Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 86 Malfoy’s temptation

As soon as Snape left, three heads on the back poked their way in through the crack in the door, staring at Xia Lin.

"What are you three doing? Come in, please?"

Xia Lin thought it was a bit funny and called the three of them in.

The three little ones immediately ran in and sat on the chairs obediently, eating the snacks served by the suction cup golem.

"Professor, are you okay?" Hermione asked concerned.

"What can happen to me?" Xia Lin looked at them strangely, not knowing what they were up to.

"Well, Harry said, Snape wanted to poison you..."

"I don't deny that he must have thought about it, but you should respect Snape more and call him 'Professor' or 'Mr.'" Xia Lin corrected.

"But how can he be a professor if he wants to murder you or Harry?" said Ron. "Dumbledore should remove him and you can be Head of Slytherin!"

Gryffindor has been suffering from Snape for a long time. If they could get a fair dean, they would be much better off.

"Professor Snape didn't try to murder anyone, and nothing like this would do him any good. He may be unjust, but he wouldn't intentionally hurt a student."

"But - I saw it with my own eyes last time." Hermione said eagerly.

Ron also added: "Yes, and he hates Harry. Professor, I'm afraid you don't know his attitude towards Harry, as if the two of them are enemies!"

Harry said nothing, but looked at Xia Lin with affirmative eyes.

This forced Xia Lin to do some explanation.

Although he had promised Snape not to tell the other party's secret just a second ago, this information would soon no longer be considered a secret. Even if he didn't tell it, Sirius would definitely tell Harry.

So he looked at Harry and said seriously:

"Snape doesn't like you because he and your father didn't get along before, but he's not going to hurt your life because of this."

In fact, this is only part of the truth. The other part is that Snape's current behavior is actually Dumbledore's instruction. But as soon as Snape saw Harry's face, he couldn't help but complete Dumbledore's arrangement with 200% efficiency.

Bullying James Pott's son?

Snape didn't feel any burden at all!

"Then how do you explain why he poisoned you?" Ron asked.

"That's what you're talking about." Xia Lin took out the bottle of potion that Snape gave before, "It's actually one of the potions that Snape developed using Pokémon hair. It's indeed a bit toxic.

"This bottle uses the mucus of the Stinky Flower. It smells very fragrant, but if you drink it, you will not be able to help but vomit for two weeks. He has also developed a lot of magic potions, but most of them are similar to those that have already been There aren’t many advantages compared to the existence of magic potions.”

Xia Lin took out the beautiful-looking bottle of potion and opened the lid. Suddenly, a faint aroma of grass and trees began to fill the air.

Although stink flowers emit a foul smell, their saliva is also one of the ingredients used to make perfume in the Pokémon world. It's actually a very sticky nectar.

He had just asked Snape for the formula of the potion, for which he was ridiculed by Snape and said that he was wasting his talent. As for the effect of the potion, Xia Lin found a dark wizard to try it out...

"Would you like to take a bite?"

He handed the potion to the three little ones, and they immediately avoided it in fear and shook their heads crazily.

Seeing this, Xia Lin put away the potion with a disappointed look on his face: "So, even if Professor Snape wanted to 'poison' me, he would only use these disgusting things, not to mention he knew very well about me. It’s impossible to drink.”

"Okay, but even so, Snape must be trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone!" Harry said firmly.

He told about his meeting with Snape on All Hallows' Eve and about Snape's injury.

Ron is also very sure:

"Snape must be planning to steal the Philosopher's Stone. That stone is very magical! It can turn stones into gold and make people immortal! Snape must be trying to get him. I mean, he looks like he even has shampoo." I can’t afford it either. I have seven children at home, so it’s not like this.”

Hearing this, Xia Lin burst into laughter. Ron was simply a money addict. In his eyes, the magic stone's ability to turn rocks into gold was actually more useful than becoming a saint and becoming immortal.

"You are wrong Ron. A potion master like Snape can sell a bottle of potion for a lot of money on the market. He doesn't use shampoo because the shampoo in the wizarding world used to be from the Potter family. industry. Now there are some new brands, but I’m afraid he has become accustomed to a life of not washing his hair." He explained.

At least he knew that Lockhart seemed to be endorsing a shampoo.

"Compared to these, how is your collection of badges? So far, no wizard has challenged me!" Xia Lin asked, "Don't forget that the Hogwarts Cup will be held at the end of this year. .”

"Harry and I have already obtained two badges. However, Professor Quirrell's badge is almost free. We haven't even seen him take out Pokémon." Ron said quickly.

"Well, I'm not planning on participating in the end-of-term competition," Hermione whispered. She doesn't have much interest in Pokémon battles, and even feels that commanding Pokémon to fight is a bit cruel. I even want to form a Pokémon protection club.

However, creatures like Pokémon naturally like to fight. If they are not allowed to fight, the Pokémon may still be unhappy.

"No one challenges you because we all think that you and Dumbledore are the strongest, and we plan to wait until we get the fourth badge to try to challenge you." Harry said.

"Of course I won't use my full strength." Xia Lin said helplessly.

It's normal for the little wizard to have a relatively low level of Pokémon just after he got it, and there are only a few people who own Pokémon. If he had been more strict, the Hogwarts Cup wouldn't have had to be held.

Improving the level is something that should be done in the future. This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

"How about it, do you want to try to challenge the creation badge?" Xia Lin suggested.

Harry and Ron were both a little eager to give it a try.

But just when they were about to nod, another visitor came to Xia Lin's office.

"Professor Gold—" Malfoy knocked on the door of the office. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the three very eye-catching Harrys, "—Potter? Why are you here?"

Harry turned his head and ignored him.

This annoying Malfoy even said the same words as Snape.

"Malfoy, what do you want from me?" Xia Lin narrowed her eyes immediately after seeing Malfoy.

During the attack not long ago, he actually didn't pay attention to whether Old Malfoy was inside, but judging from Draco's expression, at least Old Malfoy himself was fine.

We just don't know if the Malfoy family knows about this, or if they are involved.

At this juncture, Draco suddenly came to look for him, which was obviously a test.

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