Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 66 The war between Kes and Beaver and Peeves

After the previous trade with Lean, Kers and Beaver fell into a low-key state, like the calm before the storm.

On the one hand, the props they had just traded were actually just shipped out from Filch's office by Lean, and they needed time to wait for the turmoil to subside.

On the other hand, they also need to wait for the opportunity to come.

However, the time has come.

The night of October 31st is Halloween in the West. According to custom, children will dress up as various ghosts and go door to door on that night to ask for candy.

In Hogwarts, there will also be a grand banquet on this night. It is a carnival for ghosts and little wizards, except Peeves.

Because Peeves is neither a living person nor a ghost, it is more like an aggregation of energy, so ghosts and wizards do not regard Peeves as the same type.

In addition, Peeves always likes to cause trouble, so in order to ensure the smooth operation of the party, Peeves will not be allowed to participate in the Halloween party on that day.

But any sentient creature will feel lonely, especially when others are carousing and you can only listen to others carnival.

So Peeves would go to the principal's office every year to discuss with the principal, wanting to participate in this banquet. Several previous principals had allowed Peeves to enter the banquet hall because of Peeves's guarantee, but later on, Peeves always made a mess of banquets because of his naughty nature.

From then on, no headmaster dared to let Peeves into the banquet hall.

But Peeves always wanted to go to the banquet, so in the month before the banquet, Peeves always restrained himself.

In addition, Peeves will use his invisibility ability as little as possible to make himself look less special, which brings great convenience to the little wizards in their counterattack.

So for the little wizards who have been bullied severely by Peeves before, this is simply an excellent opportunity to fight back.

To take a step back, as long as it can prevent Peeves from entering the banquet hall, it is also a success. After all, no little wizard wants the party to be messed up by Peeves, not even the Weasley brothers who have a good relationship with Peeves.

One fine afternoon, Kess and Beaver lie in wait on Peeves's path.

This was what they had observed in advance. Peeves would walk from this corridor to the school's teaching equipment disposal room every afternoon to look for some usable props.

For example, chalk heads broken into two pieces, discarded thumbtacks, broken tables and chairs, etc.

Even though he couldn't be arrogant now, Peeves had made up his mind to make a big fuss in the castle if Professor Dumbledore didn't allow him to attend the banquet.

"Quickly, hide and look at the time. Peeves is coming soon. He is a master of pranks. He will be discovered if he doesn't hide it well." Kes whispered to Beaver.

The two of them were huddled in a small corner, their pockets filled with all kinds of props.

Some of them were newly bought, and some were obtained from transactions with Lean. This way, after using them, the source of the props could be traced, and there would be no doubt that these props were Filch's stolen parts.

"Coming, coming." Bifur, who has sharp ears, heard a heavy footsteps, which is standard for Peeves every October.

"Get ready, don't shake your hands," Beaver whispered.


On command, two chili bombs, a type of bomb that releases a spicy smell when exploded, were thrown.

"Damn it, who's ambushing Peeves? Wait, wait, I'll give you some clues."

Peeves said and ran away, because there was nothing in his pocket at this time, and he needed to go to the inventory to get some.

Kess and Beaver clapped each other's hands with joy, cheering for this hard-won victory.

But the good times didn't last long, and Peeves soon returned.

It was floating and invisible, so that neither Kers nor Beaver noticed the approaching danger.

A bottle of ink fell from the sky and covered Beaver.

"Damn it, Peeves is back. Quick, load up the developing bombs."

Although it is a developing bomb, it is not actually a powerful magic item, but a simple combination of non-invisible ink and explosives.

Non-invisible ink is actually made from ordinary ink mixed with anti-invisibility grass, a magical potion associated with invisible beasts. This ink has the characteristic of being invisible and is often regarded as the nemesis of the Disillusionment Curse.


There was a loud noise, and the invisibility ink was sprayed out in all directions. Chris and Beaver had already hid behind the corner, but Peeves was not so lucky.

The ink drizzled all over Peeves, highlighting his figure.

"Quickly, pull out the fireworks and let them taste the explosion." Beaver said with a laugh.


Fireworks shot out from the hands of the two men one after another, landed behind Peeves and exploded.

"Damn, damn, I will remember you two. Just wait for Lord Peeves' revenge." Peeves said as he ran away again.

Of course, it is not running away at will, it is flying to the teaching aid disposal room.

"Quick, quick, don't let it in!" Kes saw Peeves opening the door to the abandoned room and immediately guessed Peeves's plan.

But it was too late.

"Hahaha, it's Peeves time now, feel the anger from Lord Peeves!"

For a moment, chalk heads, broken rulers, blown-up flower pots, blown-up crucibles, etc. quickly enveloped Beaver and Chris.

Not to be outdone, the two of them threw various props at Peeves as if they were free of charge, and the scene was once chaotic.

This is the most remote place in Hogwarts, and not many little wizards would come here during normal times.

So no one knows about the battle between Kes and Beaver and Peeves, at least for now.

"Quick, quick, take out the secret weapon and give Peeves a hard blow." Kess's eyes turned red and he yelled at Beaver.

"Kes, if that thing is used, there will be a lot of trouble." Beaver hesitated.

"Damn it, trouble is trouble, and I must be punished today."

Beaver looked at Kes, who was completely covered in darkness, then looked at the holes in his clothes, and nodded.


"Okay, kids, turn the book to the next page." Professor Flitwick stood on the pile of books and said to the little wizards.

There was a "squeaking" sound of turning books.

Professor Flitwick was extremely satisfied. This was the sound he liked to hear the most.


There was a loud noise, and Professor Flitwick was shocked and fell down from the stack of books. The hands of the little wizards also trembled, and the page they had just turned was instantly torn from bottom to top.

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