Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 275 Harry: Ah! Don't Come Over Here!

A "quiet" Halloween has passed.

The time soon came to mid-November.


Everyone's mood became high again.

Because this year's new college Quidditch season has finally begun.

After a week of heavy schoolwork.

It's nice to get a chance to cheer and release your emotions for a day.

Moreover, today happens to be the "derby" battle between the feuding teams of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

It was also the first battle after the entire Slytherin team changed to new equipment.

Given Slytherin's long-standing "good" reputation.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff both hoped that Gryffindor would be victorious today.

However, Slytherin finally changed their equipment.

Therefore, Gryffindor's winning rate is actually not high.

Because of their speed advantage, Slytherin's chasers will be able to score more easily.

Follow professional commentator Lee Jordan's predictions.

In the end, the outcome of the two teams may not depend on the ball they are looking for.

Gryffindor can only win if he catches the Golden Snitch before Slytherin leads his team by 150 points.

Therefore, whether Gryffindor can win basically depends on Harry Potter.

Beyond one hundred and fifty points, Gryffindor's chasers were basically unable to score from the faster Slytherin.

The game will start at eleven o'clock sharp.

As the time approaches, everyone rushes to the Quidditch pitch.

Hope to get a better position.

"Hello, have you seen Blake?"

Hermione stopped a Hufflepuff girl and asked.

If you ask other boys where Blake is, he might not know.

But if you ask a girl...

Then you must know it!

"He's on the Quidditch pitch, next to the Gryffindor dressing room!"

Sure enough, the girl answered Hermione's question smoothly.

However, when she turned around and saw that it was Hermione who asked the question.

Her expression changed instantly.

"Granger! Is it you? Aren't you Blake's friend? Why don't you even know where he is?"

"Hmph! If you are so careless, I will definitely snatch him from your hands!"

"Uh..." Hermione looked at the girl's leaving figure with a speechless face.

Oh, how many girls has this bastard seduced...

However, Blake has so many awesome deeds, it's no wonder he can attract so many eyes of the opposite sex.

Suddenly, Hermione thought about it again and felt that what she said made sense.

"I...don't I care about him?"

"It seems...it doesn't count!"

"But, why do others know where he is, but I don't..."

"Could it be that this is what is called... always caring more about things you can't get than things you already have?"

"Uh... No! What do you mean you have got it... What am I thinking! I haven't got it..."

In a moment of random thoughts.

Hermione succeeded in turning herself into a red-faced "Steam Girl"

As expected, Blake was at the door of the Gryffindor Quidditch team's locker room.

I saw him sitting on the railing on the side.

There is a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

In front of him, Harry, wearing a red Gryffindor Quidditch jersey, was carefully reaching out his hand in front of Blake.

And around him, there were still many people standing.

Everyone had a more or less shocked look on their face.

Hermione approached curiously and heard their conversation.

"Harry...you're not having a good day today."

"Ah! I...what happened to me today?" Harry asked in surprise.

Blake took Harry's hand and looked at it carefully.

Then he looked at Harry's face again.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... there are dark clouds over the sky!" Blake sighed.

Harry swallowed hard and asked cautiously, "What is a dark cloud cover?"

"Ahem, that means that your hall is dark today, your luck is not good, and you may suffer a bloody disaster!"

"What does bloody disaster mean..." Harry asked fearfully.

"Well... I have to shed my skin even if I don't die. If I were you, I wouldn't play."

Blake pretended to stroke his non-existent beard.

"Ah! Is it so serious?" Harry was stunned.

Blake pointed to the palm print of Harry's palm and said, "Look, there is a break in your career line here. What does this mean?"

"What does it mean?"

"Explain, if you don't handle it properly, your career may be ruined. Whether it's a player's or other professional career, it may be ruined.

"What...what does this mean?" Harry's voice trembled.

"Oh, the meaning is very simple, that is, if you don't handle it properly, you may become disabled." Blake said calmly.

"Ah..." Harry's whole body felt like it was struck by lightning, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Go away!" Wood roared and rushed out of the locker room to chase people away.

He was going crazy.

On the eve of the game.

You're the Quidditch captain of another house.

Like a magician, here to trick the main player of his team into not playing in the game?

