Hogwarts on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 1115: Werewolf Wizard

"Hogwarts on the tip of the tongue (

Wizarding society is generally full of disgust and fear of werewolves.

Most people obviously believe that even a werewolf in human form may pose a danger.

In the magic world, wizards will receive education about werewolves from an early age.

For example, in the first-year Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook "Dark Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense" at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, information about werewolves was introduced-Quirinas Quirrell once told in class Elena and other junior students were bitten by a werewolf. The treatment method: Use a mixture of silver powder and white fresh to apply to the newly bitten wound, which can make it "closed", and will not die due to excessive blood loss.

In fact, it's not just the Hogwarts first grade class.

Contents related to werewolves will appear in almost every grade in the Dark Demon Defense classroom.

From healing the wounds caused by the werewolf, identifying the werewolf, expelling the werewolf, and even... **** the werewolf.

However, few students have seriously considered why under such a high-intensity siege, wizards have still not been able to completely eliminate the haze that has been entrenched in the human world for centuries. If only the degree of danger is concerned, fire dragons and giants are comparable to wolves. The transformed werewolf is much more dangerous.

"Among those werewolves, are there werewolves transformed from wizards..."

Above the sky of the virgin forest of Armenia, Elena was muttering to herself thoughtfully while searching the woodland below.

In most cases, even if adult wizards cannot defeat the werewolves, most of them can escape from the werewolves smoothly.

Because of this, almost 90% of the "post-Sirius" when they are not deformed are actually ordinary Muggles, and at best they will be a little stronger than usual. For example, the most notorious British Fenrir Greyback Human form doesn't have any magic—even if they joined Voldemort's camp more than a decade ago, they can't call themselves "Death Eaters", and no Death Eater can afford these savage beasts.

In fact, the werewolf's status in the magical world is even lower than the dumb artillery, after all, the dumb artillery is at least not dangerous.

Ever since I learned the specific identity of the "kidnapper" from Aghashinyan, the urgency in Elena's heart has been pulled to the extreme.

There are many ways for Arcana to send out the signal for help, but Guidro Lockhart chose the most decisive one: destroying the emblem of Arcana.

In extreme cases, the Huberian can even directly launch a saturation coverage attack after locking the area. Even if the entire Armenian virgin forest is turned into a sea of ​​flames, it is also a reasonable category. If you use later comics as an example, it is equivalent to "One Piece" "The Killing Demon Order in "Licensed.

This means that Lockhart judges that there may be a leak, and will directly call the Huberian for support according to the highest specifications.

In the magical world, the greatest threat to the wizard will always be another wizard.

Although there are still many doubts in her heart that have not been solved, Elena is very clear in her heart that Lockhart's time is running out.

If a major Akana destroys the emblem, it is almost equivalent to preparing for the worst-Elena did not tell Arkhipovna that Lockhart is not a hostage now, he is placed in the "kidnappers" The bomb around, once the safety plug is forcibly cut open...

"Remember that you are a liar... Mr. Lockhart... Don't think about being a hero..."


At the same time, deep in the jungle of Armenia.

The scream stopped abruptly, and then only the heavy breathing of the man remained.

"Huh, ha...huh..."

Lockhart fell from his chair to the floor stinking with mold, gasping like a fish ashore.

He trembled uncontrollably and violently. He couldn't remember how many times it was, maybe three times, maybe four times. Time has long lost its meaning here. Compared with the resistance exercises he had received in the Tianming Group, The pain he endured today far surpassed all the previous ones.

Lockhart felt that all his bones were burning, as if a white-hot knife was tearing every inch of his skin, but he couldn't faint.

On the floor directly in front of him, the wand belonging to him was lying quietly on the ground, which could be held by just reaching out.

However, Lockhart didn't intend to pick it up, at least for now, it didn't make any sense.

With a trembling right hand, he fumbled for the chair behind him to get up with difficulty, limp on the back of the chair, and looked up at the middle-aged witch.

Antilicia McIntosh, this is her name when she introduces herself.

Lockhart wasn't sure if it was just a pseudonym, but her grades in the magic school were obviously not bad.

Not to mention losing the wand, even if it is a magical duel once again, Lockhart is not sure to defeat the opponent.

In addition to Antilicia Mackintosh, in this forest hut that temporarily served as the "interrogation room", there are eleven men and women holding wands, and eleven werewolf wizards—this is also him. The reason for destroying the Great Arcana emblem in the first time.

This lineup is really outrageous.

If the Ministry of Magic Auror is dispatched now, it may be who arrested whom.

Even if the whole country of Armenia was put together, there would not be so many werewolf wizards together.

Lockhart even wondered if he had broken into the regular salon gatherings of werewolf wizards all over Europe—in fact, considering the crowds and the number of houses he glanced at on the way, at least in this woodland Gathered four or five werewolves from the werewolf community.

Fortunately, among these werewolf wizards, there seems to be no wizard who is proficient in the idea of ​​deity.

As for Veritaserum? Oh, that's a rare potion that is more expensive and several times more complex than the wolf poison potion.

"It feels very painful, isn't it? Mr. Lockhart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Antilicia McIntosh asked softly, and she returned to the haggard look before and waved her hands around.

"Then, I can tell you that when we werewolves are deformed, the pain we endure will not be much worse than this-everyone present, and everyone outside, will experience such terrible torture once a month. . And now, we just hope that you can tell us an exact answer, if there is a magic that restores werewolves, then prove it. If it doesn’t exist, speak frankly..."

"Romulus, give him back his wand-rest assured, I don't think he will blow it up."

The tall man at the door came over, still holding his AK47 in one hand, picked up Lockhart’s wand dropped on the ground in the other hand, and squeezed it into his hand rudely, and then said nothing, again. Return to the place outside the forest hut and continue to watch.

"I really don't understand..."

Antilicia McIntosh frowned, the wand in her hand pointed at Lockhart all the time.

"What are you thinking about? Isn't this a very simple option?"

"I remember saying at the very beginning that if there really is no magical way to turn werewolves back into normal in this world, you can say it directly and dispel this illusory hope. I and everyone present Won't stop you from leaving here."

"Frankly speaking, after experiencing those many heart-drilling spells, I think this punishment can almost repay this lie."

"And if it does exist, why do you insist on asking us to go to Gringotts? What kind of experience prepayment should be paid?"



Not good! A little bit kavin~~

Mind: This story is so exciting! Paw: I didn't write it out!

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