“MISS Two Fingers, don’t move rashly, the momentum that this guy has erupted is completely different from before.”

MR.1 put MISS’s fingers on the ground and said.

“Thanks, Daz, I almost crushed it directly by him.”


“I’ll take the attack, you find an opportunity to attack him, try to find the weak parts of his body.”

MR.1, also known as Daz, said.




Daz immediately swung his arms so that he crossed his arms in front of his chest, and at the same time, several sharp slashes flew out directly, and the flying slashes were the number of fingers.


Claude laughed loudly, and with a direct wave of his right hand, he flew out all the flying slashes.

“This guy actually blocked my slash directly with his arm…”

MR·1 said with some surprise.


Claude laughed and rushed directly towards Daz, before Daz could react, Claude had already arrived in front of him and pressed a palm on Daz’s head.

“What! So fast! ”

While Daz was surprised, Claude had already slammed him to the ground and smashed a large hole.

MISS solved with both fingers, turned his feet into spikes, and stabbed towards Claude.

Unexpectedly, Claude grabbed the spike that came from the spurt, and then threw it hard, and directly threw out MISS’s fingers.


Daz stood up and tried to fight back, his hands turning into spinning blades and stabbing towards Claude.

But Claude was not afraid of this move at all, and directly struck towards Daz with a palm, and the demon arm instantly parried Daz’s attack and smashed him directly to the ground.

“Even if I can’t cause you harm, if you can’t break the iron, you can’t hurt me…”

Daz said with a smile.

Claude seemed to see the provocation in Daz’s eyes, and suddenly, he took a posture and condensed the demonic power of his whole body on his right fist.


A violent punch hit Daz’s abdomen directly, and then directly turned into an upper-hook punch, and the violent punch directly knocked Daz’s whole person into the air, and then fell suddenly.


“What! It only took one punch! ”

MISS’s fingers were taken aback, knowing that she was not Claude’s opponent at all, and turned and ran, but as soon as she took a step, Claude was already behind her, directly pressed her head with a palm, and smashed her heavily to the ground.

In just a few moments, Claude solved the two, but he did not stop, but continued to turn his gaze to the other two standing people.

Kasa and Karina had just finished out MISS Merry Christmas and MR.4 at this time, a little worried about Claude, turned their heads, and saw the laughing Claude rushing over.

“Oops, his demonic state hasn’t been lifted yet! Run away! ”

Karina shouted, and then pulled the grass and fled quickly.

Kazuma originally wanted to turn her feet into wheels to escape, but she found that the wheels were stuck in the sand and Ben could not move, and at this time, Claude was already behind the two, and the demon palm came towards the two.

“Pan big shock!”

Pu Cao immediately turned his hands into a pan and slammed towards Claude, but the pan hit Claude’s head without any reaction at all, but Claude grabbed Claude’s head and smashed her heavily on the ground.


Karina was taken aback and hurriedly wanted to touch a scroll from behind, but Claude had already arrived in front of Karina and slapped a palm towards Karina.

“Claude! Wake up! ”

Karina shouted.

When Claude heard his name, he was suddenly stunned, and at this time, Karina had already taken out the scroll and opened it immediately.

“Claude, sober up! Lei Dun Lei Guangzhu! ”

A pillar of lightning immediately hit Claude’s body, immediately paralyzing him by electricity, but he took a resolute step and held down Karina, and the two were electrified together, and then, both fell directly to the ground.

On the other side, Karu took Vivi to constantly gallop, and MR.2 Von Kray was also constantly chasing behind.

“Karu, your injuries are very serious…”

Vivi said with some concern.

But Karu did not stop, it continued to gallop, even directly along the almost vertical wall.

“Karoo! You’re awesome! ”

Vivi exclaimed excitedly.

“What! Unexpectedly, he directly avoided the battlefield and went towards the palace. ”

MR.2 von Kray exclaimed.

Karu carried Vivi over the city wall and directly into the palace, but it had become a chaotic battlefield.

“We still have a chance to stop the war, Karu, take me to the palace of the royal palace, Gaka should still be there!”

Vivi yelled at Karu.

“However, this is a battlefield, can you still advance?”

Vivi said with some concern.

Karu shouted and rushed forward.

At this moment, MR·2 von Kray is also constantly chasing behind him.

“Kill the Kingdom Army! Storm the palace! ”

Kou Sha slashed a royal soldier to the ground with a knife, shouting loudly, but his movement was implicated in the previous gunshot wound, and a person next to him saw this, and hurriedly asked worriedly:

“Kosha, your gunshot wound in Port City hasn’t healed yet…”

Kosha said coldly:

“This is not a game, but a war, a minor injury is not in the line of fire, I have to find an opportunity to storm the palace.”

“To the palace? Are you alone? Are you crazy? ”

The man exclaimed.

“I’m going to get the king to surrender, and if this kind of battle continues, it will only cause more damage!”

Kosha said.

“Don’t say stupid things, there are the main garrison forces of the Kingdom Army guarded by the strongest warrior of Alabastan Bell and Gaka, just by you…”

The man said with some concern.

“Our army hasn’t all arrived yet, they’re still coming from other places, you don’t need to go alone!”

Another rebel cadre said.

“No, I can’t just watch everyone kill each other like this, it’s not a war for the sake of fighting…”

With that, Kousha rushed straight forward.

And Vivi was sitting on Karu’s back at the moment, rushing forward, but Karu suddenly stumbled under his feet and fell heavily on the ground.

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