Chapter 20 Trap

Sensing the change in Leonard’s expression, Midgard waited for the wound to heal completely and asked curiously,”What’s wrong with you?”

”It’s nothing, it’s just that I was deceived by profiteers.”Leonard said weakly,”I went to the drugstore to sell white essence and he only gave me ten cents.”

Originally, he thought Giggs only earned a little bit, but he didn’t expect that he actually earned so much.

”He didn’t lie to you. What I just said was the black market price, which is specially prepared for selling to those dark wizards who cannot appear openly in Diagon Alley. Whether buying or selling things there is very risky, so it is normal to be more expensive.”

Midgard stood up, moved his body, nodded and continued,”Although your white essence is very effective, there are some problems with the ratio and technique. After use, the muscles will be sore, and it can only be sold on the black market. bid high”

”Why?”Leonard couldn’t help but ask.

”Because only dark wizards who have no other options do not care about quality but only focus on the therapeutic effect.”Midgard said, picking up Leonard.”Let’s go, keep running, they won’t be able to track him for long without the smell of blood.”

”run? Why run?”Leonard said dissatisfied,”Of course I have to go back for revenge at this time.”

”revenge?”Midgard looked at Leonard amusedly.”Your fluorescent spell is indeed amazing, but it can only be used to harass people without preparation. Fenrir will definitely be on guard. It’s difficult for you. Tricked him for the second time”

”It’s hard to tell, unless he can conjure up sunglasses on the spot.”Leonard muttered.

”sunglasses? what is that?”Midgard asked curiously

”Muggle gadgets, that’s not important.”Leonard said confidently,”You don’t have to worry about running away. Even if they are guarding against my fluorescent spell and chasing people, they still need to use their eyes to see, right? You hold me and I look into their eyes to see how long they can chase. Midgard took a deep breath and was shocked.”Your idea… is a bit harmful.””

”It just works, and I set up a trap in the alley. There are only three of them and they can’t tell who is chasing whom.”Leonard said confidently

”It seems that you are more prepared than I thought,” Midgard squinted his eyes and looked at Leonard with a strange look.

”What’s that look in your eyes?”Leonard was a little uncomfortable being stared at and asked.

”I’m just curious what kind of

family could create a freak like you.”Midgard shook his head,”Just do as you say. It feels like I have lived in a dog’s belly at such an old age.”

”Then come with me and feel my trap.”Leonard led the way. Staggering footsteps could be heard outside the alley. It seemed that Fenrir had caught up.

After taking a few steps, Leonard blocked Midgard and said,”Can you feel it?”

Ahead is the place where the biting cabbage mines are ambush.

Midgard frowned and shook his head,”I didn’t find anything.”

”That’s good, it means your brother probably won’t find it either. Leonard looked back at Fenrir who appeared at the alley and said,”Jump over.””

Midgard knew that Fenrir was coming without looking back.”If you do this, your trap will be discovered.”

”It’s okay, jump.”Leonard jumped over first, followed by Midgard.

”Then he fell down and rolled forward, pretending to be seriously injured.”Leonard warned from the side.

Although she was a little curious about what Leonard wanted to do, at this critical moment, she completed Leonard’s instructions without any hesitation.

Then she saw Leonard quietly throwing Something fell on the ground, and those round things immediately took root and sprouted, turning into what looked like biting cabbages. In the blink of an eye, these cabbages opened their mouths again, with sharp teeth glowing with cold light pointing upward. It was spread on the ground, and finally disappeared in front of Midgard’s eyes.


Is this the thing she jumped over just now? It looked so scary.

Also, this kid is too insidious., deliberately jumped to Fenrir to let Fenrir know that there was a trap there and ignore the ground he rolled over.

Is this guy a natural hunter?

At this time, Fenrir, who was standing at the entrance of the alley, also noticed Mi Due to Degard’s weird behavior, as a werewolf wizard leader known for his cruelty and cunning, he immediately thought that there was a trap set by Midgard.

No wonder she did not choose to escape along the main road to Diagon Alley. It looked like this He also wanted to kill himself.

Unfortunately, when he was half-blinded by the light, he subconsciously waved his claws, causing the already weak Midgard to suffer heavy injuries. Due to his slow actions, he actually exposed the trap himself.

”Haha, how stupid, Midgard.”Fenrir walked into this alleyway alone, with a cruel smile on his face.

”Without your wand and seriously injured, I’ll see how you run away now.”

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