Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 64 Practical training

Lean did not expect that even without Hermione's participation, Potter would still follow the same path.

But that's okay, at least the plot in my mind is still useful.

"Lean? What are you thinking about?" Hermione asked curiously when she saw Rean suddenly pursed his lips.

"It's nothing, stay away from Potter, that guy is a troublemaker." Lean said.

Hermione nodded, she also felt that the legendary savior was not what she imagined.

The imaginary savior is powerful in magic, knowledgeable, and polite, and is a complete gentleman.

The real savior is a scumbag who doesn't know much about magic and always wants to play. This seems a bit unbelievable to Hermione. Since she knows that her strength is insufficient, she should study hard.

But now it seems that he has really assumed the role of the savior who destroyed the Dark Lord.

"Don't worry, Lean, he and I are not the same person. At least I won't be deducted for not remembering that Aconitum wolfsbane and Aconitum scaphoides are the same thing." Hermione was a little depressed. In her opinion, This score should not be deducted.

"Okay, let's go, go back and have a nice meal and then go back and have a good rest. The afternoon may not be too relaxing, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Rean saw that there were no figures flying on broomsticks on the Quidditch pitch in the distance, and little wizards starting to appear on the grass in twos and threes got up and walked towards the castle, and said.

"Hmm." Hermione nodded in agreement.

The two stood up, then dusted themselves off and left the grass.

After finishing lunch, Ryan and Hermione left the restaurant and went back to their dormitories to rest.

Rean was very excited about Snape's proposal at first, but later he backed down. This kind of thing can easily be self-defeating.

Of course Snape laughed at him. This was a brilliant idea he came up with, but it was abandoned by Rean just like that.

In the end, Snape could only regretfully choose the second-best solution - constantly attacking Hermione's brain, keeping her brain at a critical point that could not be broken.

However, this requires Snape to be able to control his Legilimency power extremely accurately. If it's too big, it goes directly into Hermione's brain; if it's too small, it won't have an exercise effect.

In the afternoon, Ryan and Hermione entered a classroom on the fifth floor one after another.

The classroom was spotless, all the tables and chairs had been evacuated, the blackboard had disappeared, replaced by a row of puppets. It's hard to tell what material the doll is made of, but Lien guessed that it should be a material with high magic resistance.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Snape walked in with unique steps.

Hermione flinched, clearly frightened of Snape. Rean patted her shoulder to reassure her.

"Okay, I don't have much time, so let's hurry up." Snape ignored the two people's small actions and said to himself.

"Miss Granger, these are books about Occlumency. I hope you will have an understanding of Occlumency by this time next week." Snape said, taking out a piece of paper with a bunch of words written on it. The name of the book.

Below was a note allowing Hermione to borrow books about Legilimency from the restricted section.

"Okay, you can go to the library now." Snape stared at Hermione, and after Hermione left, he turned to look at Rean.

"As for you, I know you have mastered a lot of magic, but to be honest, your fighting awareness is very poor, or your body is not used to fighting. Maybe for a period of time you can rely on the heavy weight and strange effects. Magic lasts for a while, but as time goes by, people will always be able to figure out your true identity."

"At that time, all you can rely on is your own fighting consciousness."

Snape had no idea where Lean's weird spells came from, and he didn't want to know.

This is a tacit understanding between the two and the basis for maintaining the status quo.

Once Snape knew the source, Lean would definitely try his best to make Snape forget.

Rean was a little confused at this time. Except for the time when he fought with Crowe, he thought he hid it well the rest of the time.

Could Snape be deceiving himself? Could it be that he was sure that he had mastered a lot of magic based on the aftermath of that battle? Lien thought so.

However, his doubts would not be answered, and Snape would not talk to him.

"Okay, without further ado, have you seen the row of puppets in front of you? That is the simplest kind of combat puppet. He will randomly shoot a paralysis spell, and you must use your own ability to avoid it. Of course, in You can use spells to assist you in the early stages of training, but remember, it’s not possible to use spells like the Iron Armor Curse to harden your skills.”

"I believe you should know this better than I do. You can practice for a week first, and we'll see you next Saturday." Snape glanced at Rean, then turned and left.

Snape walked to the door, as if he suddenly remembered something, turned around and said, "By the way, your punishment ends today."

Rean looked at Snape's leaving figure, and then at the row of alchemy puppets that Snape placed in the classroom. For a moment, he didn't know whether Snape was responsible or not.

"Alas." Rean sighed and walked forward.

When Lean stepped two meters in front of the alchemy puppets, the alchemy puppets suddenly raised their arms, and then quickly released streaks of yellow light.

These rays are also paralysis spells.

You won't be hurt if you are hit, but the area hit will be numb for a while, about thirty minutes. But don't cast the paralysis spell on one part repeatedly, because its effects will be superimposed.

This spell was developed by wizards during the Wizarding War to relieve pain. Later, wizards discovered that this spell was also good for training young wizards.

By the evening, Lien was almost unconscious.

He didn't use any spells to assist him, he relied solely on his own reflexes. The result was obvious. Lean collapsed on the ground. Hermione was holding a piece of sandwich and feeding it to Lean bit by bit.

"What are you going to do at night? You can't just sleep here, right?" Hermione asked worriedly, her eyebrows almost knitted together.

"It's okay, you write a letter to Pais and ask him to send it to X Shacklebolt or Beaver Burke in Slytherin." Rean said vaguely with food still in his mouth.

Hermione hesitated and said, "Those two Slytherin treasures? Are they reliable?"

Rean nodded.

"Well, if you insist."

Hermione finally sent a letter to Chris and Beaver using Pais.

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