Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter five hundred and eighty fifth heart sword

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He placed the mercury-like invisibility cloak and the elder wand with several knuckles on the table.

Snape pulled out his old wand and began scrutinizing the Invisibility Cloak and the Elder Wand.

Soon, he found a seal similar to the one Godric Gryffindor set on the Resurrection Stone on the other two Deathly Hallows.

Snape narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, his conjecture was correct. Not only was the resurrection stone sealed, but the other two Deathly Hallows were similarly sealed with their original power.

But this time, he no longer needs to use the magic stone to break the seal.

The resurrection stone that has completely released the three seals can provide him with a steady stream of magic power, so as to break the seals on the other two holy artifacts.

Dark and icy underworld magic radiated from the resurrection stone in Snape's hand, twisted and twisted in the air, twisting into two black drill bits.

Under Snape's manipulation, two magical forces slammed into the Invisibility Cloak and the Elder Wand.

At the moment when the magic power and the holy artifact came into contact, two chain shadows that Snape was very familiar with suddenly emerged from the two holy artifact respectively, competing with the drill.

After thousands of years, and there is no other seal of energy supply, after all, it has not been able to withstand the inexhaustible magical impact of the resurrection stone.

Under Snape's expectant gaze, with a crisp sound similar to glass breaking, the two chains shattered into bits of blue starlight, which disappeared in the air.

As the chains were broken, the two Deathly Hallows suddenly emitted a dazzling blue light.

In the light, the two sacred artifacts were twisted and gradually transformed into another appearance——

The quicksilver-like Invisibility Cloak became a tattered black cloak, the jagged fracturing around the edges as though it had been torn from a larger piece of black cloth.

The Elder Wand also shattered inch by inch in the light, revealing its true appearance, a pitch-black black rod that was still getting bigger as time went by.

Eventually, the Elder Wand transformed into a black Zen wand over two meters long, with a ring at the top and six other smaller rings on it.

Snape reached for the brand new Elder Wand.

With a slight movement of his mind, the Elder Wand changed into a different appearance in his hand - from the original Zen staff, it became a long sword with a length of more than four meters and a shape similar to the double helix structure of DNA.

Putting the invisibility cloak that had returned to its original shape on his body, Snape held the Resurrection Stone tightly in his left hand and the Elder Wand in his right hand.

He raised the elder wand and communicated with the gate of the underworld again with the help of the resurrection stone in his left hand.

A mass of souls floated out from the door with the black translucent veil, forming before Snape the figure of the red-haired woman he had been looking forward to for over a decade.

Lily Potter.

Snape stretched out his hand tremblingly, as if he wanted to touch it, but as if he was afraid of sullying his dream goddess, he withdrew his hand a moment before he was about to touch Lily.

After taking a deep breath, Snape turned his gaze to a crystal coffin next to it, which contained a body he had already prepared—

It was a body he made with the hair that belonged to Lily that he had preserved before, and it was also the soul container he prepared for Lily.

It must be added here that this body is clothed.

Snape chanted the spell silently.

In his expectant eyes, Lily's soul shrank again and condensed into a somewhat illusory light, which slowly merged into her body.

Getting the soul into the body is the first step.

The next second step is to break the rules of the underworld and the human world, so that Lily's soul can be completely integrated with this body and is no longer bound by the rules of the underworld.

This is also the most important step, because it is related to whether Lily can live in this world as a living person.

Snape raised the Sword of Heart in his hand, the Elder Wand, and aimed it at Lily's body.

However, in the next second, his expression changed.

"The Elder Wand is resisting me!?"

He increased his control of magic in disbelief, trying to force the Elder Wand to complete this resurrection ritual.

But this resurrection ceremony is a very delicate and profound magic, just like boiling some high-level potions, a slight error can lead to extremely serious consequences.

Snape's complexion changed drastically when he sensed the change in the ritual.

Can't go on anymore!

Snape wasn't worried about the failure of the ritual to devour himself. As long as Lily could be resurrected perfectly, he would be willing to sacrifice his life.

But the backlash from the failure of the ritual will not only act on his body, but also on Lily's soul.

Aware that Lily's soul was at risk of completely dissipating, Snape did not dare to take any risk, and forcibly interrupted this resurrection ceremony.

Due to the backlash caused by the forced interruption of the ceremony, Snape's face became very ugly.

"Why is this? I have already collected three Deathly Hallows and lifted all the seals. Shouldn't I be the master of the God of Death?"

At this moment, a lazy voice suddenly came from the stairs leading from the basement to the living room upstairs.

"That's because you haven't fully mastered the Elder Wand."

The sudden sound made Snape's heart skip a beat, and he looked up at the direction of the stairs, only to see a voice that he was not too unfamiliar with slowly pacing down the stairs.

Slytherin greeted Snape with a smile as if he had seen an old acquaintance.

"Long time no see, Dean of Slytherin, Severus Snape."

Ignoring Snape's vigilant attitude like an enemy, Slytherin said to himself, "Don't you know the basic knowledge of wand identification?"

He tilted his head.

"Have you forgotten what the old man who sold wands in Diagon Alley used to say every time he fooled guests? Wands choose wizards."

"The Elder Wand only recognizes the most powerful wizard as its master, and how does it judge the power of a wizard?"

Having said that, Slytherin paused, and the corner of his mouth raised a little arc, looking cold and murderous.

"That is to defeat and kill its previous owner, of course."

Snape's eyes narrowed.

The way he got the Elder Wand was not honorable, almost by stealing...

To be precise, it should be in the form of scavenging. On the chaotic battlefield, he picked up the wand that belonged to Albus Dumbledore.

It also means that if he wants to make the Elder Wand his master...

Then he must kill Dumbledore.

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