In the following days, the four of them frantically searched for traces of Nico Flamel in the library. They even made an appointment every night for two people to wear Harry’s invisibility cloak and go to the restricted book area to try their luck. Nothing was found.

Time gradually diluted their enthusiasm, and another more important thing attracted their attention – the evil final exam.

“In fact, I am quite curious about what will be tested in the final exam. Will we be asked to cast spells on the spot?”In the spontaneous study group in the auditorium, Evan ate chocolate frogs and chatted.

“Of course you are curious, and you are not worried about the exam!”Seamus flipped through the book pitifully and said to Evan enviously. Evan was very impressed by him. This kid’s talent is that no matter what he does, it will end in an explosion.

“There will be no spellcasting in this exam, but we will have to face OWLs and NETs sooner or later. Both exams are divided into written tests and practical exercises. Hermione said while writing and drawing on a large book.

“Bang, bang……”Longbottom put his legs together and jumped in very comically. The little wizards suddenly burst into laughter, and the whole classroom, which was originally enveloped in a suppressed atmosphere, was filled with joy.

“oh!”Hermione looked at him with a little pity.

“Leg-locking spell.”Evan also had an expressionless face.

Harry was the last one not to smile:”I bet it’s Malfoy.”

“Needless to say, the curse will stop immediately!”Evan pulled out his wand and relieved Longbottom’s dilemma.

Now everyone could no longer laugh: Curse Stop is an advanced spell that will not be taught until the fifth grade. Before that, students will only learn the reverse of some common spells. Spell.

Now, a first-year freshman has used this spell skillfully, which makes the students who are already breathless in the shadow of final exams feel even more stressed – wizards younger than you are already much better than you.!

“Oh, thank you!”Longbottom said to Evan very gratefully.

After a while, after the commotion caused by Longbottom had almost subsided,

“Ron, aren’t you going to review? Lavender asked Ron in a sweet tone. At this moment, he was sitting next to Evan, holding a lot of cards in his hand and looking through them.

“I’ve reviewed everything.”Ron spread his hands confidently

“real?”Hermione asked suspiciously.

“Of course, just ask”

“OK. Three important materials for configuring the Forgetting Potion?”


“I knew it.”Evan laughed wildly.

“Stop laughing, buddy, are you done with the chocolate frog?”Ron’s face didn’t even turn red. Obviously forgetting knowledge points is not something that should be surprising or nervous for him.

Well, at least his mentality is perfect.

“We’ve finished eating. Do you want that little card? Take it.”Evan knew that Ron was collecting these small cards.

Ron grabbed them excitedly, and then let out a long sigh.

“Dumbledore again?”Harry observed his expression and said

“It seems you are not having much luck today.”Evan gloated. Dumbledore was the one with the most chocolate frogs. It is said that Ron already had more than a hundred.

“I’m used to it. Every time you open it, it’s the defeat of the Dark Lord Grindelwald in 1945 – the discovery of the use of dragon blood.——’”

Ron suddenly froze.

Evan taunted him:”Why don’t you continue to memorize it? Don’t you mean that you have already memorized Dumbledore’s little card by heart? Is it the same knowledge point you memorized, and you have forgotten it?”

Harry and Hermione laughed. Can’t straighten up.

Ron shook his head and handed the card to Evan:”Brother, you can read it yourself.”

“Twelve uses of dragon blood discovered——”Evan’s voice also got stuck.

“What happened?”Hermione looked at the two of them in confusion, wondering what they were crazy about.

Evan smiled mysteriously and passed the card to her:”We found the wrong one completely.”

Hermione took over:”What are you looking for… I have been very effective in alchemy with my partner Nico Flamel.”

“Nico Flamel?!”Harry was also shocked. He never imagined that Nico Flamel, whom he had been thinking about for several months, was actually here.

“Ron, you deserve to die.”Evan spit out this sentence faintly.

He is a loyal customer of chocolate frogs. He ate several of them today, but he is not interested in collecting cards, so every card is thrown to Ron to open. Now I think I think if Ron had paid more attention, they would have called it a day.

God knows how they have been competing with Filch in the past few months!

“Can’t blame me.”Ron was greatly aggrieved,”After you opened hundreds of Dumbledore cards, you will definitely lose them as soon as you see his name.”

The other three stared at him murderously.

“Okay, you can blame me a little bit.”Ron decisively admitted his guilt.

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