That night, in the dead of night at Hogwarts, Harry came to the restricted book area wearing an invisibility cloak.

《Use it well.

The reason why the Restricted Book Area of Hogwarts is called the Restricted Book Area is because most of the books in it are too dangerous for young wizards. Not only the knowledge in them is dangerous, but also the books themselves. full of aggression

“Nico Flamel, Nico Flamel, this one? Does not look like.”After browsing all the way, Harry didn’t find any clues about Nicolas Flamel, at least in the title of the book.

He stood on tiptoe, took out a book from the bookshelf, and opened it casually. Then, the book highlighted A painful male head appeared, and he shouted loudly.


“Anyone? Evan, I know it’s you!”A shout came from not far away. It was Filch, the gatekeeper of the school.

“How many times does Evan mess with Filch?”Inadvertently putting a big blame on his good brother, Harry silently apologized to Evan in his heart.

Then, he put on the invisibility cloak again.

“You can’t run away! Filch walked over angrily,”Where are the people?””

Harry tiptoed past him.

He accidentally alerted Filch. At least today, there was no chance of finding Nico Flamel. Harry decided to go back to the dormitory first.

When he walked to the corridor, two figures attracted him. his attention

“Snape? Why is he here? The other one is…Professor Quirrell?”

Snape grabbed Quirrell’s collar with one hand and pushed him against the wall.

“You don’t want me to go against you, do you, Quirrell?”Snape said coldly

“Is he threatening Quirrell?”Under the instruction of curiosity, Harry slowly approached the two of them, wanting to hear more clearly.

“I don’t know what you mean, Severus”

“You know it very well! etc.”He suddenly turned his head alertly, and Harry realized that he was too close.

Under Harry’s nervous gaze, Snape slowly stretched out his hand and touched the”air”.

His knuckles were long and slender. And pale, through the moonlight, you can barely see a few small scars on it. This hand slowly moved closer to Harry, getting closer, getting closer…

Snape suddenly withdrew his hand , turned to look at Quirrell again. Perhaps it was an illusion, but Harry felt that before he withdrew his hand, Snape’s ever-complex eyes glanced uncontrollably in his direction, as if he knew there was someone here. , but deliberately pretended not to know.

After thinking about the old bat in Potions class, Harry decided to sweep this erroneous memory out of his mind.

“We’ll talk another day.”Snape said to Quirrell, in his usual unique voice without any inflection, with an undeniable condescension.

“Two professors! Look at this, I found it in the restricted section.”Filch rushed over, and Snape quietly put down his hand holding Quirrell’s collar. The two of them looked at Filch as if nothing happened.

The wrinkled Muggle was carrying a The broken lamp – which Harry had smashed in his panic – showed off to the two professors:”It’s still hot, some student must have gotten out of bed, I bet it’s Evan!””

“Evan had already taken the train home.”Snape scornfully rejected this groundless accusation.

Being scolded by a professor in such a tone, Filch immediately blushed and said in a rough voice:”That’s someone else. Anyway, someone is violating school rules, or two. strip!”

“Then go check it out.”Snape dragged Quirrell and Filch and walked in the opposite direction to Harry.

“Phew, escaped.”Harry’s hanging heart finally fell to the ground. He breathed a long sigh of relief and walked towards the door behind him.

“Hey, that’s not it.”Finding that he had arrived in a strange small room, Harry quickly prepared to exit the room. But before leaving, he glanced subconsciously.

At this moment, he firmly grasped the huge mirror that was the only one in the empty room. Harry: My damn curiosity!

He walked towards the mirror. There was a long string of English written on it. At first glance, it seemed like a string of mysterious spells, but if the order of the letters were reversed, , you can quickly decipher this sentence:”What I show is not your face, but your desire.”

In the mirror, next to Harry’s thin figure, two men and women gradually appeared, both smiling gently. With just a few glances, Harry could find the colors between their brows and eyes on his own facial features. He I found that my eyebrows looked very much like that of a man, and my eyes were almost carved from the same mold as that of a woman.

“Dad, Mom?”Harry’s voice trembled. Eleven years of longing, countless days and nights of dreaming, finally appeared in front of his eyes.

There is no doubt that this is his father, this is his mother, Harry was once in the adult family. During the chat, I remembered their names, Lily and James. They smiled gently in the mirror and stroked his hair. The tall father even had to stoop slightly to put his hand on his shoulder. Tears burst out of Harry’s eyes involuntarily, blurring the entire lonely world into one piece.

He turned his head greedily, trying to find their traces in the real world. The cruel reality certainly did not allow such fantasies. The room was empty. Just like when he came. So he turned his head back and looked in the mirror. His eyes were full of doting parents taking care of their dear son.

“Mother.”Harry licked his dry lips, choking and calling. Lily in the mirror was very happy, showing an even brighter smile, and nodded towards him

“dad?”It became more and more difficult to speak, and he felt something stuck in his throat. He struggled to spit out the word, and his voice was as low as a mosquito’s cry. But James pursed his lips, blinked his eyes, and responded to himself He has become the son of a little adult.

Harry smiled happily. Since entering school, he felt that he had made many friends, experienced many pleasant things together, made fouls together, and took risks together. Even he was playing basketball on the stage. When he was on Earth, Evan and Hermione helped him deal with the professor who was shamelessly chanting curses. After every incident, they always laughed together.

But he had never laughed so happily.

This There was no sound in the smiles, no dancing, just the three of them.

Two in the mirror, one in an empty room with no one around. They were separated by a thin piece of glass and mercury, curling their mouths high at each other.

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