Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 344 The Return of the Dark Lord

"Speaking of the Death Eaters," Mr. Weasley pondered, "I heard someone in the Ministry say such a thing..."

Everyone's eyes turned towards Mr. Weasley curiously.

He didn't deliberately sell off the secret. "Azkaban seems to have had another prison escape before, and it was still a large-scale incident. This incident was only circulated in the Auror office, but it has not been confirmed."

Harry looked at Sirius in confusion, "How many Death Eaters are there in Azkaban?"

Now Harry, under the careful guidance of Sirius, is finally not the stupid boy who knew nothing about the common sense of the magic world.

At least, he didn't ask the stupid question of what a Death Eater was right now.

Sirius' expression was a little solemn.

"If no Death Eaters were tortured to death by Dementors in the period after I got out of prison..."

He sighed slowly, "As far as I know, there must be more than fifty or sixty people."

The appearance of Azkaban looks like a huge bunker made of black stone.

At that time, Sirius was in a hurry to escape from prison, and it was impossible to count the number of Death Eaters in Azkaban one floor after another.

However, he had spent more than ten years in Azkaban, and he knew better than others about the number of Death Eaters still alive in Azkaban.

The figure he said should be considered to be relatively close to the real figure.

"Fifty or sixty vicious Death Eaters are preparing to do things outside, and the Ministry of Magic is not taking any precautions," Kyle looked strange, "Fudge is really capable."

"Speaking of which," Amos Diggory, who also works at the Ministry of Magic, nodded approvingly, "this is a typical style of Minister Fudge."

Covering up to make sure the Quidditch World Cup goes smoothly is a stupid thing Fudge could do.

Alright now, the event was successfully held, but within a few hours of being happy, the camp exploded in place.

Charlie, who was a little hot-tempered, slapped the table angrily, "How could Fudge do this!"

Kyle's eyes drifted to Dumbledore, who was silent. "Dad, I remember that Fudge was able to sit in this position because of your support."

The tent fell silent in an instant.

Kyle dared to confront Dumbledore,

They dare not.

If he laughed out loud at this time, Dumbledore would have a grudge, and he would have sent it.

Although Dumbledore wasn't that kind of villain, they didn't dare to make trouble, so everyone had a hard time.

Dumbledore, who couldn't hang on his face, raised his fist and wanted to give Kyle a hit. Kyle, who had already learned smart, hid behind Grindelwald with a sliding shovel.

Can't hit it, hehe.

Dumbledore's face darkened, and finally he silently withdrew his hand.

When his eyes were taken back from Kyle, everyone immediately looked away from watching the play.

"So sleepy, Fred."

"Yes, yes, it will be dawn in a few hours."

Brothers George and Fred walked away, shoulder to shoulder.

With these two live treasures taking the lead, others have also found various reasons to run away from Dumbledore's anger.

Because everyone's original tent was destroyed in the attack of the Death Eaters, they all slept in Kyle's tent in the end.

Kyle's tent is spacious enough to accommodate several times the number of people.

Kyle: My house is pretty big.jpg

When the crowd dispersed, Kyle naturally couldn't wait to return to his room.

Both Xiao Nan and Hermione were still asleep.

Due to the madness earlier in the evening, they were both quite tired, so they slept deeply.

In addition, thanks to the enchantment arranged in the room by Kyle before he left, the outside interference was eliminated, and the effect of the enchantment still existed at this time.

Even if there were landslides and fissures outside, it could not affect the two women in the barrier.

The sleeping positions of the two have changed a bit compared to when Kyle left. Originally, there was a position for Kyle between the two, but at this moment, they were squeezed and disappeared.

Maybe they all regarded the people around them as Kyle, and gradually approached in their sleep and finally hugged together. The scene seemed to be very good.

Looking at the two hugging each other tightly, Kyle scratched his hair helplessly.

Could it be that I have to sleep on the sofa tonight?

No, he finally completed the transformation from a boy to a man, and in the end, before half an hour passed, he was reduced to the point of sleeping on the sofa.

In the end, Kyle didn't bother the tired two, silently took out a new quilt from the cabinet and fell asleep on the sofa.


At the same time, Malfoy Manor, in the conference room on the second floor.

Snape at this time was similar to Cornelius Fudge, who had learned that his treasury had been looted.

Little Malfoy, who was eavesdropping outside the conference room, heard the roars of his father and Professor Snape, making him tremble.

Due to the fact that there was a door and his lips and teeth were blurred due to excessive anger, Draco couldn't hear what was said in the conference room, and could only vaguely hear the following sentences:

"He's more fuel efficient than a thief!"

"70,000 Death Eaters come to the camp to race!"


After listening for a long time, Draco didn't know what they were talking about.

At this moment, the door downstairs creaked open, and with a burst of hurried footsteps, Narcissa hurried up from downstairs.

Draco, who was eavesdropping on the door of the conference hall, was taken aback, and by the time he reacted, it was too late to hide.

His mother never let him participate in these desperate Death Eaters. According to the past, eavesdropping behavior like him will definitely be reprimanded by his mother.

But the strange thing is that after just glaring at him today, Narcissa walked past him into the conference room.

After a while, the roaring conference hall suddenly quieted down, and then, the Death Eaters who had been trained in the conference hall filed out with impatient expressions on their faces.

"This is..." Looking at the happy expressions on the faces of the group of people, Draco was a little puzzled.

Didn't that group of people have been trained like their grandson by Professor Snape just now, why did they suddenly put on this expression?

A hand gently wrapped around Draco's shoulder, Draco looked up, but saw the solemn expression on his father's face.

"Draco, you have to be respectful later, understand?"

Draco was still a little confused, but after a moment he understood.

Many Death Eaters lined up neatly in two teams on the path outside the door, separated on both sides of the road.

The three figures slowly appeared at the end of the road, and as they gradually approached, Draco clearly saw the man headed in the middle, holding a curled baby in his arms.

No, that's not a baby.

Draco had never seen anything less babylike than it.

It has no hair on its body, replaced by layers of scales. The skin was an eerie dark red, as if injured, and the arms and legs were thin and soft.

Its face is a flat snake face with sparkling red eyes.

Draco suddenly realized in horror that it was...


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