Hollywood Hunter

436 Underestimate

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$35 billion!

This is the 1991 personal net worth of Simon Westeros given by Forbes magazine.

It is easy for a careful person to find that compared with last year's $21 billion, the wealth appreciation of $14 billion is exactly equivalent to Simon's acquisition price of the previous two companies, mca and Bell Atlantic, totaling $14 billion.

However, the explanation given by Forbes magazine is not so.

The wealth appreciation of $14 billion is mainly due to the stock price growth of Microsoft, Intel, Oracle, Sun and other companies held by Westeros over the past year, as well as the two companies AOL and Cisco, which have just been listed in recent months, have brought Simon. of personal wealth.

Among them, only AOL, which holds 65.4% of the shares after the IPO, and Cisco, which holds 50.1% of the shares, contributed a full $10.3 billion to Simon according to the market value of the two companies during the "Forbes" statistical cycle.

Because of the hot sale of Windows 3.0 system, Microsoft's share price has doubled in the past year.

Westeros’ shareholding in Microsoft has also increased directly from about 10% last year to 21.3%. Based on the market value of Microsoft’s $12.5 billion calculated by Forbes, this part of the stock has once again contributed $2.6 billion to Simon’s wealth.

Westeros' shareholding in Intel has also increased to 15.6%. According to Forbes, Intel's market value is $10.5 billion, and this part of the stock has contributed $1.6 billion to Simon.

Taken together, Westeros holds shares in AOL, Cisco, Microsoft and Intel, with a total value of $14.6 billion. Other technology companies such as Oracle, Sun, Silicon Graphics, and Westeros have a combined book value of more than $2 billion.

Of course, the wealth of these stocks has to be subtracted from the original basis of last year, which is the increase in the past year.

As for mca and Bell Atlantic, which have been acquired by Simon, they are basically used to offset the debt of the entire Westeros system.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that with the Gulf War at the beginning of this year as the dividing point, the US stock market has seen a very obvious bottoming out. Simon's purchase of mca and Bell Atlantic can be said to be a very delicate bottom-hunting.

Even now that the two companies are delisted, mca and Bell Atlantic are definitely not worth the $14 billion they were at the beginning of the year.

What's more, according to Forbes' calculations, the Westeros system's corporate growth statistics in other fashion, technology and other areas are very vague.

Finally, there is Cersei Capital, which is difficult to bypass. According to some rumors in the industry, Cersei Capital also made billions of dollars in profits through the operation of oil futures and stock index futures before and after the Gulf War.

Although Simon Westeros himself has only one-third of the share of Cersei Capital's hedge fund Cersei Fund Management, it is still a very objective wealth.

Also, the most critical Daenerys entertainment.

Forbes magazine last year valued Daenerys Entertainment at $8 billion, and this year, with the merger of Daenerys Entertainment and mca, the company has a net corporate worth of no less than $15 billion, although because of the Last year's acquisitions added billions of dollars in debt, but Daenerys Entertainment is clearly different from Time Warner's mired in turmoil.

No matter how conservatively estimated, the market value of Daenerys Entertainment will not be lower than the company's net asset figure.

All in all, different from the controversy in previous years, when Forbes released the list of the 400 richest people in the United States for the new year, the mainstream media in North America and overseas generally believed that this time, Simon Westeros personal wealth was obviously underestimated. .

Some even wonder if Simon Westeros struck some sort of deal with Forbes to make his personal wealth less 'glamorous'.

Many Western wealthy people actually like to keep a low profile. However, in terms of personal wealth, everyone is relatively calm, and believes that wealth represents a kind of glory.

Usually, no one can communicate the media to reduce their wealth estimates.

But only under normal circumstances.

Simon Westeros, by itself, is not a normal guy.

In the face of media doubts, "Forbes" magazine expressed a firm denial, and said that this wealth statistic may be controversial because Simon Westeros's personal asset portfolio is too complicated, but the overall is relatively accurate.

The "Forbes" list has been operating for such a long time, and its credibility is still sufficient. Other media such as "Fortune" magazine have also launched similar statistics, and none of them pose any threat to the "Forbes" list.

Therefore, even if there is controversy, since the number has been released, Forbes will definitely not modify it, and the media and the public will only use this number as a reference.

Probably even after many years, someone looking back on the previous lists of Forbes and looking at the data in 1991 will only see the figure of Simon Westeros personal wealth of 35 billion US dollars. For the controversy of that year, it must have been long ago. forget.

After Simon topped the list without any suspense, the subsequent ranking of this year's list has also changed a lot.

John Kruger, who is also a media tycoon, still holds the second place on the list, with a personal wealth of $5.9 billion, basically the same as last year.

Bill Gates occupies second place on this year's list, personal wealth

$5 billion rich.

"Forbes" magazine specially commented on this. After transferring 5% of Microsoft's shares to Westeros last year, the door classmates who received a huge amount of cash bought mansions in New York and San Francisco, and also added a Gulfstream private Airplanes, finally have the style of the super rich.

However, a commentator of Forbes said that the shares sold by Mr. Gate last year had increased by $300 million in just one year.

In other words, the gate classmate actually lost 300 million US dollars.

If Microsoft's stock price continues to grow, this 5% loss could lead to more in the future. So did Paul Galen, who also transferred 5% of Microsoft's shares.

Following Bill Gates, the fourth to eighth places, a full five positions, are all occupied by the Walton family whose wealth has been evenly divided. Sam Walton and his four children have 44 wealth figures. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

In the past two years, some media said that the real richest man in the United States should actually be the Walton family. However, since this year, the media has no similar argument. The combined wealth of the five Walton family members is only $22 billion, a full $13 billion less than Simon.

Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett ranks ninth this year with a personal wealth of $4.2 billion.

Pittsburgh steel tycoon Henry Hillman ranked tenth, but his personal wealth fell directly to $3.3 billion.

Based on this list, it is not difficult to find that, except for Simon and Gates, most of the top ten richest people in this year's "Forbes" rich list are traditional rich people known for their stable industries. Even John Kruger has accumulated over many years. Just got the current home.

Affected by the economic downturn and the continuing debt crisis in recent years, Sam Redstone and Ron Perelman, who appeared on the list in previous years, were rich in high debt management, and they fell out one after another. The top ten position on the list.

However, on the other hand, the combined wealth of the top 400 richest Americans is still showing an upward trend.

The 400 millionaires have a combined wealth of $317.3 billion this year.

In this way, it is not difficult to see another point. The total wealth of the 400 top rich is 317.3 billion US dollars, of which Simon alone has 35 billion US dollars, accounting for 11%.

Compared with other rich people on the list, Simon's personal wealth, whether it is the amount of assets or the speed of appreciation, clearly shows a posture of unmatched.

Because Simon's personal wealth is mainly concentrated in the media and technology, with the release of this list, the media and technology sectors of the US stock market have clearly experienced a wave of rise.

In the past few years, many investors have been eager to put capital into Hollywood because of Simon's fortune in Hollywood.

The pattern of several major Hollywood studios has changed because of Simon alone.

However, the threshold of Hollywood is not easy for everyone to enter.

The emergence and closure of a large number of Hollywood second- and third-tier film companies in the 1980s has proved this.


In the field of science and technology, especially the emerging Internet industry, the threshold is obviously no longer so high.

Just a few days after the release of the Forbes list, the White House also responded to the "Information Superhighway Act" secretly promoted by the Westeros system. A White House spokesman said at a regular press conference that the president had seen the relevant bill. , and held a special meeting with cabinet members to discuss the feasibility of the bill.

Although the White House has no legislative power, the president can sign executive orders that also have the force of law.

Moreover, with the assistance of the White House, especially the White House masters who have deep roots in Congress like the Bush family, many bills will be passed through Congress more smoothly.

However, the media also understand that it is impossible for the White House to help the Democrats push an important bill involving hundreds of billions of dollars in industrial output. If Bush and the team behind him are optimistic about the prospects of the Internet industry, they are more likely to introduce a similar bill that they drafted in person.

George Bush has been attacked too much for not caring about domestic affairs, and he actually needs to push for a bill that is closely related to the domestic economy.

In any case, the White House's response to the Information Superhighway Act is a very positive sign.

The investment trajectory of the Westeros system in new technology fields is also simple and clear. Therefore, in a short period of time, countless capitals have begun to target the Internet industry.

Simon was far away in Italy when this year's Forbes list was announced.

However, because of the announcement of the wealth list, the North American side still does not stop.

Over the years, many media have been amazed at Simon's emergence, and there has never been a shortage of news that criticized and questioned this young man.

However, probably just as the slight waves that Matthew Broderick had caused before did not affect Simon at all, Simon didn't even know about most of the media's criticism of him, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

With the release of the new annual list, the corresponding criticism and doubts have increased as usual.

The most criticized should be the question of how Simon Westeros should spend such a huge fortune.

In recent years, the operation of the Simon \u0026 Janet Westeros Foundation has been very active. However, because Simon's personal wealth is too huge, some media believe that Simon's investment in charity is still too low, and even as usual There is talk that Simon's tens of billions of dollars in personal wealth should belong to society as a whole.

Many millionaires have humbly expressed in the media that they are just a 'wealth custodian'

' and the like.

Probably because there are many similar opinions, some people believe it, so they began to call on Simon Westeros in the newspaper to return the wealth of the society to the society.

For similar news, Simon didn't even want to watch it, it was a waste of time.

As a housekeeper, Janet works in private and maintains the public image of her men. Therefore, women basically collect negative news about Simon, and occasionally ask George Norman to send some lawyer letters or indictments.

However, women will habitually roll their eyes when they see similar news.

In addition to persuading Simon to repay the society, there are also a large number of people who persuade donations.

In the days since the Forbes list came out, Janet has been receiving a slew of similar donation invitations every day. Most definitely ignore it.

In the end, and probably the most distressing thing for Janet, is the recognition of her relatives.

For several years in a row, Simon's life experience has been the focus of media attention.

Some people with different ideas even set up an investigation team to help Simon find his relatives, obviously trying to make a lot of money after helping Simon find his parents.

Over the past few years, several couples suspected of being Simon Westeros' parents have been repeatedly hyped by the media, and these people generally did not give up their plans to recognize Simon's son.

With the release of the "Forbes" list, a couple jumped out again and appeared in the media with tears in their eyes, hoping to be recognized by Simon, and eloquently stated that they did not ask for anything, but only hoped to find their son.

Some media also fear that the world will not be in chaos.

For dealing with this kind of thing, Simon and Janet already have a plan, which is to turn things into a farce.

When someone 'popularly' asked for a kinship, Janet secretly arranged for someone to do the same.

People's eyes are sharp.

A whole bunch of people jumping out trying to father and mother Simon Westeros, isn't this a farce or something?

So, once that happens, things basically come to a screeching halt.

This year it doesn't stop.

Because a couple arranged by Janet suddenly openly admitted that they were paid to do so.

Of course Janet wasn't stupid enough to make arrangements in person, she did this through a large circle of middlemen. Even the couple who jumped out had no way of knowing whose money they were getting.

However, this kind of thing is obviously not difficult for the imaginative media.

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