Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 285 What? ! You Visited The Sick And Cured Them? !

Of course Blake couldn't let Agatha crush Lockhart right now.

At least not now.

"Haha, someone like him can actually be a professor?"

"Okay...since you have a plan, then follow your ideas.

"I don't care, I've recovered now anyway."

"It doesn't matter if you crush him sooner or later."

Agatha held the vase in her hand with a calm expression.

At this time, the poor vase had long been broken into pieces.

Blake was a little surprised by her strength~.

He had an intuition that even if the witch in front of him didn't use magic, he was still the most capable one.

"Don't worry, it won't be long."

Blake took the two packages from Nagini's hands and handed them over.

"Now that you're fine, let's get out of here."

Agatha and Agnes took the package.

In addition to a brand new set of clothes, the package contained a money bag containing gold galleons.

And a magic wand.

Agatha picked up the wand and felt a warmth coming from the wand.

"What a wand!" said Agatha.

Agnes also looked at her wand with an intoxicated expression.

It's been a long time since they've touched a wand...

Magic...how could they forget such a magical power?

While Agatha and Agnes were changing clothes in the cubicle.

Blake and Old Rip came to the Longbottoms' compartment again.

Blake was seen carefully examining the two of them.

Old Lepp asked curiously: "Do you know them?"

"I don't know it, but I've heard of it..." Blake said while checking.

"They are the heroes who fought against Voldemort."

"It's just that after Voldemort's fall, the remaining Death Eaters couldn't find their master.

"I captured them and used the Cruciatus Curse to interrogate them. I wanted to know the whereabouts of Voldemort."

"The desperadoes tortured them with the Cruciatus Curse for a long time..."

"Later, they were rescued, but... they also left permanent sequelae."

"They fell before dawn."

Old Lepp fell into silence.

"Sigh...I'm too old to hear this."

"But if you dare to call Voldemort by his first name, that's good."

"In my opinion, this is much better than a lot of people."

Blake took out his wand and carefully probed the souls of the Longbottoms.

"I actually don't feel comfortable calling him Voldemort."

"Voldemort is just a name he came up with to escape his real name."

"If I saw him, I would affectionately call him Tom."

Old Lepp smiled, "Yes, this is exactly what I like most about you."

"We will never give the enemy what he wants, even if it's just a title."

After sighing with emotion for a while, Old Repp brought the topic back to the Longbottoms again.

"Hmm...how are they? Do you have a way to cure them?"

"For example, the 'restart' you just mentioned...

Blake put away his wand, "Restarting won't do them any good. Their souls have been damaged and somewhat mutilated.

"There must be a way. Their physical injuries have healed long ago. The way they are now means there is something wrong with their souls."

"Perhaps, I can just replenish their souls. Specifically, I have to go back and study it."

This situation is a bit like the psychosis Blake heard about in his previous life.

The soul is incomplete, even though the brain has been completely cured by St. Mungo's.

There was no way to regain consciousness.

Blake felt that it was necessary to study Horcruxes again.

Because even though Voldemort's soul is broken, he still has a clear mind...

Except that his soul was divided too many times and he lost his mind a little bit, everything was fine.

Blake wanted to know how he could be sober even without a complete soul.

He really hadn't studied this issue before.

At this time, the diary will be of great use.

The remnant souls in the diary are different from those of other Horcruxes.

Maybe it's because this was the first Horcrux created by Voldemort.

So the remnant soul inside is particularly blockbuster...

This resulted in this remnant soul being the closest to complete.

Blake stimulated him to even get a gold-level treasure chest.

This is completely different from the scumbag in Ravenclaw's crown, which can only get out of a bronze treasure chest.

The research value of the diary is much higher than that of other Horcruxes!

At this time, Agnes and Agatha followed Nagini out.

They all changed out of their hospital gowns and put on new wizard robes.

"Is it really okay for us to leave directly like this?"

Agnes said without confirmation.

"You are not imprisoned in Azkaban... you are just patients.

"Now that you are cured, no one can stop you from leaving."

"You just need to go through the discharge procedures."

"Believe me, your therapist is happier than anyone else to see you getting better.


