Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1655: Precise Operation

For this year's general election, at the presidential election level, since it has been confirmed to support Bush Jr., the core political operation team of the Westeros family has been unswervingly implementing it since last year.

So far, what Simon is most satisfied with is that the news has not been leaked to the Democratic Party. Although Al Gore has privately complained that the Westeros system did not invest enough in the presidential election this year, he has turned to Simon. Obviously didn't know.

This actually shows that Simon has been quite successful in constructing the concept of 'westerosian' over the years. More and more core members of the Westeros system have begun to recognize their own Westeros identity, and they are very concerned about the Westeros they are in. The Tello system showed enough loyalty.

It has to be admitted that it is interests that temporarily maintain the cohesion of this group. But Simon is very confident. When the time is long enough and he constantly feels the concepts of 'we are the superior man', 'we control the world', 'we are the future of mankind', the 'westerosian' will transform sooner or later into a belief.

Let’s talk about the presidential election. Although the Westeros system is inconvenient to directly carry out too many biased operations on the surface, the indirect proposals for the election of Bush Jr. have been launched in turn.

The report in Simon's hand gave a detailed analysis of a strategy that is being implemented recently. Regarding the public opinion guidance plan to win over the conservative old money capital in the United States and strengthen support for Bush Jr. This wave of new technology that is in full swing does not actually allow them to share too many benefits. Not only that, but also reconstructs the concept of the country's wealth and power structure, so as to guide relevant capital to increase support for Bush Jr. put in.

Moreover, in order to avoid attracting too much attention and save resources, the main operational goals of the relevant teams are swing states such as Florida, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Scalpel-like precision.

The inspiration came from an idea that Simon had a long time ago: the wave of new technology has made the federal economy prosperous, but most of the benefits have been captured by capital oligarchs like Simon Westeros.

All right.

This concept is just a thought, Simon definitely does not intend to use it as a tool to nominate someone, just like Simon will not allow various candidates to turn their finger on the major companies in the Westeros system. The reason is very simple. It is conceivable that this operation will be very effective, but because it is effective, once it is used, other politicians will inevitably or passively use it again in future political elections, just like the original timeline. Like politically correct topics that are becoming more and more extreme, they eventually get out of hand.

It cannot be used at the public level, but relatively at the same level as the capital level, it is not a big problem to operate a little bit, and it is only a non-public lobbying operation.

After all, capital is also very clear about how to judge the scale. Otherwise, Simon Westeros, a big capitalist, will become the target of public criticism. It is impossible for their small capitalists to stay completely out of the matter, and it is even more difficult for small capitalists to withstand the wind. rain hit.

Furthermore, at the Internet level, some public opinion guidance on Al Gore's character has achieved remarkable results. This part is mainly operated by the Bush Jr. team, but relevant information can still be passed on to Simon.

It is mainly about Al Gore's ruthless abandonment of his old partner of eight years.

A series of scandals made Clinton notorious. In order to avoid the election being affected, Al Gore intentionally or unintentionally drew a line with Clinton since announcing his candidacy, and invited a rather conservative veteran Democrat Joe Lieberman served as his running mate.

Intellectually, this is of course the correct choice.

However, the public has never been a rational group, and has never had a firm stand. They may hate Clinton, but if a politician easily abandons his close friend for eight years for the sake of election, even if this person is the one who made him They hated Clinton, but they also hated the man who dumped Clinton.

Unreasonable weird psychology.

Compared with the presidential election, Simon still pays more attention to the change of members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

After all, the White House has too many variables and too many goals. As for the Senate and the House of Representatives, there is no term limit for congressmen. As long as you have the resources and ability, you can do it for decades. no problem.

These are the operating spaces of the Westeros system.

Simon has no delusion to completely win the Senate and the House of Representatives. His goal is to cultivate a group of diehard loyalists, win over a group of outsiders, and at the same time unceremoniously attack any MPs who show hostility to the Westeros system openly or secretly, and finally reach the goal of maintaining peace. The Stroll system can easily pass any bill that is beneficial to itself, while vetoing any proposal that is unfavorable to itself, and maintain a strong check on the White House, which is enough.

Speaking of it, starting from 1994, in just six or seven years, counting the current four elections, the Westeros system is not far away from this goal. Simon occasionally had to consider restraining himself a bit, so as not to go too far.

After flipping through the document, Simon was about to write an email to Joseph Schlapp when he noticed that Carmen was still standing beside him, and said softly, "Okay, let's go out."

Carmen Kess hummed lightly, was about to turn around, and said after thinking about it: "Boss, Ms. Li and Ms. Fan from China happen to be here."

When Simon heard the words, he thought for a while before he realized who it was.

Li Damei and the little maid.

I remembered that the two girls came to North America after the Cannes Film Festival in May, but I didn't expect to be in the current manor. They responded and said, "Bring them over after lunch."

The rain didn't start to slow down until noon, and Simon still had lunch alone. After the lunch, he went to a living room upstairs, and Carmen also brought Damei Li and the little maid over.

The two women obviously dressed up carefully. When they saw Simon, they wanted to greet him intimately. The man who was reversing a script just motioned them to sit down, so they sat down obediently, feeling a little nervous for no reason.

Simon turned another page of the new version of the "Three-Body Problem" script in his hand, and waited for the two women to sit down, one on the left and one on the right, and asked casually, "Did you have fun during this time?"

Li Damei didn't rush to talk this time, the little girl was a little tender after all, and she couldn't help but glance at the script in the man's hand, and said: "Very good, Simon, and here, it's so beautiful .”

Simon was noncommittal, but turned to Li Dameiren on the other side: ""Kung Fu" will be released in China on July 7. The recent promotion should be very busy, right?"

Li Damei, who was wearing a long purple dress and became more majestic, reacted intelligently, narrowed her eyes slightly, and shrank her neck: "Simon, I only played for a few minutes in total. I'm just a supporting role. It doesn't matter if I participate in the promotion or not." .”

Not to mention the inside, this is really an amazingly beautiful woman.

Simon reached out and grabbed Li Damei's chin, stroking and admiring, and said, "Everyone can choose their own life. If you like the present very much, then it will always be like this. I can still afford a vase."

Li Damei raised her head slightly, and blinked her eyes when she heard the words, with a pitiful expression, but said quickly: "Simon, I will return to Asia tomorrow."

"Very good." Simon nodded in satisfaction, and slid his fingers down the woman's slender neck. When he thought of something, he withdrew his hand, let Li Damei stand up, turned around, and continued to appreciate it. : "It's a pity not to cup such a beautiful back."

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