Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 542: Blowing Up The House

Hermione said, then knocked on the Lovegood's door.

The door opened after a while.

The door was opened by Mr. Lovegood.

He looked at Harry and the others with horrified expressions.

"We have something to talk to you about, so we'll only take a moment!"

Hermione said seriously.

Mr. Lovegood nodded hesitantly, and then urged them to hurry in.

Harry and the others walked in and found that the personality inside the house was even more distinct.

They didn't find Luna in the house, but later they thought she must have gone to school.

Harry saw a printing press in the corner, printing newspapers.

He was about to look at this issue of Hungry Magazine, but Mr. Lovegood walked over and quickly covered the printing press.

"What's the matter with you?"

He looked over at Harry.

Harry was about to speak when Hermione suddenly pointed to a corner of the wall and asked, "Mr. Lovegood, what is that?"

"The Horn of the Snorlax."

Hermione shook her head vigorously.

"I don't know what a curved-horned beast is, but obviously the horn of a poison-horned beast is a dangerous item..."


Harry tugged at her.

There is no need to point this kind of thing out in other people's homes.

"No, Harry, this kind of horn will explode as long as it is lightly touched. It is very dangerous and may even kill someone!"

Hermione shouted in horror.

"I don't know where you got it, but you have to throw it away!"

Hermione said warningly.

Harry and Ronald immediately moved away from the corner.

But Mr. Lovegood didn't take it seriously. He thought it was the fish of the Snorlax.

"I bought it from someone two weeks ago. I wanted to give my Luna a surprise. By the way, what do you want?"

He looked over at Harry.

Harry said before Hermione could speak: "We want to ask for your help. Your magazine said, let everyone help us..."

Mr. Lovegood broke into a cold sweat.

He hesitated.

"In other words, you only want others to help us, but you don't want to, or don't dare to help us? Does Luna know? Does she know that her father is such a person?"

Ronald asked mockingly.

Mr. Lovegood was silent, then he stood up and said, "Okay, okay, I'll get you some tea, you wait a moment."

He went down in a hurry.

Hermione looked at his back and complained: "Luna is much braver than him. Look at Luna! She has been working hard to help us."

Harry sighed.

"It's understandable that we can't force others to help us..."

After a while, Mr. Lovegood came up, carrying a large tray with tea in it.

"Drink some! Do you have any questions for me?"

Harry and the others took a sip of tea while Hermione showed the triangular sign to Mr. Lovegood.

"I saw this symbol on Luna's necklace. I want to know what it is?"

"The Deathly Hallows!"

Mr. Lovegood said seriously, and then he told Hermione and Harry a story about the three dead brothers.

Although Hermione and the others had heard this story from the storybook given by Dumbledore.

"...Some people also have this symbol of Grindelwald, but it does not mean that Grindelwald represents the Deathly Hallows.

It can only mean that their saints are also looking for the Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Resurrection Stone, which are the Deathly Hallows!"

"But is it true?"

Hermione was skeptical.

"Luna told me that you, kid, should have more imagination.

I think there is, there must be an invisibility cloak somewhere that is completely invisible, unaffected by any spell, and then permanently invisible.

And the Elder Wand... they are passed down by defeating or killing the previous Elder Wand's owner..."

Harry and the others listened to Mr. Lovegood's explanation.

Something started to move in my heart.

Or is this not a simple story?

Is there really such a thing?

They have one because of this invisibility cloak that Mr. Lovegood was talking about.

"It's almost done. Do you want to eat? I have to cook some food for you. You can leave after eating!"

If Luna knew that I didn't even invite you to dinner, she would definitely be unhappy. "

Mr. Lovegood said.

Hermione and the others nodded.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Mr. Lovegood went out.

Harry listened as Hermione and Ronald began to discuss the existence of the Deathly Hallows. He smelled the aroma of food coming from downstairs and began to walk around the house thinking about his invisibility cloak.

Suddenly he stopped and looked at the portrait above his head.

There's already some dust on it.

Harry subconsciously walked upstairs.

"Harry, don't walk around, it's rude!"

Hermione shouted.

But Harry ignored it. He came to Luna's room and looked at the decoration inside from the outside.

There was already the same dust as the picture on the ceiling.

Harry thought he should be able to think of something, but he was still a little unable to string them together.

So he looked at the portrait in Luna's room. The portrait in the room was exactly the same as the portrait on the ceiling.

It shows him, Vesey, Ronald, Hermione, and Neville...

This picture is also covered in dust.

And on Luna's desk, it was written in elegant handwriting: Friendly and benevolent

This paper has also collected some dust.

Next to the paper are many photos of Vesey. They should have been placed well but now they are scattered on the table, and some dust has fallen on them.

There was also a cabinet in the room. There were no clothes in the cabinet and it was dusty.

And Mr. Lovegood, he had always supported them, but now, he became afraid.

Also, he went downstairs and said he would give them tea. Wasn't that a little long?

Besides, he said he would cook for them, so the food should be ready now, right?

He felt that the aroma of the food had turned into a burnt smell.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione frowned and walked up.

"what have you found?"

At this time Mr. Lovegood also came up from downstairs.

He was holding the tray, and the contents on the tray seemed to be inedible.

Ronald covered his nose.

"Mr. Lovegood, where is Luna?"

Harry asked softly.

Mr. Lovegood's finger twitched.

"She's at school!"

He said as calmly as possible.

But Harry exposed his lie750.

"Look at Luna's room. Her favorite portrait is gathering dust, and the photos of Vesey she worked so hard to get are scattered on the table. Do you think she will go back to school like this?"

Mr. Lovegood's tray fell to the floor.

Harry and the others raised their wands.

"Harry, look at this!"

Hermione picked up a fallen copy of The Quibbler from the floor.

It read: Harry Potter, the most delinquent!

"So, you turned to the Ministry of Magic?"

Ronald's eyes widened.

Mr. Lovegood said with red eyes:

"At Christmas, because I wrote these things, they captured Luna. I had no choice. I only had Luna. I could only... You guys delivered it to your door!"

He pointed his wand at Harry.

"I won't let you go, I have to have Luna! They're almost here!"

For a moment, Harry felt that Mr. Lovegood's actions were so similar to his mother's.

"Don't force us to hurt you, get out of the way!"

Harry shouted loudly, but he couldn't use magic on Mr. Lovegood in front of him.

"Harry, here they come!"

Hermione said in horror.

From the window, they saw three men on broomsticks flying over.

"Don't go!"

Mr. Lovegood casts a Stunning Charm on them.

Harry grabbed Hermione and Ronald and led them away.

But Mr. Lovegood's spell also went terribly wrong, and his stun spell hit the horn of the poison horn.


The whole house exploded. .

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