Blake took out another money bag from his pocket.

"If they ask you for medical expenses, the gold galleons in them should be enough."

Agatha waved her hand, "Didn't you just give it to us?"

In the package just given to them, in addition to clothes and wands, there was also a money bag containing a thousand gold galleons.

This is a lot of money for Agatha and Agnes.

The treatment fee should be more than enough.

Blake shook his head, "That's for you to resettle in the future, and the medical expenses will come from here."

"This..." Agatha and Agnes looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

In any case, it is shocking that a young man of Blake's age can spend so much money in one go.

"Take it." Old Lepp put the pipe back into his belt and said calmly: "Blake is a very capable person."

Old Lepp's words have made it very clear.

Blake is a very capable person, naturally different from others.

This money may seem like a lot to other people, but it really is nothing to Blake.

Just what Old Rep saw was the homemade potion that Blake took out.

It was enough for him to earn more wealth than he could spend in his lifetime.

What's more, Blake seems to have an unusual relationship with Dumbledore.

Don't think that the Dumbledore family has no money...

"Thank you." Agatha took the money bag and expressed her sincere gratitude.

"You don't need to say this if you're one of us." Blake waved his hand proudly.

As long as it is included in the directory, it is 100% one of our own.

Blake has never been stingy with his own people.

Moreover, he believes that these people will definitely be worthy of their investment in the future!

Later, Blake asked Nagini to take Asha and Agnes to go through the discharge procedures.

Then, Blake and Old Repp came to the "teapot man".

Originally, Mr. Teapot was not included in his plan.


He recalled that Mr. Teapot seemed to have worked in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.

There is a special title for this kind of person, that is - the silent person.

Their missions in the Department of Mysteries are top secret.

And what Blake is most interested in is top secrets!

Moreover, those who can be silent people are either extremely powerful or have extremely strong research abilities.

In other words, this guy should be a talent.

Blake heard that there is only one step between genius and madness.

Therefore, Blake has reason to believe that this guy should have been a genius before he went crazy.

But...it doesn't matter if he is a talent or not.

Curing him is just a piece of cake.

Therefore, Blake didn't mind scraping a "blind box" before leaving.

"Old Lepp, I'll make a bet with you.


"I bet this guy was definitely a talent before."

Old Lepp looked at the guy squatting on the coffee table and remained silent for a while.

"Actually...with all due respect, I think he is also a talent now..."

Neurosis is actually not easy to cure.

But if it's insanity caused by a curse.

That would be really easy to treat.

All you need is a small bottle of the curse-breaking potion brewed by Blake.

Blake was still a little short of success in breaking the curse and healing potion.

But Blake had already figured out the curse-breaking potion when he was researching the curse-breaking potion.

Old Rip saw Blake before treatment.

First he took out a strange small box and gestured at the teapot man for a while.

I couldn't help but asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Take a picture of him as a talented person now."

"Then I cured him and showed him..."

"Hey! Teapot, pour some tea!"

When Lao Lepu heard this, he felt a chill on his side.

He hurriedly walked out the door.

He was afraid that if he left late, he would be splashed with "tea".

"Ding! Extremely embarrassing emotion detected!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!"

Blake looked at the "teapot man" huddled in bed in front of him with a smile.

Of course, his name should be called now, Broderick Border.

Can explode gold treasure chests.

Proof that this guy is a talent.

Blake decisively opened the eyes of reality.

Sure enough, the white light on Bode's head is gradually turning towards golden color!

Alas, if you scratch a blind box at random, you will end up with a treasure!

"Ahem, I am very grateful to you for curing me...but if you are willing to delete that image...I am willing to do anything for you."

"Ding! Followers who voluntarily follow the host have been detected. Will the host include them?"

The system prompt sounds at the right time.

After Blake finished recording, he smiled and said:

"Of course that won't work. You have to know that this video is actually of great research value."

Bode gritted his teeth and asked: "What is the research value?"

“It’s helpful to conduct research on abnormal humans at St. Mungo’s…”

"Ah... stop talking..."

Being mentally ill is not the scariest thing.

The scariest thing is that after being cured, you see how you got sick...

