Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 249: Chicken feathers all over the place

After dealing with the remaining wizards, Lien and his team began to conduct a carpet search in this magnificent castle.

This search completely broke the original worldview of several people, especially the three little ones. Although the three of them were also born in a magical family, their family's wealth was accumulated bit by bit by their ancestors, and was not directly stolen like the Corey family.

"Merlin, they actually used cinnabar to smoke their clothes!" Andre said in surprise.

Qingxincao is an herb that can soothe the mind and calm the mind. It is the main ingredient in making mental recovery potions. It can also be used to make tranquilizing potions to treat headaches, palpitation and other symptoms. Simply taking herbal medicine will be less effective, but still effective.

For those in the Corey family who use their souls to improve themselves, Qingxincao can slightly reduce the side effects. But even slightly, it's enough to drive the Corey family crazy.

In the pockets of every member of the Corey family, Lien discovered the presence of Qingxincao. It seems that the Corey family also discovered the side effects of this method, but it was too late.

Once this secret technique starts, it is absolutely impossible to stop. It will constantly tempt you to devour the next soul, and as long as you relax for a moment, you will fall into a place of eternal destruction.

But this was not the time to count them. Lien threw these things into his pocket and continued searching.

Anderson and Sanxiao searched the castle, while Lean came outside. There is a section of wall outside the castle. The enclosed area is actually larger than the castle's area, and Lean searched in the gap between the castle and the wall.

The Corey family's family treasure trove has not been found so far, which makes Lean a little worried. This was accumulated by the Corey family after plundering many magic families. If it could not be found like this, it would make Lean heartbroken.

Carefully scanning every inch of the land, a trace of blue light flashed in Lien's eyes. It was obvious that Lien was using his magic vision to find the Corey family's treasure house.

After searching for the clearing to the east, Lien walked towards the clearing to the north. The area to the east was cleaner than anything a dog had chewed, and there was no magic reaction at all.

But this time, Lean was interrupted in his treasure hunt before he could even look for it. Three wizards wearing purple robes, holding wands in their hands, and covered with various alchemical items suddenly appeared not far from the castle. At this time, they were rushing towards the castle under the iron armor curse.

Li En glanced at them doubtfully, feeling like he had seen them somewhere before. After thinking for a while, they didn't react until they arrived in front of the castle.

Aren't these wizards trained by the top leaders of the Republic of China? When Mok was there, Lien had let them go as renewable resources.

No, here we are sending resources again!

Lien flashed and came to the front of the three purple-robed wizards.

"Thunderbolt Explosion"

As soon as he raised his hand, it was a curse.

The three wizards were stunned by the sudden attack before they could see who it was. Fortunately, they were under the Iron Armor Curse and had many alchemy items on their bodies, otherwise this "thunderbolt explosion" would have been enough to kill the three purple-robed wizards.

But even with alchemy items to help defend, the shock wave of the explosion still blew them away and fell to the ground in disgrace.

"Serial Explosive Fireball"

A series of small orange-red fireballs flew out from the top of Lien's fingers, and exploded the moment they touched the target.

In an instant, the place where the three wizards were was enveloped in an explosion. However, Lien also had control, only knocking people unconscious but not killing them.

After all, we are now a civilized society and we must pay attention to sustainable development. The violent mining of the past is no longer feasible.

After collecting all the belongings of these three people, Anderson brought Anrona and Feeney downstairs.

"What happened?" Anderson asked.

He came down as soon as he heard the explosion, but he didn't expect Lien to act so quickly. No, in fact, when he heard the explosion, Rean had already dealt with these three people.

"It's nothing. Someone came to our door to give us resources. This is a good person." Rean said with a smile after pulling off the last magical purple robe from an unlucky guy.

It's March now, and the temperature is not very high yet, so the three wizards are still wearing woolen sweaters, so they are not afraid of being exposed.

"You go back and continue searching for the Corey family's treasure trove. I'll send these three people back first. By the way, Anderson, set up a space defense array to prevent anyone from breaking into the castle through apparation."

Rean squatted on the ground, tied the three of them together with a rope, and then apparated away from here.

The Corey family originally had an anti-Apparition spell, but when they captured the castle, Lean accidentally broke it. So at this time, the Corey family's castle has become a public area, and any wizard who can apparate into the castle can break into it.

When Lien attacked the castle before, he was the first to eliminate most of the wizards who could apparate, and the rest were all killed with the help of monsters. The remaining wizards have not mastered apparation.

Advanced spells such as the Iron Armor Curse and Apparition are not something every wizard can master.

Lean came to the small town where he rescued Mock last time and threw the three purple-robed wizards into an abandoned house.

There are still traces of the last battle in this town, but it has lost any popularity at this time. It seems that the authorities should have simply abandoned this place.

But think about it, after all, he has been exposed. If he stays here any longer, another wizard may come to ask for help one day.

Those dark wizards don't care what country you are from, they look down on Muggles from the bottom of their hearts.

Lien looked at the three wizards on the ground and figured out why these three people went to the Corey family.

The Corey family has always cooperated with the Muggle government, so this time when Lean attacked the Corey family's castle, it was probably because the alarm left by the high-level wizards was sent, or someone communicated for rescue, so the high-level officials sent people here.

Throwing the three people to the ground, Lean walked around the town casually, then apparated away from here, returned to the outside of the Corey family's castle, and then flew into the castle wall.

The most important thing now is to find the Corey family's treasure trove. There can be no delay. Even though Lean gave a demonstration, the Ministry of Magic will definitely keep an eye on the Corey family. So Lean must settle everything before the Ministry of Magic arrives.

