Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 528: Kill The Chicken To Scare The Monkeys

Mrs. Cattermole ran after them, looking at Ronald as if he were a betrayer.

"Quick, Miss Riddle has been kidnapped, we need to find them immediately!"

"Someone said they went to the bottom!"

After Harry and the others came out, they found that the Ministry of Magic was in chaos.

"Let's go, follow me!"

Vesey waved Harry's wand, cast the Ignore Charm on them, and led them upstairs.

They arrived at the main hall of the Ministry of Magic.

The fireplace where Harry and the others entered was already being guarded.



Vesey cast two spells in succession, and the two wizards lay down without saying a word.

"Quick, get out of here..."

At this time, the real Mr. Cattermole returned.

He looked at Mrs. Cattermole with a worried expression.

"Mary, how are you? I vomited so much that I had to go to St. Mungo's first. How are you doing now?"

Mrs. Cattermole looked at him in shock, then she turned to Ronald.

"How come there are two..."

Ronald speechlessly threw Mrs. Cattermole into the fireplace, and Vesey also threw Mr. Cattermole into the fireplace.

Next up are their children.

After throwing away their child, 29 Harry suddenly covered his scar.

"Hurry, he is coming..."

Harry shouted in fear.

Vesey immediately threw him his wand and invisibility cloak.

"Let's go!"

Hermione looked at her with teary eyes.

"Don't look at me, hurry up!"

Vesey threw Hermione through the fireplace.

Harry and Ronald also jumped in one after another.

But as they jumped in, a hand grabbed Ronald's arm.

It's Thicknesse.

He had a determined look on his face.

As they left, Voldemort appeared in the hall.

Vesey leaned against the wall, wondering what Voldemort would say?

After all, she was in the Ministry of Magic and let Harry go. Voldemort would probably be very angry.

Probably use Legilimency on her.

But using Legilimency was useless, she had already adjusted her own and other people's memories.

What surprised her was that Voldemort didn't use Legilimency on her.

In fact, he just asked a few questions about how Vesey was kidnapped by Harry, and then focused on the fact that Vesey did not drink the potion given by Snape.

"Why don't you drink?"

Actually, I drank it.

I drank it in front of Snape.

But the only potion Vesey was given to her during this period was Snape's bottle. Using her own potion would easily arouse suspicion. Saying it was Snape's potion would make sense.

"I was afraid that he would harm me. I always felt that he was not a good person, so I pretended to drink it in front of him. In fact, I drank other potions."

Vesey showed a disgusted expression.

Voldemort snorted.

"He's the Potions Master!"

"What kind of potion master is he? I am the potion master. I brew my own potions. I don't want him to control me!"

Vesey said confidently.

Voldemort stared at her, his slender eyes said without any fluctuation:

"Then I think Severus will punish you. Don't forget, you are his student now and he is the principal of Hogwarts!"

Vesey immediately showed an unhappy expression.

She walked up and pulled Voldemort's sleeve.

"Dad, you reprimand him and don't let him control me. He's so annoying. He still cares about whether I sleep at night. What's wrong if I don't sleep? I want to make the best potion for us!"

Vesey's expression became even more proud.

But Voldemort was not very happy.

With his hand, he hit his head.

"I think Severus's punishments are very correct sometimes, such as forcing you to sleep. I heard that you also lost your temper in class?"

Vesey nodded.

"I can't stand it when they punish students in class, so of course I will lose my temper!"

Voldemort's eyes became even sharper.

The Death Eaters were so frightened that they knelt on the ground.

The staff of the Ministry of Magic were also pressed to the ground by his huge magic power.

But Vesey, standing opposite Voldemort, still looked indifferent.

"I didn't do anything wrong. What dad needs is talents. There are too many talents in the school.

Although I know they don’t know dad well enough yet to resist.

But as long as we treat them better and corrupt them with benefits, I think they will definitely be honest. Except for Dumbledore, I don't think there are any saints in the world.

Sooner or later, one day, dad can appear openly and openly, instead of being like now, when those people are trembling with fear even if they say a word about the Dark Lord!"

The Death Eaters were trembling with fear at Vesey's words, and began to wonder if Vesey would be punished by Voldemort later.

What they didn't expect was that after hearing these words, the expression on Voldemort's face instantly softened.

"Yes, she is indeed my daughter. If everyone is like Vesey and thinks about the Dark Lord, then the Dark Lord will never have to worry about his future. It's a pity that "they are all a bunch of trash!"

Having said this, he looked at the group of Death Eaters protecting Vesey.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

Several Death Eaters were dying from pain.

"I asked you to protect your little master and your Highness, but you dare to leave her alone to a man. You have wrongly paid the Dark Lord's trust!"

Vesey pouted.

She suspected that Voldemort was trying to scare the monkeys.

This monkey is her.

As for this chicken...

Are chickens Death Eaters?

Then it'll be fine.

Vesey was happy in her heart. She didn't plan to stay in Voldemort's team for a long time. She had nothing to do with him without offending the Death Eaters.

If Voldemort had killed a few more of his Death Eaters, she would have had a blatant achievement.

I believe that her wife and her brother will definitely work hard to help her put these credits on her.


Vesey looked worried.

As if he was worried about those Death Eaters.

He was afraid that if his expression wasn't right, Voldemort wouldn't punish the Death Eaters next time.

"They deserve it, and they ignore you!"

"But, but..."

Vesey glanced at the Death Eaters with pity, and quickly turned her head away as if she was frightened.

Voldemort was very satisfied with her 943 performance.

But he thought he still needed to teach her some lessons, so he shouted loudly: "Avada Kedavra!"

Green light kept appearing.

The screams of several Death Eaters disappeared, leaving only a few dead bodies on the ground.

Voldemort pulled the 'stunned' Vesey into his arms.

"Child, have you seen it? If they can't protect you, then death is their destination. You will let the Death Eaters follow you next time, right?"

Vesey pretended to be too frightened to recover and looked at the corpse. Voldemort rubbed her head with satisfaction, thinking that she was much better behaved like this.

He thought it was fun for Vesey to argue with others, but contradicting him so much made him, his 'old father', very unhappy.

Mom should love him wholeheartedly, right?

Moreover, he didn't drink the magic potion, didn't sleep, and was kidnapped. Is this child really going to destroy this body?

This child should be taught a lesson to prevent her from becoming too bold.

"Master, let them run away... But my subordinates got an unexpected reward. They took me to that place. I can apparate and take everyone back!"

It's Thicknesse.

He has apparated back.

He said with a surprised look on his face.

Voldemort's expression softened.

"Of course, of course, you are a good subordinate of the Dark Lord. So, can you take the Dark Lord and his daughter there with you?"

"No problem, it is my honor to be able to serve my master and His Highness!"

Thicknesse said loudly. .

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