Bode, who had just recovered from a serious illness, just glanced at the image of himself "pouring tea".

Then he almost became a psychopath again...

0...Please give me flowers...

Of course, Blake just made a little joke with him.

Since it is included, it is one of our own.

If nothing unexpected happens, the former Silent Man will become Blake's most important assistant in future dangerous experiments.

Therese Pye looked at the people in front of her with question marks on her face.

Several of them are still patients in permanent wards.


"Are you sure you really want to go through the discharge procedures for them?"

"Very true

OK, Miss Payee. Blake said politely.

"But they can only get the best care at St. Mungo's. If you are discharged..."

Pai said worriedly.

"Thank you very much for taking care of them over the years. But..."

"They will no longer need nursing care in the future because their illnesses have been cured."

Tris Pye looked at Blake in shock.

"Okay... What does it mean to be cured..."

Blake suddenly had black lines all over his head. What does it mean to be cured?!

At this time, Tris, whose reflex arc was a bit long, finally reacted.

"Ah! You...they..."

Her eyes flickered to the faces of the people behind Blake.

Although Agatha and the others were still a little pale.

But the look in his eyes is much worse than before!

This only means one thing.

That’s why they are really good!

"But...why did they suddenly get better?" Tris asked doubtfully.

"Oh, I happened to know how to treat them, and I cured them."

"By the way, the Longbottom couple's situation is a bit complicated. I have to go back and study the treatment plan. However, my research speed is very fast, so it shouldn't take long."


"You..." Tris was extremely shocked.

The young man in front of him not only cured several patients in the permanent ward.

And... He also said that he can also cure the remaining two patients in the future?!

Is this just a visit to a doctor and all the patients should be packed up, treated and taken away?

To be honest, this is the first time that St. Mungo's has seen this situation for so many years!

In Blake's mind, the system beeps kept ringing.

Therese Pye directly contributed five silver treasure chests to him, and finally there was even a gold treasure chest!

In one wave, her treasure chest drops reached the limit for today...

Now it was Blake's turn to be a little surprised.

Most people will always be suspicious when they see themselves at this age and say something like this.

What's going on with this trainee therapist?

Why does she believe whatever he says?

Even if you are telling the truth.

But her reaction was a bit outrageous...

"I...please wait a moment, I have to ask our dean...

After a long while, Tris held back such a sentence, then turned around and ran away.

It directly left Blake and others in place...


Dean Bohan sat heavily on his chair with mixed emotions.

As the current director of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies.

It should be a joy to see a patient recover.


St. Mungo's has treated patients for many years.

Today I was cured by a young man!

He checked it himself!

Those patients in the permanent ward are really completely cured!

This was supposed to be a good thing.

However, this made Dean Bohan feel extremely frustrated...

It is conceivable that you have worked hard for half your life.

But it can’t compare to the efforts of a young man in a few years at most...

Can it not make people feel defeated?

Moreover, since his ancestor Mango Bohan founded Jiangkai.

When did this happen?

Dean Bohan, who looked frustrated, complained in front of Mungo Bohan's portrait for the first time in decades.

Tell him everything that just happened.

"Idiot, shouldn't your focus now be on how that young man treated the patient?"

"Maybe he has mastered a new type of treatment technique that we haven't mastered yet.

"If it were me, I wouldn't hide in the office and be autistic, but I would ask for advice on this new type of treatment.

"A new type of treatment technique, do you know how many people can be saved?"

"This is of great significance to St. Mungo's... no, this is of great significance to the entire wizarding world!"

"If possible, you should even ask someone to come to Sheng Ge to be the attending therapist! The salary and benefits are up to the other party!"

Mungo's portraits taught his descendants a lesson.

Obviously, although the first generation dean only left a portrait, he was still much more sober than his descendant.

Dean Bohan was stunned when he heard this.

"You're right! I...I actually forgot the original intention of St. Mungo's!"

After Dean Bohan finished speaking, he ran out of the office as fast as he could.

But when he came to the first floor again.

Blake and the others have been gone for a while.

Dean Bohan was very upset.

Suddenly, he seemed to have remembered something, and ran towards his office door as fast as he could.

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