that it is completely understandable why Nick Dunn cheated, and at the same time feel This kind of deviant behavior sucks and must be severely punished.

This role seems simple, but it is actually not easy to grasp. Murphy will also give Amanda Seyfried enough guidance. The shaping of a successful role is often the result of the joint efforts of actors and directors. \u003c\u003e

As a comprehensive art, film will inevitably experience long running-in, controversy and sparks in the creative process. The director adjusts the actor's state; the actor's idea inspires the director, and sometimes uses his own charm and energy to change the director's original intention and produce surprises In addition to the better effect; and the director may process it again according to the shooting material in the later stage.

In a movie, the screenwriter is the soul, the actor is the soul, and the director is also the soul. Every classic movie is the result of these souls unreservedly biting with wisdom and blood.

In this process, any link is indispensable.

Having filmed scenes about Amanda Seyfried back-to-back, Murphy pulled the entire crew out of town and began filming the scene where Amy's fans set up a search party to search for her traces.

The filming was also carried out in crossover, and he mainly put in the prime time filming for the search team.

The golden hour is also known as "golden time", and it is also called "golden time". Using "golden" and "magic power" to describe it is enough to show the preciousness and magic of this time period. It lasts for a short time, and the color of the shot is mainly golden. The shooting time is mostly after sunrise in the morning and before sunset in the evening.

When the sun is close to the horizon,

The light will become warmer and richer, and the atmosphere through which the light passes absorbs most of the blue light in the light, leaving behind the warmer components of the spectrum, showing the charm of golden yellow light.

The light of the golden hour is golden, which can show a new look to the ordinary scenery, and the pictures taken in this way are very charming.

Unlike the warm yellow artificial lighting under fluorescent lamps, the outdoor natural light during the golden hour is warm, soft and has a sense of hierarchy. At this time, the sun is just above the horizon, so the shadows left are longer and deeper, which can add visually Many shooting possibilities.

However, Murphy and the crew also had to make a lot of preparations for this.

The golden shooting time is very short, and Murphy will lead the crew to arrive at the venue several hours before the golden time, and prepare all the equipment, which saves a lot of time for making mistakes. NG many times, it will waste a lot of time. \u003c\u003e

When shooting, he would let Phil Rascher face the light and use a wide-angle lens to shoot the search team. The light conditions under the golden shooting time can make any shooting scene look extremely beautiful, showing details and shaping layers. Shooting with a close-up or telephoto lens will overwhelm the advantages of golden shooting time.

Throughout the filming, Murphy was in the middle of coordinating, and now he is rarely directly involved in specific work.

Directors are different from photographers, lighting engineers, artists, editors and other types of work. They need to consider from story, scheduling, editing, to actors, scenery, recording, soundtrack and other aspects. They need to master the skills and knowledge of each specific type of work, and Extended to the expression of aesthetics, the expression that meets the needs of the director's personal aesthetics, political views, and world views.

As a director, Murphy not only has the ability to control the details, but also has the ability to comprehensively control the story, scheduling, editing, actors, scenery, recording, soundtrack and many other aspects.

After finishing the filming of the search team, the crew left the town and went to a lake villa area not far away to shoot the scene where Amy was imprisoned by her ex-lover Collins.

Here, Murphy shot a lot of large-scale shots, not only the scene where Charlize Theron "exploded" the chrysanthemum with a wine bottle, but also many dew shots.

This must be an R-rated movie, and Murphy knew it very well, so when he signed the contract, it was indicated that the actors and actresses would have some scenes. Guys like James Franco are not a problem at all, and Charlize Theron is also not a problem. No problem.

In the films that South African Diamond has starred in the past, the dew point scenes are not one or two.

The most important scene here is that Amy fabricated false evidence, framed Collins for kidnapping her, and then killed Collins.

For many of the lines here, Murphy has polished many times to reduce logical loopholes. For example, when Amy came in, Collins told her that the monitoring system had just been activated, and the monitoring system was mainly aimed at the outside of the villa and near the door. , not inside the house. \u003c\u003e

No one likes living under surveillance, not even an equally controlling character like Collins.

As for Amy being tied up and getting the wallpaper knife, Murphy kept it on purpose. This loophole was deliberately shown to the audience in order to echo the anti-Hollywood sentiment and the naked mockery of the media later.

He deliberately exaggerated this part of the play with artistic techniques.

Murphy didn't want to make this part very close to reality at the beginning, but deliberately made the scene where Amy was imprisoned and turned back to kill him so exaggerated that it was unbelievable, and it would be more paradoxical later, but he liked this part of the filming process.

This is not a sweet coexistence of two people, but one of them got what he wanted, and the other became a sacrifice to achieve his goal. When this scene was shot, it was more troublesome than expected, not because of the content inside, but mainly to clean up The problem.

Murphy took a total of two days to shoot, and the wardrobe, bedding, and pillows were changed more than 30 times, because every reshoot, all supplies that were stained with blood from the props needed to be replaced.

"It's a disgraceful thing to be slaughtered like a lamb in the middle of copulation, but someone has to do it."

Gal Gadot, who came to visit the set, stood near the director's monitor and accompanied Murphy to watch the shots that had just been filmed. It seems that he has been under a lot of pressure recently, and Murphy seemed a little chatty, "Amy is trying to use these images to record Create a new incident to add to her victimization resume. So she's going to mess with his hair, tear his shirt open, make him bleed, and of course she let him have a hair , she sent him on his way."

However, from the shot, only blood can be seen, and there is no scene of Collins' throat rupture, which needs to be added in post-production.

Gal Gadot had read the script before and asked curiously, "Will you die if you cut your throat?"

"This is one of the purposes of Amy asking him to have a shot. After strenuous exercise, people's blood flow will speed up."

After thinking for a while, Murphy continued, "If you want to kill someone in prison, you will usually do it on the playground, because your heart beats faster after strenuous exercise. At this time, the main blood vessels are injured, and it only takes a few seconds to die. It’s too late to call someone.”

Hearing this, Gal Gadot suddenly felt heartache, moved closer to Murphy, and hugged him gently, and only she knew that in the dead of night, Murphy would often be awakened from sleep by nightmares, in prison Some of the memories inside did have an extremely profound impact on him.

"It's okay." Murphy could feel Gal Gadot's concern, regardless of whether it was on the set, kissed her lightly, and continued the topic just now, "Amy's setting is a very knowledgeable Harvard student , well aware of this truth, so this dramatic treatment fits her character very well."

Every time Gal Gadot sees this character, she gets chills down her spine. If there is such a woman in the real world, it would be too scary.

Frankly speaking, she has never been a fan of Murphy's movies. Murphy's films have never met her aesthetics, and this one can be described as typical.

This is a script that made her feel aggrieved, because it didn't give people a serious catharsis in the end. Has Amy been brought to justice? No. Did Nick expose her? No. In the end, this marriage locked the two of them tightly like a cage, which was more uncomfortable than at the beginning.

At least at that time, although they complained about each other, there was still a possibility of divorce, but now they have to pretend to be harmonious while hating, and show it to others, which is really more uncomfortable than a capital crime.

Gal Gadot's eyes turned to Murphy, "This guy always likes to shoot dark things in human nature." (To be continued.)

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