Hogwarts Everything is Three

Vol 2 Chapter 379: Brave

"Almost." Michael sat next to Allen, looking more nervous than anyone else.

"Did you cast your name in?" Allen asked in surprise.

"No, but I hope you are the warrior of Hogwarts." Michael looked at the Goblet of Fire intently, making fists with both hands.

The flame in the goblet suddenly turned red again, and crackling sparks burst out.

Then, a tongue of fire leaped into the air, and a piece of scorched parchment flew out of it-everyone in the auditorium held their breath.

Alan clearly heard the gasp of Michael beside him and couldn't help laughing.

Dumbledore caught the parchment and held it far away. This way he can read the words clearly in the light of the flame. The flame was now blue and white again.

"Warrior of Durmstrand," he said in a clear and powerful tone, "It's Victor Krum."

There was a polite applause from the auditorium-if Krum caught the Golden Snitch in the world, there would be more applause.

This result was not surprising. Allen looked at Karkaroff, who was slapped hard and smiled: "Good viktor, I knew it was you!"

Victor Krum got up from the Slytherin table and walked towards Dumbledore listlessly.

Under the guidance of a Gryffindor, he turned to the right, walked along the faculty desk, and entered the next room through the door.

The auditorium quickly returned to silence. Everyone wanted to know who the next warrior would be. All eyes were focused on the Goblet of Fire.

After a few seconds, the flames turned red again. The second piece of parchment was pushed out of the cup by the flame.

"Warrior of Boothbarton," said Dumbledore. "It's Fleur Delacour!"

Fleur stood up gracefully amid the strong applause of the boys, and flicked her silver hair. She gave Alan a big hug, and then gently moved from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff’s Walked between the tables.

"Maybe her strength is not particularly good." Michael whispered to Allen.

"How do you know?" Allen asked in surprise.

"Look over there, if her strength is really outstanding, those two girls will not be so sad." Michael's chin was raised to the right side of the Ravenclaw table.

The word "sad" was used too lightly, and the two girls who had not been selected burst into tears, buried their heads in their arms, and cried sadly.

Allen thinks that Michael's words are not unreasonable, but girls cannot be judged that way, because even if they are convinced by Furong, they may cry.

Moreover, Furong looked so jealous—the little witches were not friendly to her expression when she was elected as a warrior.

When Fleur Delacour also entered the next room, the auditorium became quiet again, and this silence was filled with intense excitement that could almost be tasted. Now it’s the turn of the Warriors of Hogwarts...

Although everyone knows that Allen is super strong, everyone hopes that the Warriors can come from their own academy.

Cedric Diggory has a gentle smile on his face. This upright and hearty boy looks extremely calm, but only if you ignore his hands with the knives and forks reversed and the veins exposed.

Angelina of Gryffindor squeezed her hands on the long table, her eyes fixed on the goblet of fire, her mouth mumbled not knowing what she was saying.

Malfoy on the Slytherin table, raised his chin high, his eyes focused on the Goblet of Fire.

"Warrior of Hogwarts," he said loudly, "It's Alan Harris!"

"Oops!" Ron said loudly, but no one heard him except Harry, and the cheers on the table next to him were deafening.

Every Ravenclaw classmate jumped up and down, screaming and stomping.

Hermione stood up excitedly, with a bright smile on her face, applauding desperately.

The Slytherins and the classmates of the intensive training class all stood up, like a wave, and the students in the entire auditorium stood up, applause and cheers rang through the auditorium.

At this moment Alan walked past them, with a big smile on his face, and walked towards the room behind the staff desk.

Indeed, the cheers for Allen lasted for a long time, and after a long time, Dumbledore calmed everyone down and listened to him.

"Great!" When the noise finally subsided, Dumbledore exclaimed happily, "Well, now our three warriors have been selected. I know I can trust all of you, including Boothbarton and The other students of Durmstrang, you will definitely support your warriors with all your strength. By cheering on the warriors, you will also make a great contribution to this event—"

But Dumbledore stopped talking suddenly, and everyone could see what attracted his attention.

The flame in the goblet turned red again. Sparks splashed out cracklingly. A long tongue of fire suddenly jumped into the air, and another piece of parchment was pulled out.

Dumbledore stretched out a slender hand subconsciously and grabbed the parchment. He held it far away ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ staring at the name written on it. After a long silence, Dumbledore stared at the note in his hand, and everyone in the auditorium stared at Dumbledore. Then Dumbledore cleared his throat and said aloud--

"Harry Potter."

"Why is there a fourth name? Isn't there only three schools?" Michael scratched his head, looking very confused. But Allen is not around, and naturally no one can help him.

He was not the only one who was confused. There was no applause in the auditorium, and a buzzing sound began to fill the auditorium, as if countless angry bees were singing.

Harry walked into the room stiffly, and when he entered, all the faces in the portrait turned to look at him. He saw a crumpled witch whizzing out of her picture frame and got into the next picture frame, which was a witch with a walrus beard. The wrinkled witch began to bite his ears quietly.

Alan Harris, Victor Krum and Fleur Delacour were all around the fire. Against the backdrop of the flames, the three figures gave a particularly strong impression.

Krum leaned against the mantelpiece, bowed and meditated there, and moved a little away from the other two. Allen stood with his hands on his back, staring at the fire. Fleur Delacour turned his head when Harry walked in, shaking her long silver hair like a waterfall.

"What's the matter?" Fleur asked Harry, "Do they want us to go back to the auditorium?"

Fleur thought Harry was coming in to pass a message.

Allen turned his head and saw Harry with a gentle smile.

Seeing this familiar smile made Harry seem to have fallen from the air to the ground. Harry became steadfast, and the corners of his mouth opened slightly in response.

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