Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 44 Discovering the Ring

When Lean finished searching the first floor, Snape had already searched the second floor and was heading to the third floor.

The second floor contained guest rooms and some entertainment rooms. Lien glanced at them casually and skipped them.

On the third floor, Lien made a big discovery - the library of the Gaunt family.

The defense of this library is very strong, and in order to prevent the family's collection of books from falling into his hands, the Gunter family even released a magic here that will destroy the entire library as long as it is attacked by a strong attack.

Li En spent a lot of effort to untie the magic circle.

Hmm... It can't be said that it was solved, but Lien found that no one had maintained the magic circle for a long time, and the magic power had become scarce.

So Lien kept attacking the library's defense with attacks that were large enough but would not trigger the destruction circle.

It took about half an hour to finish grinding.

But hard work pays off, and the books in this library are extremely well preserved. The entire library has been enchanted to maintain constant temperature and humidity all year round. The bookshelf is also made of excellent magic ironwood. This kind of wood is hard, moth-free and will not deform for thousands of years.

Without hesitation, Lean directly used magic to start loading books into his seamless stretch bag. However, after loading two bookshelfs of books, Lean found that his bag was too small.

His bag was already filled to the brim.

Lean quickly made a decision: put the books here first, and then slowly move the books back after finding the resurrection stone.

These are books collected by the Gaunt family over the past millennium. Lien took a rough look at them and found that there are many powerful ancient magic books in them, and even some unique ones, which can be found here.

"You should stay here well and wait for my arrival." Rean stood in front of the library door, said softly, and then slowly closed the door.

Finally, two defensive magics, two curse magics and a marking magic were cast on the door in one go.

"Are you lazy here?" Snape quietly walked behind Rean again.

"!!!" Rean was once again startled by Snape's silent footwork.

"Library, seal it up and move it out when the time comes." Lean said simply.

Snape nodded, mentally planning to send a few more books to Rean when he got the Resurrection Stone.

"I'm going to take a look outside. You should hurry up. If you go on at this speed, you'll be thankful if you can catch tomorrow's breakfast." After saying that, Snape left without looking back.

Rean ignored Snape's urging and continued to search every room carefully.

Time slowly came to evening, and the two of them came to the lobby on the first floor to gather.

Snape asked Rean with a gloomy look: "So where is the Resurrection Stone? I am such a fool that I believed your evil and accompanied you here to scavenge."

"Don't worry, my dear professor, there is still one place that we haven't searched yet." Lean said with a smile and a calm expression.

Damn it, did my appearance cause a butterfly effect, causing the Resurrection Stone to no longer be in Gunter's old house?

It's over, it's over, is Snape's expression going to kill me?

Lien thought anxiously.

"You want to talk about the hall below us? Please open those eyes that you have never used and take a good look. Does this look like a place where you can hide things?" Snape couldn't control his emotions.

"Okay, okay, I want to see what tricks you are playing."

The desire to get the Resurrection Stone finally defeated the anger in Snape's mind, and he turned around, intending to search the empty hall.

"Huh?" Snape seemed to have discovered something.

Rean heard Snape's confused voice and walked over.

But he was relieved in his heart, at least he didn't have to be beaten to death.

In front of Snape was a small cabinet, which was magically colored to match the color of the wall.

Even though the stone bricks inside the wall have been exposed at this time, the cabinet still uses magic to simulate the effect of a damaged wall.

Snape couldn't wait to reach out and pull out the drawer on the cabinet, but he was stopped by Rean halfway through.

"You'd better be careful, my dear professor." Rean stood next to Snape, his hands firmly grasping Snape's hands that wanted to continue to reach forward.

Snape nodded, then took two steps back and took out his wand.

Rean also took out his wand to deal with possible attacks at any time.

"Armor Protection"*2

The two of them involuntarily used the Iron Armor Curse at the same time.

"Calling God Guards"

Snape cast the spell again, and a burst of silver sand spurted out from the tip of Snape's staff, followed by a silver stag looming in the silver sand.

Looking at the Patronus he summoned, Snape glanced at Rean in a panic. Seeing that there was no reaction from Rean, Snape breathed a sigh of relief.

It's like an innocent little boy taking out a pen given by the girl he likes, but he is afraid that his friends will ask where the pen came from.

But Snape's every move was watched by Rean.

Sometimes, Professor Snape is unexpectedly cute.

Li En didn't know why he thought of this sentence, and the corners of his mouth began to rise slightly subconsciously.

However, just when Lean was stunned, Professor Snape flew back from Lean's eyes, and then slammed to the ground.

"We are in big trouble, Lean." Snape held down his trembling left hand and said with an unchanging expression.

"Is this...a curse?" Rean noticed something was wrong with Snape's left hand. A black mist wrapped around Snape's hand and kept trying to get into Snape's skin.

"Damn it, even if it's not the mysterious man's Horcrux, it's not a good thing. But I'm 90% sure that this curse was cast by the mysterious man."

After all, he was Voldemort's most beloved subordinate back then, so Snape shouldn't be too familiar with Voldemort's magic.

"You'd better not cast spells on this cabinet at will. He will fight back." Seeing Lean leaning towards the cabinet, Snape reminded him.

"Can you break this curse?"

After hearing Snape's words, Lien simply stopped going and ran to Snape's side and asked.

"I need time."

After all, he is Voldemort's beloved subordinate, so he still has some abilities.


time! time! Why do I have to wait!

Snape kept roaring in his heart, his sallow face began to slowly turn red with blood, and his empty and emotionless pupils began to be filled with violence. The black mist on his left hand penetrated into Snape's palm in an instant. inside.

"Not good." Seeing Snape in this situation, Rean instantly understood that the remnant soul of Voldemort in the Horcrux was trying to control Snape.

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