What are your intentions?

And looking at Harry's expression, he seemed to really believe what this bastard said.

Of course, no wonder Harry believed it.

On the one hand, Blake's ability has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

On the other hand... none of Harry's little thoughts could escape Blake's Legilimency.

Isn’t that just saying something?

Moreover, Harry was already under a lot of pressure.

Under the premise of great pressure, Wood also said to Harry.

Either win the game today or die on the field...

Harry combined Blake's comments just now.

...He suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Do I really have to...

When Harry was dragged into the locker room by Wood.

Still looking behind.

"Blake! Master! What should I do? Can you help me break it?"

"Harry! Be careful of Lockhart! Listen to me, if you see him, you have to stay away from him even if you crawl! If you can't run away, throw a stun spell on him!"

Immediately afterwards, Blake...and Hermione were blasted away.

Hermione was thrown into the stands and had questions all over her head.

"I seem to have just arrived and don't know anything yet. Why should I be kicked away too?"

"Ahem, I can't help it. You are my friend. Others will assume that you are on my side."

Blake took off his sunglasses and wiped them nonchalantly.

"Bah! Who is with you!" Hermione blushed and cursed.

"By the way...what the hell are you doing?"

"Fortune telling! I have some unique skills in face reading and palm reading.

Blake boasted without blushing or heartbeat.

In fact, most fortune tellers know some psychology.

You can see something in your guests.

Then others felt that what he said was accurate.

And Blake..……

This guy is now proficient in Legilimency.

What more psychology is needed?

I can see through your panties at a glance!

That's not to say what's going on?

He simply tried a few people, and everyone around him was "shocked".

So, just now he was actually using the gimmick of "fortune telling" to earn treasure chests.

"Fortune telling? You're a wizard, how can you tell fortunes?" Hermione angrily threw Blake with her schoolbag.

"Honestly, do you just want to trick Harry so that he can't play and let us Gryffindor lose?"

"I saw everything just now. If Wood hadn't pulled Harry back, Harry would have been deceived by you and become lame!"

Blake touched his nose and said, "It's not a lie...you'll find out later."

"Besides, is it good for me to let you Gryffindors lose?"

"Hmm...who knows if you're trying to please someone." Hermione turned her head away from him.

"Someone?" Blake touched his nose again, "Ha, speaking of...why didn't you see Cassandra today?"

"Because this is the Gryffindor stand. How could she, a member of the sworn enemy academy, come to our place?"

"Then I........."

"You are a Hufflepuff, and Hufflepuff's relationship with Gryffindor is not bad. In fact, Hufflepuff's relationship with all the houses is not too bad."

"Oh...Does that mean I can actually sneak into the Slytherin stands to watch the game? With Cassandra or something...

"You! Huh! You can go ahead if you want! What does it have to do with me? What did you say to me?! I can't care less!"

Hermione turned her head again.


"Can I really go to Slytherin?"

"Ha! Then I'll really leave!"


"Ding! Angry emotion detected!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a silver treasure chest!"

It's eleven o'clock in the morning.

The auditorium on the Quidditch pitch was already full.

In fact, even the students of Hogwarts alone are not satisfied with this stadium.

However, the Quidditch games at Hogwarts are basically open to the public.

People from the neighborhood can come and watch the game.

For example, the residents of Hogsmeade.

Therefore, it seemed that there were so many people.


The game officially begins.

Players from both sides quickly took to the air.

Blake risked a beating.

He casually took the telescope hanging on Hermione's chest and looked at Harry.

Sure enough, a Bludger quickly flew towards Harry!

In Blake's true eyes, he could clearly see that there was a strange magic attached to the bludger.

Blake guessed that it must be the house elf's magic.

As for why he still wants to snatch Hermione's telescope when he has the Eye of Truth?


Blake's shoulder was slapped hard by Hermione again.

"You're so annoying! You don't know how to buy a telescope yourself!"

"Don't...use yours, which is more fragrant!"

"Get out of here!"

"Ding! Embarrassment detected!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a silver treasure chest!"

This is the answer…

...Please give me flowers...

At this time, Lee Jordan's commentary also began.

"Ah! There seems to be something wrong with that Bludger!"

