After knowing what Uzumaki Kirito had done, he had an expression of wanting to speak.


Can't you kid go a day without trouble?

He was just not there all of a sudden, and the Uzumaki Kirito could do so many things, and he felt that he was very tired.

"Naruto, I'm very busy sometimes, you have to take a good look at this kid, you can't let him do too much!"

Jiraiya said to Naruto "seriously".

He desperately hoped that Naruto would come in handy a little.

Naruto blinked his watery blue eyes and said justifiably,

"I think Nissan did everything right!" Why block?

And the lecherous fairy is not busy at all! You obviously took my wallet to the women's bath... Hmm! Before

Naruto's words could be finished, he was pounced on by Jiraiya in a hungry tiger posture, locking his throat with one hand and covering Naruto's mouth with the other.

Naruto could only open his eyes wide, struggling and waving his hands, constantly making "hmm" sounds, trying to save himself.

Kirito Uzumaki just glanced at it and silently shifted his gaze.

Mentor-apprentice fun, don't worry.

Tsunade slowly came to his senses because of Jiraiya's and Naruto's juggling behavior.


Shizune hurriedly stepped forward two steps and held Tsunade up.

Tsunade flicked away the silent support.

She looked straight at Kirito Uzumaki with both eyes, trying to make her waist plate look straighter.

"Your request, I agreed. The big snake pill did come to me, and I haven't thought about it yet.

"But I will definitely reject him decisively now."

Tsunade said coldly with an expressionless face.

There was not a trace of banter in her voice, cold and ruthless to the extent of silence on the other side.

This... Is this really Tsunade-sama?!

Jiraiya, who was fighting with Naruto, heard Tsunade's words, made a move, and was directly hit by Naruto.

"Hahaha! fairy, you lost! Naruto crossed his hands at his waist, smiling like the silly son of the landlord's family.

Zi Lai glanced at him helplessly.

I don't know anything, but what a blessing!

"Tsunade, what's going on with Orochimaru?" Jiraiya trotted all the way to Tsunade's side and looked at Tsunade with a serious face.

Tsunade didn't look at him.

She glared at Uzumaki Kirito again and smiled coldly.

"You kid is such a bastard!"

Tsunade said angrily.


Stinky boy!

Even if he was right, Tsunade wouldn't admit it!

After speaking, Tsunade turned around and left, too lazy to say anything more.

Uzumaki Kirito was scolded and did not move, but just shrugged his shoulders and made a helpless expression.


What can be done?

In order to be "moved" back to Konoha by Tsunade like the original plot, he made a big sacrifice!

Shizune glanced at Kirito Uzumaki and trotted to keep up with Tsunade.

Jiraiya was also ignored by Tsunade, he stood in place and scratched his head, looking confused:

"What did I do to me?" Why did Tsunade ignore me? Zi

Lai also said aggrievedly.

He obviously cares about Tsunade all along! Why did Tsunade ignore him!

"Probably because of me." Uzumaki Kirito said indifferently: "It's still too late to catch up now, otherwise the person will really disappear."

Uzumaki Kirito looked at Jiraiya's anxious appearance, and said with a sneer.

"Crush, Makoto."

Zi Laiye, who had already run out for a short distance, suddenly paused when he heard this.

He turned his head in embarrassment and shouted at Kirito Uzumaki

, "Stinky boy! What the hell! Roll on!

Jiraiya waved at Uzumaki Kirito and Naruto in disgust, and chased Tsunade without looking back.

Seeing this, Naruto scratched his head stupidly and looked at Kirito Uzumaki with a blank expression:

"Nissan, then what are we going to do next?" Still going to play games? Naruto asked suspiciously.

Uzumaki Kirito reached out and touched Naruto's dog's head, and said with a smile: "No, I'll take you to training and teach you how to communicate with the Yang Ninetails in your body." "

Yay!" Naruto raised his hands excitedly and almost took off on the spot!

He will soon be as strong as Nissan!


The other side.

Tsunade found a wine house in frustration and gulped down the alcohol.

"Wang Baegg!"

"Stinky imp!"

"Messing around!"

"What is he..."

Shizune hugged the guinea pig, listening to Tsunade take a sip of wine and change the word, shivering, not daring to speak.

At this time, the curtain of the izakaya door was lifted again, and Shizune watched the white-haired man who appeared last before and looked unorthodox walk in.

Then, unceremoniously, he sat down next to Tsunade.

"What's the point of drinking alone? I'll accompany you.

Jiraiya picked up another wine glass and very naturally divided half of Tsunade's wine.

Tsunade smacked his lips and looked at Jiraiya with an unhappy look in his eyes.

"Jiraiya, you brought that stinky little ghost!"

"He... What a thing he is! Dare to teach me that lesson!

Tsunade slammed the table hard, and the wine bottles and side dishes on the table trembled with overwhelm.

Jiraiya hurriedly appeased Tsunade.

Tsunade, don't drink too much, use the monster power!

"Hey, hey! I can't blame it all! Besides, that kid is actually okay..." Jiraiya also wanted to help Uzumaki Kirito explain two sentences.

As soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Tsunade.

"Huh! That's not okay! His weird power is more exaggerated than mine!

"If it weren't for the fact that he had the face of that kid from the Wave Feng Shui Gate and the nature of Uchiha, I really would have wondered if he was the bloodline left behind by a thousand hands!"

Jiraiya, who had just drunk a large gulp of wine, directly sprayed Tsunade's clothes.

The mute on the side dodged quickly, and the corner of his clothes still rubbed a little.

Jiraiya silently glanced at Tsunade's soaked hem, and then at Tsunade, who was unaware, Jiraiya coughed twice, and decisively picked up the topic.

Can't let Tsunade find out! Otherwise, he will definitely take off a layer of skin!

"Ahem! In terms of monster power, you actually lose? Really fake? Zi Lai also touched his chest and said in disbelief.

"Really!" Tsunade said angrily, and she slammed the table again: "So I'm angry!"

"Angry that he dares to speak to me like that!"

"I'm still angry that he is not the bloodline of the Thousand Hands Clan!"

Damn it!

It's really abominable!

If it were his own cub, Tsunade would have endured it.

The question is, no!

Jiraiya instantly understood Tsunade's mood, and could only show a rueful expression and said:

"He is Uzumaki, and he is still related to Senju."

"Maybe he awakened the Thousand Hand Bloodline that day?"

"Monster Power King Kong Seal Mu Dun or something, it's not a problem!"

I also look to the future boldly.

Tsunade: Huh! I'll just listen to you blind Bibi!

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