Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 474 Little Overlord Learning Machine

With a series of actions against Voldemort laid out, the meeting came to an end.

But Kyle did not leave, and also stopped Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape who wanted to leave with him.

Dumbledore was a little curious about what happened to Kyle's two deans, so he didn't leave in a hurry, but stayed as well.

Glancing at his shameless father, Kyle didn't bother to say anything about him.

A team of 200 people, if he wants to deduct it, he can deduct it.

The dignified first-generation Demon King Mubai didn't even have the strength to do private work for himself, and it was really shameful to mess around.

Even Cornelius Fudge, the last minister of the British Ministry of Magic, has a lot more people that can be mobilized than Dumbledore.

Kyle pinched his nose and recognized it, and these two hundred people were treated as charity to his father Albus.

Anyway, it is a family, and there is no outsider's field for fat water.

And after the completion of the Nurmengard School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, all the outstanding graduates of Hogwarts will basically fall into his hands, which is a little compensation for Old Deng.


Looking at Professor McGonagall, the dean of education in charge of Hogwarts academic affairs, Kyle organized the language in his mind.

"Professor McGonagall, what do you think is the current level of teaching at Hogwarts?"

After thinking about it, Kyle made another statement.

"Hogwarts has a dozen courses for students, including Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, and more..."

"But are students really meeting our projected teaching goals?"

"For example, the Transfiguration class taught in the sixth grade about human body shapeshifting, in theory, if they can achieve the expected teaching goals..."

Kyle's face twisted for a while, and instantly turned into Snape's paralyzed face.

"Then, they should be able to easily achieve transformation magic like mine.


The voice fell, and Kyle's face was distorted again.

It will become an S shape for a while, and for a while...

Wrong, it became Dumbledore for a while, and Professor McGonagall for a while...

In normal times, if Kyle used human body transformation like this, the three of them would definitely go crazy.

But at this time, the three of them fell into silence and began to think about Kyle's words.

Indeed, according to their original teaching goals, even if the students only reach the passing level, they should be far beyond the current level.

For example, the magic of armor and bodyguard, students should have mastered this spell in Defense Against the Dark Arts when they were in the fourth grade.

But the reality is that many Aurors at the Ministry of Magic don't know this spell.

Not to mention the little wizards in the fourth grade.

Although this has something to do with the fact that the professor of the Dark Defense course is too overwhelmed, it also reflects the quality of teaching at Hogwarts...

Not really.

Not only Hogwarts, but the other two wizarding schools in Europe are actually at a similar level.

Kyle bent his fingers and tapped the table in front of him lightly, bringing the three people's attention back to reality.

"You should also realize the problem, so I plan to implement an educational reform at Hogwarts."

"Educational reform?" Professor McGonagall raised his eyebrows with interest. "What are you going to do?"

Kyle determined the general plan for reform long before the holiday, and he quickly organized the prophecy in his mind.

"There are various factors that cause teaching to fail to achieve its intended goals. In addition to the inertia of the students themselves, the outdated and rigid teaching methods are also an important factor."

"First and foremost, students' inertia is the most important issue."

Kyle briefly recounted what he observed in the library.

In the past four years, Kyle's time spent in the library with his girlfriend is not too short.

Apart from the extensive homework assignments by the professors, and the period of cramming before final exams, he seldom saw students from the college outside of Ravenclaw in the library.

The Hogwarts library has a vast collection of books, which is undoubtedly a huge treasure trove in the magical world where knowledge and power are roughly equal.

But many young wizards are obviously unaware of the preciousness of these collections.

For example, scumbags like Harry and Ron, the driving force for them to go to the library is always the homework assigned by the professor.

They never volunteered to borrow other magic books in the library other than homework-related.

This is an incomprehensible thing for Kyle, who has lived in the materialistic world for more than 20 years in his previous life.

brother! That's magic! magic!

Ron, who was born in a wizarding family, is accustomed to magic.

A kid like Harry who has lived in the Muggle world for 11 years has no idea about magic! sense! prosper! interest!

To be precise, Harry wasn't interested in learning about it.

But it's also quite puzzling.

If it were the eleven-year-old children of Kyle's previous life, Huaguo, as long as their IQs were normal, after living in the boring and boring Muggle world for eleven years, they suddenly received an admission letter from the magic school...

There's no way they'd ever get bored with something like learning magic.

When students don't want to learn, they can't get results in any way.

Therefore, the first step in the educational reform that Kyle intends to promote is to mobilize the enthusiasm of Hogwarts students for learning.

"This is an alchemy product that I spent a few days making."

Kyle placed a "book" with a silver cover on the table.

Unlike ordinary books, the book Kyle took out was not made of paper.

It looks more like a book carved out of a single piece of metal.

Under the watchful eyes of the three professors, Kyle stretched out his finger and tapped the cover of the book.

The next second, where Kyle's fingers touched the book cover, a ray of light immediately lit up, quickly spreading and connecting, forming a complicated and mysterious magic circle.

The cover of the book split in the middle, opened to the sides, and became a flat metal plate about fourteen inches diagonally and eight millimeters thick.

Kyle raised his hand and pressed a button on the side of the tablet.

Press and hold for five seconds to power on.

After five seconds, the surface of the metal plate emits a hazy light, and a layer of illusions condensed from light and shadow covers the surface of the metal plate, making it look like a...


Along with a rippling circle, the logo of Hogwarts, the coat of arms surrounded by animals representing the four Houses, appeared on the screen.

This is the boot screen designed by Kyle.

After the boot screen is over, it is officially entered into the desktop of this magic tablet.

On the fourteen-inch screen, there are only a few isolated icons at this time.

The file names written below the icons indicate their respective purpose.

Magic class mooc, magic class school, magic learning pass, magic question bank, European magic net...

As long as it is the learning software that Kyle has seen in his previous life, he basically copies it.

However, these icons are still empty shells, and Kyle has not written specific magic programs into them.

"This thing, I'm going to call it, little devil..."

Kyle paused slightly, "Xiao Bawang learns the machine."

Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape: ? ? ?

Say it again, what is this thing called?

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