Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 465: 100,000 words (Thanks to the leader of "3 more important things")

Among Hogwarts, absenteeism is a big and small thing.

Generally speaking, it depends on the severity of the professors in the class and the attitude of the dean of the college on this matter.

Therefore, when Snape slipped the three over-sleeping witches to Professor McGonagall ’s office, Elena felt that the whole of Hermione seemed to have been taken away from her soul and arranged according to the schedule. She and Luna Lovegood also belong to Gryffindor College.

And worse, it seemed that the news was received in advance, and Professor Dumbledore was also in the office of Professor McGonagall.

"Miss Granger, Miss Caslana ... I am very disappointed with the two. A lot of lateness in Hogwarts, but the absence of classes is really rare, unfortunately, the two ... well, All three may need to be detained. "

Dumbledore said uncharacteristically, and his blue eyes gave Elena a deep look.

Elena frowned, and the expression on her face was a little unwilling.

"Do I have to do this? I think ..."

"I hope you can understand that this is responsible for your future."

The decision to punish the confinement was quickly determined.

Two days in total, exactly the weekend time for the next two days.

Perhaps I learned the lesson from Halloween. At the suggestion of Professor Dumbledore, the place of confinement was selected in the Magic History Classroom on the fourth floor of the castle.

Since the release of "New Singing Contrast", the magic world and the Hogwarts school have paid attention to this publication almost every week, and the "Hogwarts on the tongue" section has been widely adopted. s concern.

After all, in this era of lack of material and spiritual entertainment, not to mention the magic world, even in the non-magic world, it is difficult to find a similar pure gourmet sector. Under a large number of letters, Dumbledore decided to change this sector Separate from the original magazine content and recreate a journal that belongs to Hogwarts.

But in this way, the content of the original issues alone is definitely not enough to form a normal publication.

Even though Hogwarts at the tip of the tongue was originally a monthly magazine, there was still a huge gap in the text content and image material, so Dumbledore simply took this opportunity to close Elena. The three were locked up in the History of Magic classroom, allowing them to concentrate on the creation of manuscripts for the new issue.

As for the specific punishment measures, it refers to the ideas that Elena once mentioned casually.

Every day's closing time starts before lunch and lasts until the last half hour before the curfew at night.

The Hogwarts kitchen will cook a batch of delicious dishes according to Elena ’s menu and place them on the table in the front of the classroom. Whenever the girls complete a certain task, such as writing a 10,000-word manuscript , You can eat a dish.

If you haven't finished writing, you will also provide the most basic coarse grain bread and fresh water to ensure that they will not starve to death.

Overall, in the past two days, the three girls were confined to the empty classroom almost all the time except returning to the dorm to sleep every night and solving their daily physiological needs.


Outside the classroom of the history of magic.

Grindelwald glanced at the white-haired gnocchi clenching his teeth in the classroom, and turned his head with some concern.

"Albus, you are so ... are you really afraid of the little guy's revenge afterwards?"

"If she really feels unacceptable, then she will not agree."

Dumbledore shook his head and said calmly.

"Until Quirinax's affairs are fully handled, I think it is the most appropriate decision to temporarily protect her. On this point, haven't we discussed this before? I think she should also be clear."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"St. Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital has agreed to provide Professor Chilo with a special independent ward."

After Dumbledore pondered for a few seconds, he looked at Shen Sheng and said.

"Maybe before Christmas, he will be treated in the hospital until the injury is fully recovered, and then consider whether to return to school to continue teaching. The only problem is ..."

"I understand that until he transfers to the hospital tomorrow, I will help you keep watching him."

"There is also something about the black magic defense course. After all, there are so many students in the school. You still have to take the time to prepare a little bit. If there is no accident, your substitute time may be much longer than the previous one."

"Don't worry, Albus, I am no worse than you in terms of how to defend against black magic."

Soul is a very wonderful existence, even the wizard has not gone too far in understanding this aspect.

There is no doubt that Voldemort temporarily left Professor Chilo's body. After at least a few professors' examinations, there were no flaws. But Grindelwald, the master of the spell, could vaguely perceive that he was entangled in Chilo's soul. The curse in the book didn't disperse. In other words, Voldemort did not give up this rare man's column force completely.

But on the other hand, after losing Voldemort ’s power blessing, it is obviously difficult for the young wizard to bear such a serious injury alone, which is also the main factor that he had to transfer to St. Mungo ’s Magical Injury Hospital for treatment One.

Under such circumstances, Elena, the fuse of the whole incident, naturally had to find a way to temporarily isolate her.

Whether it was Voldemort / Kilo who wanted to take revenge, or Elena planned to cut the grass and eradicate the roots without doing anything, it was a very unwilling thing for Albus Dumbledore.

Perhaps the latter will be slightly better ...

But considering that Quirinas Chilo ’s identity was not flawed at this time, in case Elena made any irrational stress response in public, even with Dumbledore ’s explanation, she could not continue at Hogwarts. Studying.

For this point, Elena also knew clearly.

It's just that understanding should be understood, and it should definitely be written in a small book.


The next two days were flat and there were no accidents.

"Hoo, it's finally over."

Elena moved her sore wrist and hugged Hermione next to her.

In front of the three people, now a stack of parchment was neatly packed.

If you add reasonable typesetting and the image material provided by Luna, it is enough to publish the "Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue" for more than two months, and even save some of the manuscripts.

This means that from now until Christmas, they no longer have to rack their brains every day to think about the manuscript.

"Fortunately, you have Hermione here, otherwise there will be so much content that you can't finish it in two days."

"I will never miss classes again, and you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Elena! I won't be allowed to come to my bed after turning off the lights!"

Hermione also shook her wrist, glancing angrily at Elena, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"But ..."

"I really didn't expect that in two days, we could actually write close to 100,000 words. This confinement is a bit rewarding. At least, I will encounter some magic academic reports in the future, and it is not so difficult to write.

"Well, go back to rest early and take a shower ~ tomorrow is another full day of class, I don't want to be fined anymore."

Walked out of the magic history classroom with a smile and walked toward the dormitory.

On the other side, a special patient was transferred to St. Mungo ’s Magical Injury Hospital.

With the admission of this patient, five elderly wizards in their sixties and seventies were also accommodated in the five adjacent wards. Everyone was full of energy, but they all bite themselves into a terrible curse. Must rest in the hospital.

The hospital is not a hotel, so you ca n’t live as long as you want!

The dean of St. Mungo ’s Magical Injury Hospital originally wanted to yell at these sick old wizards so loudly ...

But ...

They gave Jin Jialong too much ......

Moreover, they also have a letter of introduction issued by Professor Dumbledore, hoping that the hospital will cooperate as much as possible ... Well, this is the main thing.

Aha ~ The third day of double opening!

reach the goal! Happy!

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