"He kept chasing Harry and smashing him!"

"Merlin's briefs!"

"Brothers Fred and George were all protecting Harry, but they couldn't knock that stubborn Bludger away!"

"Oops! Because both Fred and George were protecting Harry, Slytherin's chasers didn't feel any threat and scored six goals in a row!"

"The score is now sixty to zero! Slytherin is temporarily in the lead.


"Oh! Wood is complaining! Fred and George look angry too!"

"The game is temporarily suspended! Is there going to be an investigation?"

"But if you ask for an investigation, this game is equivalent to Gryffindor abandoning the game. Gryffindor will lose today!"

"Oh! What did I see? Harry asked to continue playing and told Fred and George to leave him alone!"

Hermione took back her binoculars.

Blake had no choice but to temporarily put aside his desire to get the treasure chest from Hermione.

Then he continued to observe the environment on the Quidditch pitch with his true eyes.

He wanted to know where Tubby controlled the Bludger.

Soon, Blake found his target...

"Oh! Oh my god! Harry caught the Golden Snitch!"


"Running Gorgon! Harry's arm is broken!"

at this time.

On the field, Harry was lying on the ground.

He struggled to raise the Golden Snitch in his hand.

Just now, Malfoy was laughing at him.

Completely unaware that the Golden Snitch was right next to his head.

Therefore, even if Harry was hit by the Bludger on his right hand, he still had to speed up and rush over.


Finally, before Malfoy discovered the golden snitch, he successfully caught the snitch.

But...the hand was broken by the Bludger...

Listening to the huge cheers from the surrounding audience.

Harry thought about what Blake had said.

"Ah...it is indeed a bloody disaster."

Harry endured the severe pain and looked at his right arm bent at a strange angle.

"Sure enough, an injury of this level, if not handled properly, will indeed lead to disability...but luckily, Madam Pomfrey should be able to help me..."

"By the way...How did Blake say he was going to break it?"

"Stay away from Lockhart? Why?"

Before Harry could even think of why, he fainted from the pain.

However, he soon woke up again.

Then, he saw a row of shining teeth...

Harry perked up immediately.

Who else but Lockhart could have such bright teeth in Hogwarts?

"No! Don't come over!"

Thinking of Blake's words, Harry's whole body was filled with excitement and he transformed directly into the Roaring Emperor.

"Aha! Don't know what he's talking about!" Lockhart said loudly to the Gryffindor students gathered around.

"Don't worry, Harry, I'm just about to treat your arm." With that, Lockhart pulled out his wand.

"No...don't come here..." Harry looked at Lockhart in horror, "Just leave it like this, please, don't help me with the treatment!"

"Lie down, Harry!" Lockhart comforted him, "It's just a simple spell, I've used it countless times!"

"I'm going to the campus hospital...I don't want you...Ah! Why did I forget to bring my wand!"

Harry rolled over in pain and began to crawl out.

Blake said, even if you climb, you have to stay away from Lockhart.

But... it's too late...

"Everyone, stand back!" Lockhart said, holding up his wand...


The next second.

A strange, very uncomfortable feeling shot like lightning from Harry's shoulders to the tips of his fingers.

It was as if her arms were being drained.


Everyone around him took a breath.

Because now Harry's entire arm has turned into a thick, flesh-colored rubber glove...

His arm...the whole bone was removed!

Lockhart looked at Harry's arm in surprise...

He pays great attention to his spells! Why did he still use the Bone Drawing Curse?


Lockhart was embarrassed.

"Ha...that's right..."

"Sometimes things like this happen! But the key is that the bones are already connected!"

"Make sure to remember this! Okay, Harry, "Let's take a stroll to the hospital..."

At this moment, Harry looked at his completely boneless arm.

I remembered Blake's words again.

....... If not handled well, it may ruin your career... you may become disabled.

Now that my arm is like this, what else can I do in the future?

Isn't this equivalent to being disabled?

Harry felt filled with regret, why did he forget to bring his wand?

If he had, he would definitely cast a stun spell on Lockhart without hesitation!

He glanced at his right hand again...

Ah! My kingly power!

Immediately afterwards, he rolled his eyes and fainted... pill...

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