Hollywood Road

Chapter 247: Ovitz's Invitation

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In front of the entire Fox Group, CAA is really nothing, but being able to win the support of such a huge force is beneficial and harmless to one's superiors, and CAA serves far more successful projects than losers. Cooperation is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it can get a powerful boost from outside the company. 〈〔? Eight {{One Chinese Network (〈[〉 〕})

For caa, a director of the production department of the six major film companies who is more inclined to cooperate with him can allow them to maintain their dominant position in the industry and even further expand this advantage in the face of fierce competition from many opponents.

Murphy was not surprised by the reactions of Bill Rosses and Kara Firth, especially CAA's attitude. Facing the conglomerate six major Hollywood companies, they have long lost the attitude of Michael Ovitz when he was in office. strong.

You must know that it is not only other brokerage companies that compete with CAA for business, but also some people who have transferred from the entertainment brokerage industry.

When Murphy and Kara Firth left Bill Ross's office and went down to the lobby of the Death Star Building, such a person suddenly appeared.

"Hi, Director Stanton."

A middle-aged man stopped in front of Murphy and Kara Firth, and introduced himself, "I'm Maher Delacres from the Artist Management Group, and I bring greetings from Mr. Michael Ovitz."

Hearing this thunderous name, Murphy was somewhat surprised, but he nodded calmly and said, "Hello."

The man named Maher Delacres looked at Kara Firth and said, "Can we talk alone?"

Before Murphy could speak, Kara Firth said to him first, "Our dinner should be another day, I'm leaving first."

Murphy nodded, "I'll call you another day."

Watching Kara Firth walk out of the Death Star Building, Murphy looked away and turned to look at the person opposite.

"Can I invite you this way?" Maher Delacres led the way, and Murphy followed. The two went to the coffee shop on the second floor together, and found a quiet booth near the window. After coffee, , are looking at each other.

Few people working hard in Hollywood in this era don't know the name of Michael Ovitz. This can be said to be a Hollywood legend in the 1990s. The CAA he founded is the absolute overlord of the entertainment brokerage industry. I do it for the company business,

You can dance on the dinner table with your butt up to curry favor with the company's top customers, or you can go straight to the netbsp of the six major companies; the mid-1990s was the dividing point in Michael Ovitz's life and career, in order to become a real A Hollywood-level tycoon, he gave up the CAA he founded and sought the position of CEO of Walt Disney instead, but this time he failed. Walt Disney's CEO and Michael Eisner became his Waterloo.

However, Michael Ovitz, who left Walt Disney, also thoroughly saw his own abilities and advantages, established an artist management group company, and returned to the entertainment brokerage industry.

Based on this, Murphy speculates that their purpose of coming to him is also very simple, nothing more than digging netbsp; Sure enough, Maher Delacres directly stated his purpose of coming, "Director Stanton, Mr. Ovitz appreciates it very much." Your ability is also optimistic about your potential, I made a special trip this time to invite you to join the artist management group."

"I am very proud and honored to be appreciated by Mr. Ovitz." Murphy finished his polite words, and then politely declined, "I am very happy to work with caa, and I have not left netbsp; "You don't need to leave caa. Maher Delacres glanced at Murphy, who was in doubt, and immediately understood, and quickly said, "Your joining the artist management group does not conflict with being in CAA." "

"Uh..." Murphy couldn't understand at all, when did the "Talent Brokerage Act" allow two brokerage companies to be signed at the same time?

Maher Delacres saw that Murphy had misunderstood, and quickly explained, "The Artist Management Group has long since given up the brokerage business, and is now a manager management company."

"So that's how it is."

Having said that, Murphy figured it out. He had been hanging out in Hollywood for several years, so of course he knew that an agent and a manager were completely different.

Different from the entertainment brokerage industry on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, in Hollywood, strictly speaking, brokers and managers jointly undertake the complete work content of brokerage practitioners in the industry.

According to the laws of California and the provisions of trade unions, brokers and managers can be said to have a clear division of rights - brokers can obtain jobs for clients, and their job is to reach as many deals as possible for clients to obtain jobs; managers The job of human beings is to design and plan clients’ careers and build clients’ career paths. Their job is to provide career advice to their clients and provide opinions and suggestions for the career choices provided to them by brokers.

