“Oh, it’s this.”

Ace took out a blank piece of paper and handed it to Ryosuke Sato.

“Life card?”

Ryosuke Sato saw the blank piece of paper and said.

“So you know ah, that’s good. Then I’ll get rid of this matter for you, thank you. ”

Ace said with a smile.

“Why don’t you wait for Luffy here in person and give this to him personally?”

Karina came over and asked.

Ace smiled slightly and said:

“Because I have my own business that I haven’t done yet.”

Ryosuke Sato thought about it.

“At this point in time, could it be… Could it be that you are tracking Blackbeard? ”

Ryosuke Sato exclaimed.

Ace smiled and said:

“Oh? You know how it feels like nothing escapes your eyes. ”

Karina smiled slightly, put a hand on Ryosuke Sato’s shoulder and said:

“Yes, this guy always looks unfathomable.”

Ryosuke Sato looked at Ace and said with a serious expression:

“Ace, can you not go?”

When Ace heard this, his face also changed, he put away his smile, and said seriously:

“No, I have to go. That guy with Blackbeard committed the worst crime on board, killing his companions! As the captain, I have to solve this matter myself! ”

“But… This time you will definitely lose. And finally… Maybe you’ll die! ”

Ryosuke Sato said.

“Hahaha, even if it’s death? At the beginning of implementing my beliefs, I had already put life and death on the line. ”

Ace said with a big laugh.

“It’s really rare to think of someone as open-minded and transparent as you.”

Seeing that he couldn’t stop Ace, Ryosuke Sato smiled helplessly.

Although he wanted to stop Ace, he was worried that changing history would trigger a butterfly effect.

The main thing was that he knew that there was no way he could stop Ace.

“In that case, I won’t say anything more.”

Pu Cao put the food in front of Ace at this moment, and Ace began to gobble up.

“Look there!”

Pu Cao pointed to the rear of the boat and saw many hanging B· The W-flagged ships headed for the Devil’s Wings.

“What’s that?”

Claude exclaimed.

“It seems that it is the pursuers of the Baroque Work Society, so they don’t want us to reach Alabastan safely.”

Vivi looked at the ship in front of her and said.

“Is it your pursuers?”

Ace finished his meal, wiped his mouth full of oil, and said.

“Just had enough to move. Since you have invited me to a big meal, then these miscellaneous soldiers, let me help you solve them. ”

Saying that, Ace jumped directly from the boat and landed on his one-man boat.

“Look, that’s the ship of the Demon Pirates!”

“Sixty million heads are in that place!”

“Rush! Kill them! ”

Five ships rushed towards the Devil’s Wings.

Everyone is like a big enemy, and Ryosuke Sato is already condensing Chakra, and in the face of so many ships, if they fire together, it is also a tricky problem.

At this moment, Ace, who was standing on the ship, flicked his arm, and then directly waved his fist at the five ships that were coming.

“Fire Fist!”

Just listening to Ace’s loud shout, his arm immediately changed into a huge pillar of fire, which was as thick as a warship, and the pillar of fire that was waving quickly towards the oncoming ship.

“What’s that?”

The members of the Baroque Work Society on the shipless ship saw a huge pillar of fire rushing straight towards them, and before they could react, the pillar of fire had already hit the first ship.

As if dozens of shells had hit, a ship was blown apart directly from the middle, and it became a pile of wreckage in an instant.

What was even more frightening was that after shattering the first ship, the pillar of fire did not stop, but continued towards the second ship.


There was another explosion, and the second ship exploded, followed by the third, the fourth…

A series of five ships exploded under Ace’s punch, instantly turning into black smoke wreckage and disappearing above the sea.

And the few people standing on the ship were also taken aback, and their jaws were about to fall to the deck in surprise.

“What… Took out five ships with one punch, this … It’s also incredible! ”

Claude exclaimed.

“This straw hat kid’s brother, so handsome!”

Pucao’s eyes were full of adoration.

“This person’s strength is really extraordinary…”

Vivi said in surprise.

“Fire Fist Ace, it is worthy of being a guy with a bounty of 500 million berry.”

Seeing this, Ryosuke Sato smiled slightly and said.

“It’s good that this terrible guy is not our enemy.”

Karina patted her chest and said.

After solving the five ships, Ace turned around, flicked his hat with his finger, and said with a smile:

“Okay, let’s separate here.”

“Well, take care.”

Ryosuke Sato looked at Ace and said with some concern.

Ace laughed and said:

“Don’t worry, I won’t die until I let my daddy be the Shanghai Thief King! Goodbye! ”

Saying that, there was an exhaust port at the stern of Ace’s boat, from which a huge flame was ejected, making the ship break through the waves like a sharp arrow, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

“Ace, what a funny guy.”

Ryosuke Sato smiled slightly and said.

“Okay, next, let’s continue to go full speed towards Alabastan!”

“Good, Ace helped us kill the pursuers, and we should be able to relax for a while.”

Karina stretched her waist very happily and said. It seems that this time of rushing makes this navigator tired.

Ryosuke Sato gently patted Vivi on the shoulder and said:

“Don’t worry, Vivi, we’ll be able to reach Alabastan soon.”


Vivi looked at the sea in the distance and nodded heavily.

The next morning, Ryosuke Sato stood on the deck and rolled his eyes, looked ahead, and said:

“Oh? There seems to be a shadow of an island! ”


Vivi ran out of the kitchen very happily, came to the deck and looked ahead with a telescope, and said:

“Hmph, where is it, aren’t you deceiving people?”

Ryosuke Sato smiled slightly and said:

“My eyes can see much farther than your telescope.”

Vivi thought that Ryosuke Sato was joking, and said with a smile:

“How is it possible.”

At this moment, a huge sea cat jumped out of the sea in front of the boat and appeared in front of the two.

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