Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 115 Conception of the Magic Drive Engine

Even Grindelwald has praised that Kyle is very talented in combat.

Although Kyle only studied with the two great devils for a week, he has grown more than he spent a semester at Hogwarts.

His spellcasting speed and spell power are much stronger before the Demon King's special training.

Although the three of Cedric were two grades higher than Kyle, and there were more people than Kyle, when the curse was on, Kyle alone suppressed the three of them.

Most of the spells they fired were blocked by the shimmering barrier in front of Kyle.

The few remaining spells, after being bounced back, turned into one of the spells that Kyle used to attack them.

Since Kyle officially entered the school, the four of them have often gotten together to tinker with some dangerous magic experiments.

So the four of them had already mastered the defensive magic of armor and body protection in the middle of the semester.

However, compared with Kyle and Fred, the other two are not very proficient in armor and body protection.

Kyle is quick to get started because of his high talent.

Fred, on the other hand, had to deal with explosions every day, so he used the armor and bodyguards very skillfully without knowing it.

Soon, both Cedric and George were bruised and bruised by the stormy spell.

"Armor!" George shouted angrily.

In the next second, his Iron Armor spell shattered a blasting spell.

In the next second, a stinging spell hit his face precisely, and George's head was swollen to the size of two in an instant.

Seeing his twin brother's tragic state, Fred laughed, but the next moment he couldn't laugh.

His armor-guarding spell was also shattered, and a ray of magic-altered self-healing spell struck somewhere below his abdomen.

Fred's face instantly turned the color of a pig's liver, and he fell to the ground with his legs between his legs. He was like a bowed prawn, and he could only make some meaningless "ho-ho" sounds from his mouth.

Looking at Fred's tragic state, Kyle, the spell caster, also felt a chill in his crotch.

This is after he modified the effect of the gut-digging spell to take effect on other organs,

Cast spells on humans for the first time.

Fortunately, he reduced the output of magic power, and Fred only felt that he had been pulled hard, and no organs would be pulled out of the body.

Watching the two teammates fall one after another, Cedric wisely chose to raise his arms, "I surrender!"

George and Fred are both on the street, do you think you can make an exception?

For the sake of belonging to Hufflepuff, Kyle did not use the gut-pulling spell on Cedric, but a disarming spell that knocked him out.

After treating the three of them well, Fred came up with a smile on his face.

"Kyle, what kind of magic did you just do?"

This guy doesn't look like he's just been fatally beaten.

George also came up, apparently also wanting to learn this spell.

"The gut-digging spell I modified can be taught to you, but the top priority is to master the silent release of the armor and bodyguard first."

It's no fun to abuse vegetables indiscriminately, Kyle waved his hand and asked them to practice on their own.

And he took out a large stack of parchment paper and a bottle of alchemy magic ink from the ninja bag, and began to study how to leave a space mark on the parchment. …

When he researches it, wrap the parchment around the handle of the Flying Thor's dagger, and then ask Mrs. Mokin from Diagon Alley to customize a royal robe, then he will be the golden glitter of Hogwarts.


In the evening, Mr. Weasley, who worked at the Ministry of Magic, returned home from get off work on time.

The four patriarchs were still practicing magic on Qiu Ming Mountain, and they didn't know it was almost dinner time until Ron came to the twin brothers' room and called them.

When Ron went down to Kyle's suitcase, he was also shocked by the wealth of a certain dog owner.

In addition to the shock, there was a strong lemon aroma wafting in the air.

Ron's heart was sour.

Why doesn't he have money?

If he had money, would he still be like this?

Before dinner began, Mrs. Weasley moved the dining venue from the cramped kitchen of the Burrow to the outside garden.

Spacious is spacious, but there are a lot of mosquitoes.

Kyle groped in the ninja bag, and finally, in an unknown corner, he took out a bottle of potion labeled "six god" and sprayed it in the air.

Now there are no annoying mosquitoes.

I have to say that eating under the clear dark blue night sky is a wonderful enjoyment, especially the meals made by Mrs. Weasley are especially delicious.

Mr. Weasley forced Kyle to sit down beside him.

Because George and Fred had mentioned it to their father Arthur Weasley before, Kyle's Bag End had a collection of interesting Muggle stuff.

And Mr. Weasley's biggest hobby is researching Muggle objects.

At the dinner table, Mr. Weasley kept asking Kyle about Muggles.

As a wizard who broke into the magic world halfway, Kyle has a considerable understanding of the magic world and the Muggle world, and can answer all kinds of strange questions thrown by Mr. Weasley with ease.

"Electricity for Muggles

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^, it is like the magic of wizards. "

"Wizards can use magic to drive broomsticks, and Muggles can use electricity to drive cars."

A lively arc danced on Kyle's fingertips.

"We can turn magic into lightning, and by combining Muggle physics with our magic, we can make a magic drive engine to drive that car of yours."

Listening to Kyle's narration, Mr. Weasley nodded again and again, and he had a certain plan for how to transform the car.

George, who has taught himself a lot of physics and mechanical engineering, also echoed:

"Dad, I can also help with the modification of that car."

Fred raised his hand. "And me."

One big and three small discussed the Star Destroyer's transformation plan at the dinner table, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

It's just that the four of them didn't notice Mrs. Weasley's lingering look.

The magical world is very cautious about the use of Muggle items.

To this end, the Ministry of Magic has set up a special office called the Office for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Objects, which is responsible for dealing with the indiscriminate magic of Muggle objects by wizards.

The head of this office is Arthur Weasley.

However, out of his love for Muggle objects, Arthur Weasley left a loophole for his hobby when he wrote the relevant laws and regulations.

If it wasn't for the fear of leaving a bad impression on Kyle, a member of the Dumbledore family, Mrs. Weasley would have rolled up her sleeves now and imposed family laws on some three little masters.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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