Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 5 Possessing a Weapon

Lean came to the bedroom, where there were three different wands.

The first one is snow-white, looks very holy, and is about twenty-five centimeters long.

Lien held it in his hand and waved the wand casually like the actors in the movies and TV series in his memory.

However, nothing happened. Lien increased the strength and swing angle again, but still nothing happened.

It seemed that it wasn't this one. Rean put it back into the box and closed the lid.

Although he can't use it, it's not a bad thing to keep more wands.

The second wand was completely black with slight gold dots, which made Lien fall in love with it the first time he saw it.

He held it in his hand and waved it gently, but still no strange sight appeared.

Rean was a little irritable, he really liked this wand very much.

After trying a few more times, the wand gave no response to Lean.

Lien looked at the wand in his hand. The golden dots shone under the light, and the black color revealed a bit of mystery.

After being silent for a long time, Lien broke it with both hands and then casually broke the wand in half, exposing the core of the wand and threw it on the ground.

Silently, Lean picked up the third box, which contained a dead branch.

Just like the dead branches that can be seen everywhere in the winter forest.

Rean picked up the wand without any hope, and a feeling of connectedness suddenly came to his heart.

"Elder, the tail feathers of the Thestral, thirteen inches long."

Somehow, the data of this wand suddenly appeared in Rean's mind.

After waving it casually, a black mist emitted from the top of the wand.

In the end, the black mist turned into what Li En looked like in his previous life. Li En smiled slightly at Li En and then dissipated.

Rean brought the wand to the study. He sat behind the desk and looked at the wand.

Elderberry is the same material as the Elder Wand, and will only surrender to powerful wizards.

The Thestral's tail feathers are full of death and ominousness, like dark wizards.

Thirteen inches is a number full of misfortune. In Europe, thirteen represents the devil and misfortune.

Rean slowly stroked the wand, feeling more and more fond of it.

He is not worried about the misfortune brought by this magic wand. Misfortune will happen to the weak, but the strong never have misfortune.

Slowly squeezing the wand, Lien stood up and left the stronghold.

Entering the forest through the tree hole, a ray of sunlight pierced into Lien's eyes, causing him to squint.

Rean took a deep breath and then exhaled it slowly.

He needs to practice dark magic in the forest, but not too close to this stronghold.

Because he was not sure whether the movement related to black magic would attract people around him, but he did not dare to take the risk, so he could only go a little further.

About half an hour later, Lien stood in front of a large tree that was as thick as a three-person hug. He raised the elder wand in his hand and pointed it at the tree.

"Torn apart"

Nothing happened.

At this time, the breeze blew by, and the leaves of the big tree made a "rustling" sound, as if laughing at Lean's overestimation.

Lien was not angry. He knew that this kind of advanced magic was not something that a rookie wizard like him, who was new to magic, could unleash.

What he planned to practice today was levitation.

Is levitation really just for floating feathers? Why not try that floating city in your memory?

This was just a small wish for Lean. From the moment he came into contact with magic, he wanted a splendid life.

He didn't want to stay in this chaotic, muddy Clear Street.

And a brilliant life requires enough strength.

Whether in the Muggle world or the wizarding world, strength is always the shortcut to success.

The practice of levitation went very smoothly, and Rean was now able to make a branch float into the sky.

Coming out of the tree hole today, besides practicing magic, there is another purpose, and that is hunting.

Although there is nothing wrong with people not eating meat for a short period of time, Rean doesn't want to.

Moreover, after catching prey, Lien can also use it to practice the medical techniques recorded in the Book of All Laws.

Lien has already thought about the next book to be transformed: an enlightenment book that is most suitable for novice mages.

Lien has discovered that he is still too lacking in mysterious knowledge.

Although the Death Eaters left behind a few relatively basic books, to be honest, even those books require a certain foundation to understand.

Li En just memorized them. As for understanding them, he just had to grind them slowly.

Maybe it was because no one had entered the forest for a long time. Rabbits, birds and other animals showed no fear at all when they saw Rean.

They had the greatest goodwill toward Lean, and even came close to him to get close to him.

But Lean was destined to live up to this goodwill.

He held a rabbit in one hand and returned to the tree hole with his ears.

After finding two ropes to tie the rabbit, Rean first went to the botanical garden to pick some vegetables to fill his stomach.

Then he took out a wooden stick and prepared to practice medical skills.

Lien originally planned to go out to see if he could find a sharp stone to use as a stone knife, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find a stone at all.