In simple terms, brokers offer clients employment opportunities, while managers advise clients which opportunities to accept.

"Director Stanton, we are not asking you to quit CAA." Maher Delacres said in a timely manner, "We just want to represent your manager business and plan a better career for you."

Murphy didn't know much about the manager industry, so of course he wouldn't immediately agree or refuse.

"I need to think about it," he said.

According to his own judgment, while caa has four broker services, it seems that there is no need to add another manager, right?

And judging from the broker's commission, if he adds another manager, his income may be reduced by another 5% to 10%.

Michael Ovitz's name is indeed very famous, but today's Michael Ovitz is far from the Michael Ovitz of caa, and he is not so attractive to him.

It is indeed a kind of honor to be spotted by Michael Ovitz and specially recruited here. It can even become capital to show off, but this is essentially a business. No matter how you look at it, he should choose to be better now for successful collaborators.

After leaving the coffee shop, Murphy thought for a while and dialed Robert Downey Jr.'s number. He is a veteran of Hollywood and comes from an acting family. He must have a deeper understanding of managers.

Indeed, Robert Downey Jr. knows more about many things in the industry than he, who has only been in the industry for a few years.

He also gave Murphy a suggestion - if he is still in CAA, he doesn't need a manager. If he wants to accept a manager, it won't take long for the manager company and the brokerage company to conflict. make a choice.

Because now Hollywood managers, under the banner of a management company, actually do a lot of work within the scope of the agent. The relationship between the two was not complementary ten years ago, but a competitive relationship.

Later, Robert Downey Jr. simply came out to have dinner with Murphy and explained to him the current situation between the two.

In Hollywood, no person or company, whether directly or indirectly, engages in or is employed in the production and distribution of motion pictures, or has any interest in any production or distribution company, whether person or company.

California's "Talent Brokerage Act" is an industry law that specifically regulates the entertainment brokerage industry. This bill emphasizes that only brokers can obtain jobs for relevant practitioners, and through a series of provisions to protect them from their agents in business practices. Process violations, such as prohibiting brokers from giving clients false or misleading information about their job opportunities; prohibiting sending clients to work in unsafe places; prohibiting brokerage firms from hiring Unlawful job offers; sharing commissions with the client's employer is prohibited.

The legislative spirit of this law is to maintain and strengthen the distinction between brokers and managers to protect the interests of customers, and stipulates that "no person may practice the work of a broker without a license granted by the Commissioner of Labor."

The law clearly shows that the agents of relevant practitioners must first obtain a broker license before they can pick up jobs.

In other words, it is illegal for a manager to work as a manager, and the artist can report to the Labor Commissioner and seek compensation. After the Labor Commissioner verifies, he will cancel all the contracts signed by the manager and the artist, and confiscate the illegal income in the past year.

Moreover, the major labor unions in Hollywood also stipulate that entertainment agents must hold photos, which are licensed by them.

Under the dual regulations of state laws and industry regulations, brokerage in the entertainment brokerage business has become a privileged and strictly protected profession, but there are strict restrictions under the "privilege".

For example, when Murphy signed a contract with CAA, the first signed contract was valid for one year, and the renewal period was up to 3 years;

For example, the broker’s commission is capped at no more than 10%;

For example, brokers are prohibited from producing or enjoying the work results of their clients, and brokers are not allowed to directly or indirectly enjoy the interests of any film production company or company;

And vice versa, any person or company engaged in or employed in the production and distribution of films, or having any interest in any production or distribution company, shall, directly or indirectly, engage in or have a brokerage interest, whether person or company.

These strict restrictions are all to avoid "conflict of interest", that is, if a broker obtains a job opportunity for his client, he is actually the employer - the broker is entrusted by the client, and of course he must seek the job opportunity while seeking the job opportunity. The client’s income is maximized, and the remuneration of the commission is also set to align the interests of the two, but if the agent is a producer, the goal of the producer is of course to control costs and maximize future profits. The goal that people should have is contrary, that is to say, it will bring loss of interests to customers.

"But you know, where there are interests, there are disputes," Robert Downey Jr. put down his knife and fork, looked at Murphy opposite, and said, "Rules are dead, but people are alive. Managers use these speechless The tacit understanding, the erosion on a large scale belongs to the brokerage company’s business.” (To be continued.)

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