Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 600 The Broken Secrecy Law and Grindelwald's Actions

The First World War in Berlin had far-reaching effects on both the wizarding and Muggle worlds.

Muggles were very surprised to find that there really were magicians in this world.

They had mixed reactions.

Excited, curious, eager...

Some people are obsessed with the magical world hidden around them, and even begin to plan an exploration journey to pursue the magical world.

I fantasize that I can learn magic too and become a real magician.

Of course, that's not possible.

The wizards of this world are not so much magicians as bloodline warlocks.

A wizard's magic power is entirely dependent on blood, which means that he is destined to be born.

Moreover, even if you have the blood of a wizard, you may not be able to awaken magic power, otherwise where did the squib come from?

I don't know if these people, after learning the cruel truth that they are not destined to become magicians, will they turn from love to hatred for the magic world, so as to make the magic world feel pain?

This is the emotion of those who have been advocating magic since childhood.

As for some other people, like the purgers group that "existed" in the United States.

And the victims who were left devastated and homeless as a result of the Battle of Berlin.

There is also the Muggle government that controls the army and nuclear weapons. The existence of the wizarding world may be a huge threat to them, because the power displayed by the wizards is really amazing.

Their emotions towards the magic world should be fear, disgust, and even hatred...

And these people are the most troublesome people the magic world has to deal with.

Especially the Muggle government that controls the Muggle military.

Given the level of combat skills of most people in the magical world, their three-legged cat kung fu might not necessarily be able to knock down Muggle soldiers before they pull the trigger.

Not to mention, even in the magic world, the most basic and also the most practical defensive magic - armor and body protection spell, many of them have not learned.

In such a situation, they face a Muggle soldier with a gun, and there is a high probability that they will be shot down.

Of course, the soldiers mentioned here refer to soldiers of normal level, not to mention the level of the three rogues such as Eagle Sauce, Bear and Rabbit, at least they must be of the level of the chicken and the universe.

If it's the kind of Uncle Black who doesn't even aim, carries the gun over his head, and can't hit anyone depends on fate, then forget it.

At that level, you don't deserve to be called a soldier, or even a thug.

A second-year wizard apprentice from one of the three major magic schools in Europe can be pressed and rubbed on the ground.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the education level of the three schools has been greatly improved under a series of educational reform measures promoted by Kyle.

In the past, this was definitely not possible.

Of course, now is not the time to pay attention to the battle strength between these magic apprentices and African black uncles.

The most important thing now is how to protect the safety of the people in the magic world?

As a loyal player of Berserker's Creed, Kyle proposed to Grindelwald a simple and rude but effective method -

As long as all enemies are eliminated, the people of the magic world will naturally be safe.

Kyle is not like a bald head in a wheelchair. He obviously has the ability to modify everyone's will in an instant, but he does not take action because of the shackles of morality.

As a result, by the time he got dementia, the mutants were almost completely dead.

Compassion for the enemy is irresponsibility for one's own countrymen.

For those Muggles who can only rely on firearms, wizards who have mastered mysterious magic are completely dimensionality-reducing attacks.

The Muggle army, taking Eagle Sauce as an example, although they also have a certain degree of autonomy in peacetime, but in some large-scale operations, they still need to go through layers of approval and scheduling.

In other words, the actions of the army are mainly in the hands of the people in the pentagonal building and the white house.

Then the solution is also very simple.

Catch the thief first catch the king.

Just using the Imperius Curse to control all the Muggles in those two buildings, turning them into marionettes in his hands, would be enough to defuse the threat of Eagle-chan's army.

For the armies of other countries, Kyle they can also take the same approach.

In this way, they can not only eliminate the possible war between the wizarding world and the Muggle world, but also take the opportunity to take the Muggle world into their hands.

The views of the Grindelwalds in this regard are strikingly similar.

After leaving Dumbledore's office, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth after Grindelwald, who was walking in the corridor, listened to his son's narration.

He patted Kyle on the shoulder quite happily, "As expected of my son, the two of us thought of going together."

Kyle raised his eyebrows, "Then we now..."

"Just before we left from berlin, I ordered Alfred to go and announce the mission to the saints."

Grindelwald glanced at the watch in his hand, "If there is no accident, they should have done it now, and the remaining question is the views and public opinion of the Muggle people towards the magical world."

After listening to Grindelwald's words, Kyle waved his hand indifferently, "As long as we have the violent institutions of the Muggle country in our hands, those ordinary Muggles are nothing to worry about."

Kyle knows what the people of these Muggle countries are.

Don't look at how daring they usually act, and the things they do are quite bizarre.

For example, taking to the streets to protest, or buying zero dollars on the street, or even storming Capitol Hill, breaking into the office of the Muggle version of the pink toad.

Or backstabbing a country’s former prime minister in the street.

But their threat to the magic world can be said to be almost zero.

On the premise that the state violence agency, that is, the Muggle army, did not take the lead in the operation, it was impossible for the wizards to be threatened by these scattered people who organized themselves.

As long as wizards place a muggle banishing spell where they live, the problem can be easily solved.

What is more important to consider now is that after the secrecy law formulated by the International Federation of Wizards and Wizards expires, will the wizards who no longer need to worry about exposing the existence of the magic world pose a threat to Muggles?

Kyle scratched his hair helplessly.

Strictly disciplined saints can still self-discipline, but those dark wizards who behave unscrupulously may not be so peaceful.

Sure enough, he still had to grasp the ruling power on both sides of the magical world and the Muggle world at the same time, and establish a unified regime, so that his control could be lowered to every corner of the two worlds.

In this way, the people on both sides can be better restrained.

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