Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 505 I am willing to accept the kiss of the Dementor!

Tenth courtroom.

"The trial on August 12," Fudge said loudly, "now officially in session."

Next to number one, ah no, Percy, the second dogleg, hastily started taking notes, and the pink toad is Fudge's first dogleg.

After reading Harry's message and the crime he had committed, Fudge began to read a long list of the names of the interrogator and the recorder of the trial.

Compared to a little devil who didn't play cards according to the routine, the questions that Fudge asked during the trial basically made Dumbledore take into account.

For every question of Fudge, he could find it in Dumbledore's pre-written defense.

Snape finally played his role as defender this time.

After a few minutes of questioning and answering, Snape's defense of Harry was largely endorsed by most of the Wizengamore wizards present.

Only Fudge and a few of his irons are still dead.

Looking at the way Cornelius Fudge looked, Harry had to be convicted.

So, without passing the gas in advance, Fudge actually took out Kyle's rhetoric of threatening his uncle's family just now, and wanted to convict Harry.

The corners of Snape's mouth twitched into a cold arc.

Just now, Burns' attack came too suddenly, causing him to fail to think of an appropriate defense.

But now Fudge is using this rhetoric again?

He Severus Snape won't lose in the same place twice.

"I have evidence to show that under the circumstances at the time, Potter had no reason and no mood to actively use a blasting spell to intimidate his uncle's family."

"He cast a blasting spell, only out of compulsion."

Hearing Snape's rhetoric, Fudge frowned, "Please present the evidence."

Snape reached into the inside of his black robe, and took out a piece of parchment paper that was still stained with some ink stains at the corners.

The parchment is densely handwritten.

When he saw this parchment, Harry had a bad premonition in his heart, why does this thing look so familiar?

"This parchment in my hand is a love letter from Mr. Potter to his sweetheart."

Harry's expression changed from doubt to panic in an instant.

But this is just the beginning.

Kyle, who was sitting on the jury seat in place of the real Amelia Burns, had a look on his face that was not too big of a deal, "Please read the contents of the letter from the defender."

Harry's face instantly turned green.

He jerked up from the defendant's seat, trying to pounce on Snape and grab the letter in his hand.

But Kyle moved faster than he did, and he reached out and waved it lightly.

Harry's buttocks hadn't completely left the chair, when the chain on the arm of the chair suddenly jumped up, binding Harry who was sitting on it firmly.

"Defendant, please be quiet," Kyle said calmly, "disturbing the order of the court is a felony."

Seeing that it was completely impossible to win the letter, Harry sat back in his chair reluctantly. He was afraid that he was not going to experience a social death in the courtroom today.

Fortunately, Snape's evidence was just a love letter.

This is if Snape finds those magical picture books he's hiding under the bed in Blake's old house...

Those books were originally used by Harry when he was a single dog and used to spend every lonely night with him when he had a rendezvous with his ex-goddess Zhang Qiu every day.

The mature, intellectual and beautiful older sisters in the book have given the poor virgin Harry both mental and physical comfort in countless late nights.

This is why every time Harry is forced into dog food by Cedric and Zhang Qiu, he can quickly come out of the shadow of dog food.

Even after establishing a relationship with Ginny and successfully breaking away from being a single dog, Harry didn't throw these books in the trash.

After all, he is a very affectionate person.

After seeing the bodies of the sisters, you must be responsible for the sisters.

So, these magic comic strips were received by him in the suitcase under the bed.

Even with Ginny, the princess in the palace, on lonely nights, Harry would still flip over the signs of these big sisters from time to time.

Because Ginny is really young, the green fruits have not yet been picked.

Snape, who was using Advanced Occlumency, had absolutely no idea what shame was.

In full view, he took Harry's letter and began to read it aloud in a recited aria.

It was the first time Kyle discovered that Snape had a talent for reciting.

He maliciously speculated that Snape must have been secretly rehearsing how to confess to Lily at home, but he didn't know why, but he didn't take action in the end.

Otherwise, where is James Potter?

Snape and Lily were childhood sweethearts, and the relationship was so good that they could lie side by side on the lawn together, basking in the sun and chatting about life and ideals.

And James, the latecomer?

In fact, when James and Lily first met, Lily had a bad impression of James.

Snape's soulful voice echoed in the cold stone courtroom:

"Dear Ginny, how are you? I think of you again today. Did you miss me?"

"I finally found that, in addition to the alcohol that can numb me, even just thinking of your charming fragrance can make me intoxicated by your breath!"

"What kind of fate led us to meet each other?"


When Kyle heard the first sentence, he could hold back his laughter.

But when Snape uttered the second sentence in such a soulful tone with a paralyzed face, he couldn't hold it back, and burst into laughter.

Fortunately, he wasn't the only one laughing, and many of the Wizengamore wizards on the jury also laughed.

It's just that no one laughed as exaggeratedly as Kyle did.

After all, Kyle is the battlefield rose of Hogwarts, and the wild laughter of the Uchiha family is not justified.

By the time Snape had read the 2,000-word love letter, Harry had buried his head deep in his arms, intending to be an ostrich for the rest of his life.

Snape smacked his lips, his expression a little unsettled.

In the past, he clearly doted on Harry very much, but now...

Snape felt a wave of annoyance at Harry's face that looked almost exactly like his old rival.

Conversely, if he sees Harry deflated, he can feel a burst of pleasure.

Unless Harry can cover his face with an airtight black cloth, except for his eyes, he will never want to be favored by the old bat again in this life.

After Snape finished reading the letter, Kyle struggled to stop his Uchiha laughter.

