
Sasuke was startled in his heart, and a trace of cold sweat slipped down.

This is being targeted by Tuan Zang!

No, not targeted, but already targeted, but now for unknown reasons, decided to do something to him.

Is it because of the performance of the Land of Waves?

He thought of the reason, and the only thing that could make Tuan Zang attack him was that he showed that it was far stronger than the strength of the original at the same time.

When fighting Shiro, he didn’t think about hiding his strength.

Unfortunately, in that case, there was no way for him to hide, and with Bai’s strength, he could only defeat by opening the three-hook jade writing wheel eye.

Unless he is willing to give up the task of the destiny system, but the task of the destiny system is a shortcut for him to become stronger, he says that he cannot give up anything.

As for hiding the three-hook jade chakra eye from Kiki Kakashi, it can’t be done.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno both saw the change in his eyes, and Kakashi Kiki only needed to ask to know that he had opened the Sangoitama Sharingan.

“What is he looking for me?”

Steadying his mind, Sasuke asked.

“You don’t need to know, you just have to come with me.”

The tiger-faced mask man said domineeringly.

As he spoke, his breath locked onto Sasuke, and if Sasuke made any changes, he would definitely strike thunder.

“I refuse, I do not belong to the root, he has no right to order me.”

A cold sweat had slipped down his back, but Sasuke refused.

He knew very well the means by which Tuan Zang controlled his subordinates, and once he was controlled by Tuan Zang in that way, then he would probably be finished.

So, in any case, he could not follow this man.

“You don’t have the right to refuse.”

The murderous aura radiated from the tiger-faced mask man, although it was not as strong as Kakashi and Momochi, but it was not much different.


With the use of the instantaneous technique, he was already close to Sasuke in an instant, and his right hand became a palm knife and slashed at Sasuke’s neck, obviously wanting to knock Sasuke unconscious.

The skills displayed in an instant have reached the level of upper ninja, which is likely to be an upper ninja.

“Sharingan, open!”

Feeling the terrifying murderous aura, Sasuke couldn’t help but sweat all over his body.

The first time opened the three-hook jade writing wheel eye.

In the face of this kind of opponent, only after opening the Sharingan Eye can it have the power of a battle.


Under the powerful insight of the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye, he gained insight into the movements of the tiger-faced mask man.

Pulling out the kunai, he slashed at the arm of the man in the tiger face mask.


The tiger-faced masked man showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, his arm retreated, and he dodged to attack Sasuke from the other side.

But Sasuke once again saw his attack, and turned in a direction and slashed in that direction.

“Wind escape. Gale palm. ”

The surprise in the eyes of the man in the tiger face mask was even worse.

Dodge in a flash.

Sealed, hands together, a compressed wind crashed towards Sasuke, this is a C-level ninjutsu.

“Fire. The Art of the Howe Fireball. ”

Sasuke froze, put his hand to his mouth, gathered Chakra in his throat to breathe, and a huge fireball appeared and collided, also a C-grade ninjutsu.


The fireball collided with the fierce wind, and a shock wave spread out, accompanied by mud and sand, making people unable to open their eyes.

“Don’t move!”

The man in the tiger face mask took this opportunity to approach Sasuke, and the knife was placed on Sasuke’s neck.

However, he soon discovers that Sasuke, who is held around his neck, is just a doppelganger.

At the same time, Sasuke appeared behind him and attacked him.


Quickly turning around, he blocked Sasuke’s kunai with the sword in his hand.

Then, he quickly stepped back and distanced himself from Sasuke.

He is a Shangnin who belongs to the root, and with the strength of his Shangnin, he captures a teenager, originally thinking that he will be captured.

But he didn’t expect to be able to win it for a long time, which couldn’t help but make him feel dull.

He decided to teach Uchiha Sasuke some lessons, anyway, Danzo-sama only said to bring people back to the roots, and did not say that he could not hurt Uchiha Sasuke.

“Wind Escape Whirlwind Fist.”

Sealed, the wind attribute Chakra condensed in his hand, and was punched out by him.

A swirling wind appeared, slamming ferociously towards Sasuke.

The ground was plowed out of a huge ravine, and the power was several times stronger than the strong wind palm just now.

This is a B-class ninjutsu.

B-level ninjutsu is the ninjutsu of the upper ninja level, and it is a common ninjutsu used by the upper ninja when facing opponents of the same level.

Using this ninjutsu already shows that he is serious.


Without having time to dodge, Sasuke was hit by the swirling wind and wrapped in it.

The wind continued to spread, breaking many trees before finally stopping.

Sasuke, on the other hand, lay on the ground covered in rags.

“Hmph, self-seeking!”

Seeing Sasuke lying injured on the ground, the tiger-faced mask man snorted coldly.

He wanted to be gentle, but unfortunately the other party did not cherish this opportunity, so he could only be rough.


However, in the next moment, the expression on his face changed slightly.

Sasuke, who was lying on the ground, disappeared with a puff of white smoke, which was not Sasuke himself, but just a shadow doppelganger.

Shadow avatar, B-class ninjutsu, this was taught by Kakashi Kiki when he was in the Land of Waves.

“Not good.”

At this moment, the tiger-faced mask man felt a hurricane behind him, it was a swirling wind, and it was the Wind Escape Whirlwind Fist he had just cast.

That’s right, his B-level Ninjutsu Kaze Wind Whirlwind Fist was copied by Sasuke with Sharingan.

The S-level Thunder Ninjutsu Ratchet can’t be copied after seeing it once, but it’s just a B-level ninjutsu, and he can still copy it.


The tiger-faced mask man quickly used the teleportation technique to dodge, but he still couldn’t help but be rubbed, and several wounds were cut on his body.

“Copied my ninjutsu.”

The face under the tiger face mask man mask is distorted with anger.

Ninjutsu being copied was like something had been stolen, which made him angry.

He turned angrily to look in the direction where the attack was coming.

But it was opposite a pair of blood-red eyes, and among the blood-red eyes, there were three hook jades that were spinning rapidly.

As a member of the root organization, he knows the Sharingan very well and has been avoiding direct eye contact with the Sharingan.

But knowing is one thing, doing it is another.

In the original work, Kakashi Kiki fights with Uchiha Itachi knowing that he can’t make eye contact with Uchiha Itachi, but he still can’t help but look at each other and wins Uchiha Itachi’s monthly reading.

And now, he is in the same situation.

“Magic. The Art of Shackling. ”

Sasuke used a killer skill, an illusion so powerful that even Orochimaru had suffered losses.

Poof, poof, poof!

In the void spiritual space, one thick metal wedge after another pierced the body of the man in the tiger face mask, fixing him in place, making him immobile.

Sasuke stepped forward, bound the root with a rope, and then quickly ran towards the Hokage Tower.

In today’s situation, only the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash can protect him.

Although the three generations of Hokage are deep and by no means as kind as they seem, at least there is a bottom line, but Danzo has absolutely no bottom line.

Once in the hands of the group, he is likely to be controlled by the spell like those root members.


As soon as Sasuke jumped out of the woods, two figures blocked his way.

The dress is similar to that of the root organization Shinobu just now, except that one person is wearing a fox mask on his face, and the other is wearing a ghost mask on his face.

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