However, Li En checked all the places and still didn't find any trace of the treasure house, which made Li En look ugly.

Could it be that the Corey family robbed something, exchanged it for Galleons, and deposited it in Gringotts?

But this shouldn't be the case. Generally speaking, magic families don't store all their assets in Gringotts. At most, open a vault in Gringotts and store some working capital.

When making large purchases, a magical signature can be issued directly, and the handover can be completed by having someone take the magical signature to Gringotts.

"Lean, there is still one last floor. We can collect everything." Anderson shrank his body, handed over the task of this floor to three little ones, and flew there like a little bird. Rean said on his shoulder.

"The Corey family's treasure trove cannot be found, there is no trace at all. Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a large treasure trove to have no magical reaction at all."

Rean scratched his hair a little irritably and said with a gloomy expression.

"Could it be that they didn't use the magic circle to build the treasure house at all?" Anderson put forward an idea.

"Impossible. Even if they didn't use magic to build the treasure house, is it possible that they don't store even a single magic item in their treasure house?"

"Maybe there is some magic circle to cover up the magic power?"

"Then the magic circle covering up the magic power should also be visible to me."

Lean sighed and said, this is giving people a headache.

"Could it be metal or stone? This kind of thing does not require magic power to cover up magic power. I have encountered this kind of thing before when I was wandering, and it is indeed a good thing for covering up."

Anderson held his head with his little paws and said.

Lien thought for a while and nodded: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. No, it should be the only possibility. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why my 'magic vision' cannot see the magic power fluctuations in the treasure house."

"So the next step will be much easier." Lien laughed happily, "Secret room detection."

Lien was not afraid of wasting his magic power, so he directly conducted an intensive detection of loss on the ground. Soon, Lien found a reaction in a basement.

Lien opened the basement door and walked in. The lights on the basement walls have been pried off, and the floor has been stripped clean. As for the original items inside, all those without magic were piled in the corner, while none of the items with magic were left, and Sanxiao put them all into his pocket.

Lien looked at the place where there was a secret room reaction, but even if he opened the magic vision, he couldn't see anything.

This place with the secret room reaction is located directly east of the secret room, but when Lien went there, he didn't find any entrance to the secret room. What's more, in this basement, Andre had already scraped off one layer of the wall and didn't find any secret door at all.

However, under Li En's careful sensing, he still discovered some clues. The reaction given by the secret room was still some distance away from the wall. It must be that Andre didn't scratch it to that extent, so he didn't notice it.

Lean guessed that only a few managers of the Corey family knew that every time they entered and exited, they used spells to restore it to its original state.

After guessing this, Lien knew something in his mind, so he immediately used magic to wipe away the layer of soil outside.

As expected, there was a wall piled with black stones inside. Lean gently pressed on the stone and pushed in. Hearing a "click", the door made of black stone opened.

Inside the stone gate is a coded gate, which seems to be sponsored by the Korean government. This password door is a password composed of twenty-six English letters plus ten numbers and twenty-four Greek letters. Lien does not know how many digits there are.

But seeing this, Lien breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't a magic combination lock. As for this ordinary one, Lien only needs a "password detection" to know it.

"Password Detection"

After using magic, Lien suddenly felt that a bunch of things were stuffed into his brain. When he recalled it carefully, he knew that it was the password for the password door.

After entering it, the password door opened silently as everyone imagined.

Entering the coded door, what Lien saw were countless magical raw materials, countless alchemical items, and countless Galleons.

Putting them all into his pocket, Lien also looked at the black stones that built this treasure house.

"Ah, the Demon-Repellent Stone, this should be the most common Demon-Repellent material. However, every piece of Demon-Repellent Material is extremely precious and very uncommon." Anderson said from the side.

To be honest, Anderson is now a little envious of the wealth of the main world. It's just that a family in the rising main world and an island country can actually obtain enough demon-hating materials to build a house. This is enough to prove the abundance of materials in the main world.

But most of this is because this world has not been mined much.

After collecting everything, Lien and others returned to the small world directly with the tokens, while Anderson left to deal with the traces they left, so as not to see the Ministry of Magic later.

After handling everything, Anderson returned to the small world.

Almost an hour later, people from the Ministry of Magic arrived belatedly.

There is no way, the Ministry of Magic is not monolithic, and all the major families want to get a piece of the Corey family cake. After long discussions at the Ministry of Magic, no consensus could be reached. If it hadn't been for Lean's raid on the Corey family, there's no telling how long the discussion would have lasted.

After hearing that the Corey family was raided by unknown persons, everyone was afraid that the Corey family's treasure would be robbed first, so they temporarily put aside their disputes and wanted to get the things first.

However, when they arrived at the Corey family's castle, all they saw were corpses lying on the ground and the castle being searched clean.

Seeing all this, the wizards immediately began to blame each other, blaming each other for not giving up some of their interests, which made it impossible for everyone to play now.

Not to mention, the three wizards in the town also woke up at this moment. They couldn't help but laugh bitterly as they looked at the way they were tied together.

Fortunately, one of their wizards can cast the escape spell without a wand, otherwise they would really have to wait for others to come and save them.

The three people who broke free looked at each other with nothing left, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Hell, I don't even have my wand anymore."

"I still have the rare materials I got from exploring the ruins in my pocket."

"Wait! I found that this place is not ordinary. Do you remember the time when someone broke into the restricted area and several wizards were stripped clean? I found that this was the previous town, and all the things we had on us were gone. So I Guess, it may have been done by the wizard who attacked last time."

"Okay, with this news, it will be easier for us to do business. Didn't someone get ripped off last time?"

After the three people discussed it, they found some usable instruments in the town and started sending information to the outside world.

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