In desperation, I could only find a thicker-looking wooden stick.

Lean came to the tree hole where the rabbit was tied and hit the rabbit's body with a stick.

The rabbit felt pain instantly and wanted to escape, but the rope held it tight.

The pain in the body was far greater than the suffocation caused by the tight rope. The rabbit still wanted to escape first, and its four legs kept pulling on the ground.

When Li En mentioned the rabbit, his red eyes were filled with a strange color. Li En knew that it was because the rabbit's eyes were becoming bloodshot.

The palm of his hand was close to the rabbit's body, and the magic power began to enter the rabbit's body along Lien's palm, helping it repair the broken blood vessels and internal organs.

After about five minutes, the rabbit's body returned to normal, but the rabbit still wanted to escape.

This was instinctive, but Lien didn't care at all. He knocked it down with the stick again and continued the treatment.

After three times, the rabbit had become nothing more than a skeleton.

Lien patted his head, and then started to pull some grass outside. He didn't know what kind of grass rabbits liked to eat, so he simply pulled some grass.

The rabbit was also very hungry, and he didn't care whether the grass was something he liked to eat. The three-petal mouth squirmed crazily, and the grass on the ground disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

Night fell slowly, both rabbits were already very thin, and a bonfire was lit in the tree hole.

He didn't dare to light a fire in the stronghold because Lien was not sure whether there was enough air circulation there.

The firelight illuminated Lean's body, casting a huge shadow on the wall.

Rean was cleaning his wounds.

The water was brought back from the creek nearby, the pot was found in the bedroom, and the cloth was the tattered clothes that Lien was originally wearing.

In addition to fetching water, Lean also used floatation to catch two fish.

Now these two fish are being grilled by Rean next to the campfire.

Rean was currently wearing clothes left behind by an unknown Death Eater. They looked a bit too big, but Rean tightened them with straps.

After taking care of the wound, Lean ate the grilled fish in big mouthfuls. To him who was hungry, this was a delicacy in the world.

After eating, Lean put out the bonfire, then fed the rabbit a few straws, and then went back to the bedroom to sleep.

Originally, Lien planned to have two rabbits, eat one and keep the other. But then the fish was caught, so Lean decided to keep both rabbits, and both rabbits became skinny and bones.

The next day, Lien went to catch two more rabbits, because the rabbits yesterday were still skinny and bones, and it would take at least a month to recover.

However, there was no way Lien could wait for them for a month. He planned to raise the animals until they had some meat, and then directly kill them for meat.

Lean spent his days catching rabbits until he caught all the rabbits in the forest.

During this time, Rean kept chasing rabbits in the forest and developed strong muscles.

Even if the residents of Clear Street stood in front of Lean now, they would never recognize him as Lean.

'Many obstacles'

The escaping rabbit suddenly knocked down a transparent wall and fell to the ground with twitching limbs.

It wanted to stand up, but Lien grabbed Destiny's ears.

"Why don't you reunite with your brothers, sisters, parents, and uncles? You have to run away. Not only are you wasting my time, but you are also wasting your time."

Rean raised the rabbit to his eyes and said.

Then Lean happily returned to the stronghold with the rabbit in hand.

The stronghold has greatly changed its appearance. The original large conference room was transformed by Lien into a place for cooking, eating and resting. It can be regarded as a combination of kitchen and living room.

All the original tables and chairs were taken outside and sold by Lien, and the money earned was used to buy paper, pens and kitchen utensils in the conference room.

Paper and pen are used to copy the changes in the Book of All Laws. The memory may fade, but the book will not.

In addition, Lean had about 30,000 pounds leftover, all of which was converted into gold and stored in his bedroom.

The reason why it was so expensive was entirely thanks to Voldemort. His chair was directly offered for 25,000 pounds, while the other tables and chairs only sold for about 7,000 pounds.

It can be seen that the Death Eaters still like Voldemort very much.

It has been almost two years since Lean escaped into the forest, and Lean is now nine years old.

In the past two years, he has read all the books in the study, and has also read four or five books on the changes in the Book of All Laws, all of which are basic books of various civilizations.

This has greatly enriched Lean's basic knowledge. It can be said that Lean is now the person with the most solid foundation in the entire magic world.

Driven by a solid foundation, Lien understood the magic of this world very quickly. In addition to the black magic except the soul-stealing curse, Lien was involved in it, at least he was able to release it.

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