Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 157 The Salvation Team of 3 Ready to Do Something

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Because Ginny opened the Chamber of Secrets under the bewitchment of Voldemort, the Weasleys came to Hogwarts at noon.

They came here to find out what happened in the entire Chamber of Secrets, and to visit Ginny, who was hospitalized in the school's infirmary.

When Ron met his parents at the door of the infirmary on the second floor of the castle, he was stunned.

Then Ron and Harry, who was with him, learned from the Weasleys that the room opener was Ginny, who was bewitched by Voldemort.

"Ginny, you mean you're being controlled by a diary?"

Inside the school infirmary, Harry's eyes widened in disbelief.

Ginny nodded sheepishly.

"Is that diary black and tattered?"

Harry immediately remembered the encounter with Malfoy and his son in Borgin Burke's dark magic shop when he accidentally strayed into Knockturn Alley.

He remembered that there was such a notebook in the pile of black magic items that Lucius Malfoy wanted to get rid of.

Hearing Harry's words, Mr. Weasley's face showed a bit of disbelief, "Harry, have you seen it!?"

Harry nodded, and then told the Weasleys what he had seen at Borginbrook's.

Mr. Weasley instantly recalled his quarrel with Lucius in the Bright Stain Bookstore that afternoon.

He clearly remembered Lucius Malfoy throwing a stack of books back into the cauldron in Ginny's hands.

Yes, Lucius must have put Voldemort's diary in at that time.

The furious Mrs. Weasley slammed the bedside table beside the hospital bed, shaking all the vases on it.

"Lucius Malfoy! Sooner or later I'll kill him!"

Immediately, Mrs. Weasley reacted that she might frighten the children like this, so she suppressed the anger on her face for a moment.

However, her face was still gloomy.

The trio of saviors who came out of the school doctor's office still had a look of disbelief on their faces.

"Now that the diary is lost, could it be that Malfoy took it back?" Harry said.

Hermione walked hurriedly towards the library, "So we have to find out the truth of the matter."


Mrs. Pince, the librarian, was a thin, short-tempered woman like a malnourished vulture.

At this moment, she looked at the bear child of Dumbledore in front of her with vigilance.

Kyle is a frequent visitor to the restricted section of the library.

When he was a first-year student, he used to go in and out of the restricted books area with a note given to him by Snape.

Mrs. Pince was very wary of Kyle's arrival every time.

Because many books in the forbidden area are not suitable for little wizards of Kyle's age.

They are quite "unsuitable for children" in every respect.

But Kyle's surname made Mrs. Pince helpless, and she could only choose to report this matter to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore didn't stop Kyle's actions. With Grindelwald, it was impossible to keep Kyle from touching those forbidden knowledge.

So, Dumbledore just asked Mrs. Pince to help him watch more, record the names of the books that Kyle borrowed in the forbidden area, and report them to him.

Therefore, Mrs. Pince turned a blind eye to Kyle's behavior.

But what she didn't expect was that Kyle actually brought another student over today.

Mrs. Pings is angry, is the forbidden area you can enter casually?

Even if your name is Dumbledore...

Well, Dumbledore just can do whatever he wants.

She reluctantly gave way.

After entering the forbidden area, Kyle and Cedric kept searching on the rows of bookshelves.

"I remember seeing a book called 'Magic Bloodlines' here."

Kyle scratched his head, "But I forgot where I put it, probably in these two rows of bookshelves,

The cover is blood red. "

"Blood-red...Blood-red..." Cedric muttered, his eyes swept over the densely packed books on the shelf.

Soon, he found his target in a row of books.

There is only one book with a blood-red cover on the bookshelf, which is really hard to find.

After blowing the dust, Cedric looked at the four gilded characters "Magic Bloodline" on the cover that had fallen off, and showed a delighted smile.

"Kyle, I found it."

The two walked out of the forbidden area with the book in hand, and happened to meet Miss Beaver who was on the way.

"Hermione, what book are you looking for?" Kyle asked.

The forbidden book area is still a dangerous place for Hermione, because many forbidden books placed here have curses.

Although it is not a powerful curse, Hermione is not proficient in black magic, and may be hit by a little carelessness.

For Hermione's safety, Kyle decided to help her find books.

"Uh, I'm looking for "Strong Potion", I want to see the formula of the compound decoction."

Hearing Hermione's words, Kyle raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you just ask me for the formula? Does it take so much trouble?"

Hermione froze for a moment, then her face quickly collapsed.

Why didn't she think of it?

Among the many high-level potions, compound decoction is not a particularly difficult potion to configure, but it only takes a little longer to brew.

According to Kyle's learning rate, Snape should have taught Kyle about the preparation of compound decoction long ago.

So asking Kyle directly for the recipe is the easiest and most convenient way, and she actually walked around in a circle to the forbidden book area?

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and going to bed, you can download it here 】

Looking at the little beaver with a crooked face, Kyle smiled, turned and walked back to the forbidden book area.

When he came out again, there was already a large and thick book in his hand that seemed to be moldy.

"Give. "

Hermione took the book dully.

After a while, the five of them divided into two small groups and gathered in the reading area of ​​the library to look at their books separately.

Kyle and Cedric focused on studying the feasibility of the method of fusing the blood of magical animals, as well as the method of brewing the blood fusion potion, as recorded in "Magic Blood".

The Savior trio were thinking about where they should get the materials needed to prepare the compound decoction.

"Bicorn horns, African tree snake skin..." Hermione sighed, "Where are we going to get these things!"

Kyle, who was reading silently, raised his head.

"I know Snape has a private potion store that can be blasted with a blasting spell."

The smile on Kyle's face was sinister, "As long as you control the power of the blasting spell, you can open the door of the storage room without damaging the potion material."

Listening to Kyle's tone, it seems that he is very skilled in this matter and has done it before.

In fact, Kyle did not do such a thing.

In the process of learning potions, he is a big dog, and he has no shortage of potion materials.

The potion materials that Mr. Alfred put in the potion storage room of Qiu Ming Mountain Villa were several times more than those that Snape had worked so hard to save for most of his life.

This can only be said to be the unevenness of the capital world.

Since he despised the potion materials that Snape had stored, there was no need for Kyle to provoke the old bat's nerves.

And now... he's just having a bad taste.

Kyle wanted to see what Snape's expression would be like when he found out that his favorite Harry Potter had exploded his second favorite potion storage room.

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