He took a deep breath, relieved the pain in his abdomen from the wild laughter, and then said solemnly:

"Defender, a letter alone is not enough to prove the defendant's psychological activities at that time, and he will not use a blasting spell to intimidate his uncle's family."

"Does the defence have any other evidence? Otherwise, Mr Porter will still be found guilty if the evidence is insufficient."

Fudge glanced at Burns in surprise. How did this woman suddenly become his ally?

He didn't know at all that Kyle was not an allied army at all, just simply watching the fun was not too big of a problem.

"Other evidence?" Snape's mouth twitched wickedly. "Of course there is, ma'am."

When he heard this, Harry, who had buried his head in his arms and pretended to be an ostrich, suddenly missed a beat in his heartbeat and immediately raised his head.

I saw Snape put his hand into the inside of his clothes again, and took out several thick books with covers that Harry was no longer familiar with.

His face turned white in a flash, and Harry, who had reacted to it, roared frantically, "Don't take it out! Don't! I'm willing to confess! I'm willing to accept the Dementor's kiss!"

Kyle's fingers flicked, a magical light flashed, and Harry's mouth was covered by an iron mask.

He never made a sound again.

Watching the so-called "Director Amelia Burns" skillfully cast spells without a stick, Snape's mouth twitched imperceptibly twice.

good guy!

It's you! Three generations!

It's no wonder that when he just walked out of the director's office, he always felt that something was wrong.

For example, when they first went to the office, the "Amelia" was sitting like an uncle.

Then there is the issue of not playing cards according to the routine, which has nothing to do with the interrogation.

As the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he seems to have little understanding of the legal provisions of the Ministry of Magic, and he does not even know that the death penalty has been abolished.

There are too many flaws that Kyle has shown.

It's just that he was a little confused by Kyle's death sentence on Harry, and he didn't notice these obvious flaws for a while.

Before leaving in the morning, the little devil had told him that he was going to the Ministry of Magic to do something.

He even forgot about such an important thing.

After the initial shock, Snape reacted quickly.

It seems that Fudge is facing a great disaster today.

There was not even a copper nut relationship between Cornelius Fudge's life and death and Snape, and Snape withdrew his gaze from the little devil without a trace.

"This is what I found in Potter's room. After confirmation, it can be confirmed to be Potter's personal belongings."

He looked at Minister Fudge, "Please allow me to use my wand to present this evidence to everyone."

Fudge didn't know what medicine was in Snape's gourd, so he nodded and agreed to Snape's request.

Snape pulled out his wand, flipped the book in his hand to a random page, and tapped his wand on the page.

With a flick of the wand, the pictures in the pages were enlarged and projected into the air.

Projected in the air is a picture that is enough to blush.

Snape's hand made Kyle stunned for a moment.

Good guy, murder is also punishable.

A layer of khaki smoke poured from the tip of Snape's wand and covered the pages, revealing a gleaming fingerprint.

"After comparison, I can confirm that this fingerprint is Potter's."

The wizards at the Wizengamore Court immediately exploded and began whispering to each other.

After showing a few images, Fudge drew his wand to disperse the enlarged display in the air, interrupting Snape's presentation.

This is a serious Wizengamore courtroom, not a pornographic meeting.

"This evidence does not provide any defence to the crimes committed by the accused Harry Potter," Fudge said.

Snape said slowly, "Mr. Minister, I also have a piece of physical evidence that I found in Potter's room at 4 Privet Drive on the day of Eucalyptus."

"It was a paper towel that had been left in the trash and was stained with some of Potter's bodily fluids."

The wizards at the Wizengamore Court knew instantly what Snape was talking about.

"With this physical evidence, we have ample evidence of what Potter did in his room prior to the release."

"Does this physical evidence corroborate Mr. Potter's mental activity at the time of the eucalyptus?"

Kyle's mouth twitched, "Of course."

An adolescent who is ignorant of love, how can he intimidate his uncle's family with magic.

Many of the male jury members present understood this.

It's just that this time they didn't plan to let Snape present the evidence. After all, the snot-wiping tissue is a bit disgusting, so let's forget it.

Then there's the matter of the attack.

The trial came to a close after the presence of two Anbu wizards as witnesses proved that the attack did indeed take place on Privet Drive at the time.

The testimony of the two witnesses was endorsed by the vast majority of the Wizengamore wizards present.

In accordance with Section 7 of the Reasonable Restraining of Young Wizards and Wizards Act, magic can be used in the presence of Muggles when the life of a wizard or other wizards or Muggles present is threatened.

The witnesses were all there, and Harry was acquitted in court.

Just looking at Harry's dejected look, he didn't seem to be very happy with the verdict.

Also unhappy is Cornelius Fudge.

What Fudge didn't know was that even if Harry's trial ended, and he was convicted as he had envisioned, he couldn't do anything to Harry.

Because Dumbledore had already given instructions at the Order of the Phoenix meeting—

If Fudge was really stubborn, he allowed members of the Order of the Phoenix to use force and force Harry away from the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, in Amelia Burns' office just now, Snape was ready to do it.

It's just that Fudge's sudden arrival interrupted Burns' trial of Harry, and the matter finally came to an end.

Hearing Fudge's final verdict, Snape rose from his defense seat.

He pulled all his strength and was drained. Harry, who seemed to have lost his dream, walked quickly towards the courtroom.

A little later, Fudge's blood would be splashed on them.

Amelia Burns of the Dark Lord stuffing also stood up, his eyes firmly locked on Connelly Fudge who was sorting the parchment in front of him.

Fudge, Danger!

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