Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 11 The establishment of the protected area is completed

After receiving the funds, Xia Lin left the principal's office.

The next step is to lay out the nature reserve. It is not the most difficult thing to have mountains, rivers, plains, etc. in a nature reserve. The most difficult thing is the change of day and night and climate.

Of course, the weather spell can be used, but this spell will always fail, and it will be difficult to maintain if the space is too large.

Xia Lin's idea is to go directly to the ocean and put parts of some small islands into it. And of course the climate of the island. It feels a bit like directly cutting out the space on the island and pasting it in your own office.

In this way, the climate of his nature reserve is actually connected to the climate of the original location of the islands.

Therefore, soon after, in his nature reserve that was gradually taking shape, the icy and snowy temperatures and the scorching tropical climate were clearly adjacent to each other, but they were not affected at all.

Entering the nature reserve through the door of the breeding house, you will first see a vast grassland area. Snowy mountains, dense forests, Gobi deserts and large lakes and wetlands are located around it.

Xia Lin thought it was quite big at first, but when these environments were filled in, it seemed a bit small again.

But it's actually big enough.

A dense forest and a black lake are enough to accommodate so many magical animals. The space in Xia Lin is almost ten times larger than Hogwarts, and it will not be a problem to accommodate at least tens of thousands of Pokémon.

In fact, it was already the end of August when Xia Lin had roughly created all the environments of the nature reserve. Those Pokémon that have hatched have grown a lot now, and Monini has even evolved into a sucker golem.

Now, they have become employees of the nature reserve, and are also responsible for taking care of some of the Pokémon that later hatched.

Although the batch of Pokémon eggs provided by the breeding house at that time had many types, the rarer the Pokémon, the fewer times they could be hatched.

Now the Lada and Kentero in the grassland have almost formed a group, and they will be able to sustain themselves even if they reproduce independently in the future.

Several large milk tanks that have hatched also live with Kentero. Their relationship is not very good, but they can breed offspring as they are both terrestrial groups.

However, the breeding of Pokémon is not exactly the same as in the game. The type of Pokémon egg in the game depends on the mother. In other words, if the only male Kentero follows the rules in the game, there is no way to lay Kentero's eggs except with the Variety Monster.

But in reality, it is obvious that both parents may be inherited, but fortunately, there will not be a strange string...

Now, there are dozens of different Pokémon species in the grassland area. The environment here is suitable for most Pokémon types. Pokémon originally placed by Xia Lin in dense forests or wetlands sometimes cross the border and come here. .

There are also several small fire horses among them.

Most of the Pokémon in dense forest areas are grass-type, insect-type, and flying-type. The Pokémon types here have a high repetition rate with grasslands. However, due to the relationship between forests and hills, there are almost no fire-types and those who like to move quickly. Running Pokémon.

The desert Gobi has the largest number of rock systems and ground systems. The exposed rocks and hot climate of the Gobi are enough to make many Pokémon unbearable.

In fact, 80% of rock-type Pokémon are small fist stones. There are only a small number of large rock snakes, and even fewer armored rhinos.

The snowfield area has the smallest number of Pokémon. The only ice-type Pokémon that Xia Lin has unlocked so far are Mistress and Lapras, but Lapras mostly lives in the ocean.

In fact, white sea lions and armored clams also have ice attributes, but before they evolved, they were all water attributes. And like Lapras, they mostly live in water.

It needs to be mentioned that Xia Lin moved in from the outside world because the environment of the nature reserve was brought in. So there are many ordinary animals here, and many carnivorous Pokémon can prey on ordinary animals for a living.

Moreover, Xia Lin has started planting tree fruits. The nutrients contained in tree fruits completely exceed that of ordinary meat. Even a Pokémon like Charizard can survive solely on the nutrition of tree fruits.

However, Xia Lin can only plant blue and orange varieties now. There were quite a few, and he planted a few in different areas, leaving them under the care of his Bulbasaur and other grass-type Pokémon.

He basically lived in the reserve throughout August. Until Dumbledore informed him to be ready to attend the entrance ceremony for new students tomorrow, the nature reserve was still not fully constructed. While Xia Lin is building, he is also constantly expanding the space of the nature reserve.

So much so that when Dumbledore informed him, he didn't want to attend the dinner, but continued working. However, he dismissed the idea.

It is not compulsory for every professor to attend the dinner. For example, the old magician from the divination class almost never showed up. However, if you can't hear the "Hannah Abbott", it always makes people feel that the blood is not very pure.

During this time, his course schedule has also been released. As a subject that will not appear in the Wizarding Examination, there are not many courses, and each grade is taken together by the four houses.

The first-grade class was on Monday afternoon. Not long ago, the school had sent owls to deliver the "Pokémon Encyclopedia" written by him to all students through owls, and they knew that all the textbooks and materials for this course would be provided by the school.

The first edition of the Pokédex Xia Lin only compiled non-legendary Pokémon and fantasy beasts from the Kanto region. That is 146. Logically speaking, the content of his class is related to these 146 Pokémon.

However, since the four academies were taking classes together, Xia Lin felt that he might be able to come up with some Pokémon that were not in the textbooks - for example, some Pokémon that could symbolize the four academies but were not in the Kanto region illustrated book.

Soon, the time came to September 1st. Before the new and old students arrive at Hogwarts, Xia Lin needs to arrive in the hall first.

His position was arranged to the left of Dumbledore, which was quite good. He was far away from Snape and Quirrell, who smelled of garlic. Xia Lin didn't want to be disgusted by two unhygienic people around her while eating.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts is huge, and the entrance hall is so big that an entire two-story house can be moved into it. Like Gringotts, the stone walls are surrounded by burning torches. The ceiling is so high that you can barely see the top. On the front is a luxurious marble staircase leading directly to the upper floor.

Xia Lin stared at the torches, wondering if they were Gubulai's fairy fire.

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