Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 76 Nico Flamel

Early the next morning, Hermione secretly pulled Ryan away.

Last night, Lien originally wanted to write a letter to the agent, but after thinking about it, he decided to postpone the reply for a day or two.

Things that are easy to obtain are always not cherished. In fact, Li En already regrets the spell he gave to the three brothers last time.

But overall, it's still good. At least this time I knew that I took the initiative to confess, and also gave Lean a big gift called the Corey Family.

"Why are you pulling me here?" Lean looked at the deserted corridor and asked curiously.

Hermione also looked around, and then asked mysteriously and slightly curiously: "Do you know who Nico Flamel is?"

"What?" Rean was obviously surprised.

He originally thought that his appearance would change his destiny, but Hermione's words in front of him made him realize that it didn't seem to happen.

"I asked who Nico Flamel is?" Hermione thought that Lean didn't hear clearly, so she repeated the question.

"Where did you hear that name?"

Rean didn't answer Hermione's question, but asked instead. He's been changing, but now things seem to be back to square one.

"Oh." Hermione sighed, her expression a little helpless.

"I swear to you, I really didn't want to eavesdrop. You must believe me on this." Hermione said to Lean with a serious face. She did not want Lean to think that she was someone who liked to pry into other people's privacy. people.

Rean nodded.

"After dinner yesterday, I was going to the lounge to read for a while and then go to bed. But when I walked to the stairs, I heard Weasley and Potter talking."

"I reiterate again that I definitely did not eavesdrop on their speech, but their voices were too loud. And I don't know if it was because they were too involved in the conversation. I coughed several times, but they didn't hear me."

Hermione sighed again and continued: "I heard the name Nico Flamel, and they also said it was related to the three-headed dog on the fourth floor."

"Maybe, but what does this have to do with us?" Rean said, looking at Hermione.

"But...but..." Hermione approached Lean and said mysteriously, "I heard them say that the room on the fourth floor is related to the mysterious person."

Lean couldn't help laughing and said to Hermione: "That room involves a lot of things. If it is not necessary, stay away from him, whether it is that room or Mr. Potter."

"Okay, don't think about it too much." Lean stretched and then gave Hermione a gentleman's salute, "This beautiful lady, may I have the honor to invite you to have breakfast?"

Hermione raised her head, exposing her smooth neck.

"Of course." He said, putting his hand on Ryan's outstretched hand, "So what should we eat?"

"Beautiful lady, is there any other place to eat in Hogwarts besides the restaurant?"

"This is not sincere at all." Hermione pursed her lips and said with a slight displeasure.

"After all, Principal Dumbledore will not allow young wizards to light fires privately." Rean said casually.

The two of them walked to the restaurant together. Although the little wizards along the way occasionally turned their heads to look at them, they were not as surprised as they were at first.

In other words, the little wizards have slowly begun to accept the existence of Rean and Hermione. After all, even the little wizards from their respective colleges didn't say anything, so what else could others say?

"I still feel like I've seen this name somewhere, but suddenly I can't remember it." Hermione frowned, looking like she was thinking hard.

"Don't worry, think about it carefully. Obviously this is a name you only saw after you came into contact with magic. After all, something that can appear in Hogwarts and allow Principal Dumbledore to set up a restricted area must be extraordinary."

"Do you know something?" Hermione looked at Lean suspiciously.

"Ahem... I do know a little bit, but to put it bluntly, it doesn't mean much. It's the story of a king training a brave man to fight the dragon." Rean shrugged and summarized the meaning briefly.

Hermione said nothing, still wondering where she had heard or seen that name.

It wasn't until noon that Hermione came rushing over.

"I finally remembered where I saw that name."

At this time, Ryan was discussing some topics about black magic and curse resolving with Kes. After hearing Hermione's words, he couldn't help but pause.

Kes showed a mysterious smile, then cast a silent spell on himself and left quietly.

Hermione didn't realize that Chris had left, and now she just wanted to share the news with Ryan. She walked over to Ryan.

"I stupidly flipped through "The Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century" all morning to look for a person from the fourteenth century. Oh my god, how could I be so stupid."

The little girl looked a little happy and kept talking.

"It wasn't until the Patil sisters were eating chocolate frogs that I noticed this on Professor Dumbledore's card." Hermione came over mysteriously, "You would never guess what earth-shattering this Mr. Flamel has done. Big things."

"The Philosopher's Stone, also known as the Philosopher's Stone?" Lien said calmly.

"You really know it!" Hermione pinched Lean and said angrily.

"Hiss~~" Lean rubbed the pinched area, "Nicolas Flamel, also called Nicolas Flamel. This is the difference between English and French pronunciation. It is said that he was born in 1330 and died in 1382 The red magic stone was refined at 5 pm on April 5, 2017, and he finally died in 1417. But what is strange is that when the tomb robbers dug up the tomb of the Flamel couple, they found nothing in the tomb."

"So they are still alive, which means that what is in the room on the fourth floor is... Oh my god!" Hermione covered her mouth, her eyes widening.

"Magic is balanced, Hermione, I told you this. Whatever you gain, you must lose. The price of extended life is magic power, but Mr. Flamel paid for this magic power through the Philosopher's Stone."

"Everything has its limits, and so does the Philosopher's Stone. The life span of more than 1,200 years has drained this Philosopher's Stone. So don't have any thoughts of peeking at the Philosopher's Stone. There are countless pairs of eyes staring at this stone now. , even if it is a stone that is about to become waste."

"So what is Professor Dumbledore doing here? To attract mysterious people? But... there are so many little wizards in the school!"

Hermione stood up anxiously and walked around twice.

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