Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 99 Unicorn Blood

Professor McGonagall was very happy that Harry Potter found the Golden Snitch in five minutes, so he was relieved when Wood came to plead for Harry.

However, Professor McGonagall also made a request. If Harry fails one of the final exams, Harry must withdraw from the Quidditch team in the next school year until his grades meet the standards.

"Oh my gosh, Wood, thank you so much." When he heard that he didn't have to leave his beloved team, Harry jumped up excitedly and gave Wood a big hug.

"This is a small matter, Harry. Professor McGonagall is an avid Quidditch enthusiast. She will not look at such an outstanding Quidditch player and think that he has gone astray." Wood patted Harry on the back, "But your grades really need to be improved. You must know that Quidditch is not a simple sport. It places high demands on wizards."

"After all, there have been more than 700 violations in Quidditch, and it was in the same game. You can't win this game without any skills, Harry."

Wood said jokingly.

But who would have expected that Harry and Ron actually nodded thoughtfully.

"Ahem, no matter what, Harry, you have to at least study hard next time. No matter what, you can't fail the final exam, understand? This is Professor McGonagall's bottom line. Although your Quidditch talent is It’s very high, but to be honest, Professor McGonagall is a teacher after all, and she must be responsible for every student.”

Wood talked with Harry for a long time, during which time he also formulated Harry's study plan, which even included tutoring from several senior students.

"I dare you, Gryffindor. Over the years, you are the only one who has received such honor."

Ron was a little envious. His grades were very poor, but no one cared about him and helped him make up lessons.

"God, Ron, it would be great if learning was as easy as Quidditch." Harry couldn't help complaining.

He knew he should study hard, but every time he saw a book, he felt like he didn't know anything.

Ron didn't speak. He felt that his good friend had broken his heart at this moment.

He looked a little lost, so lost that Harry couldn't figure it out.

Time flew by day by day. In addition to receiving tutoring every day, Harry also met a Norwegian Ridgeback named Norbert in Hagrid's house.

But the growth rate of dragons obviously exceeded everyone's expectations, and Hagrid's small house could no longer accommodate such a large young dragon.

So they decided to send the dragon away one night, but Malfoy discovered it and reported it to Filch.

When Lien got the news from other little wizards, he realized that the time had come.

Unicorn blood, or a whole unicorn, is a scarce material in the entire magical world.

No wizard dares to openly kill a unicorn, and unicorns are naturally powerful and have a very powerful restraint on black magic.

As a result, it would be impossible to kill a unicorn using only white magic.

But now there was a whole unicorn in front of Lean.

If God does not give it, he will suffer the consequences.

Rean stood on the observatory, looking at the backs of Potter, Weasley and Malfoy as they followed Hagrid into the Forbidden Forest, and smiled.

He pulled out of his pocket a mask, an alchemical item he had crafted during this time to protect himself from magical prying eyes.

This item is enough to ensure Lien's confidentiality.

As for the body shape, it is natural to use magical stimulation to increase the height.

Originally, Rean didn't want to hide it, because everyone knew about the existence of Polyjuice Potion in the magic world.

Moreover, there was still Rean sleeping in the Slytherin dormitory at this time, so Rean was not afraid of being investigated at all.

But Rean thought about it and realized that if something happened to him again and again, Dumbledore might be suspicious of him.

And don't forget, there is a Malfoy who is eyeing Lien.

Watching Hagrid and his entourage enter the Forbidden Forest, Lien also jumped down from the observatory, then flew into the Forbidden Forest in the distance invisibly.

"Okay, you divide into teams. One person will follow me this way, and the other two will go that way." Hagrid held Yaya's dog leash in his right hand, and pointed to his left side with his left hand first, and then pointed to to his right.

"I'll come with you, Hagrid." Harry and Ron said in unison.

"No, we must be divided into two teams. One team will take too long, which may affect your rest. You must know that you are growing up now, and it is not good to sleep poorly." Hagrid stroked his hand. He said while stroking his thick beard.

"Don't worry. I patrol here regularly. There won't be any dangerous magical animals. And your mission is to find the bastard who hurt the unicorn. If you find it, just send a red signal and I will rush over." Hai Ge was afraid that they would worry, so he continued.

Yaya also shouted twice from the side, as if he wanted to show his majesty.

"Okay, Ron and I will go on one side, and Harry and Malfoy will go on the other side. Remember, don't put the flares randomly, but don't save them in case of emergency."

Hagrid frowned involuntarily when he mentioned Malfoy.

"Then I want Fang." Malfoy said hurriedly, looking at Fang's sharp teeth.

Hagrid nodded, but he still warned: "I can tell you, Yaya is a complete coward, you have to think clearly."

Malfoy looked at Fang's fierce look and nodded.

"Okay, we have to hurry up. The longer the time drags on, the worse the injured unicorn's condition will be."

Harry opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Hagrid.

Four people and one dog split into two teams before a fork in the road and headed towards the dark Forbidden Forest.

Lean stood on the tree and witnessed all this, but he was shrouded in a black cloak and was not discovered under the cover of the night.

He jumped down from the tree and squatted in front of the pool of silver blood on the ground.

Rean stared at the blood for a long time before taking out a small glass jar from his waist.

The blood on the ground flew up out of thin air, and then dripped into the jar in Lien's hand drop by drop.

After the collection was completed, Rean stood up.

He looked left and right, and without thinking, chose the path Potter took.

After all, only by following Potter can we find the unicorn.

The Forbidden Forest is very eerie at night, and the strange-shaped trees around it look like demons and demons with their teeth and claws snarling, adding to the weirdness of the Forbidden Forest.

Potter and Malfoy walked in front, with Lean behind. Follow step by step.

Until Lean saw the silver blood hanging on the leaves.

In the future, we will update at fixed times, 20:05 and 23:05 in the evening. If there are additional updates, they will be updated at 12:05 noon.

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