Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 173 You Are Dismissed!

Gryffindor common room.

Professor McGonagall informed all students that they must return to the common room after six o'clock.

In addition, during class, you must form a team and go together, and professors will be arranged to lead the class.

Also, no one is allowed to go to the bathroom in the castle without the company of professors.

All Quidditch matches have been postponed, and they are no longer allowed to leave the castle at night.

"I know you are all very reluctant, but there is nothing you can do, because this time it was a basilisk that committed the crime, and we can't find the specific location of the basilisk.

It is also unclear where exactly it attacked the students.

So, if after a period of time, the school still fails to catch the snake, then Hogwarts will be closed indefinitely!"

She staggered out through the common room's archway.

Her words and appearance silenced all the students.

After a while, Fred finally stood up and made an angry voice.

"Vesey is popular in the whole school, and she is so powerful. She also developed a vampire conversion potion before, and then what?

She was still attacked, and it was an open and honest attack. The basilisk wanted her dead. Who was she hurting?

She has done so many good things, who would want her dead? I think it is those people in Slytherin, Vesey has touched the interests of those people, Vesey is ostracized by those pure bloods...

Only Slytherin has not had a single student get into trouble so far, that’s what they did, they are killing them all, they are taking the lives of all the good people!

The heir of Slytherin, he is Slytherin’s monster! I suggest that all Slytherins should be driven out!”

His words were met with a chorus of echoes.

People have even started writing letters of advice.

Harry and Ronald stood in the corner, watching these people indignantly, watching Ginny cry suddenly and clenching her fists.

"We can't go on like this, let's go find Hagrid! If he instigated that snake to harm Vesey, I'll make him pay the price!"

Harry said angrily.

Ronald was a little cautious.

"But Professor McGonagall won't let us out."

"Did you forget that robe my dad had? I thought it would be good for tonight!"


Harry and Ronald sat there until everyone in the common room was cleared.

No one thought they were suspicious, because something happened to Vesey and Hermione, and it would be a problem if the two of them could sleep peacefully.

They put on invisibility cloaks and slipped out of the common room.

Walking through the gloomy corridors, Harry and Ronald realized how inappropriate their night out was.

Because most of the professors in the school were patrolling tonight, and teachers, prefects, and ghosts were walking around in groups.

Harry also saw Cassandra with red eyes.

She didn't know why her eyes were a little swollen, and the hand holding the wand seemed to be holding a giant sword.

It may also be unsafe for them to wear an invisibility cloak.

Fortunately, it may be luck!

They arrived at Hagrid's hut without any danger.

They knocked on the door, and Hagrid opened the door. He looked particularly bad, his eyes were swollen, and he was holding a bow and arrow in his hand. He looked like a frightened bird.

Harry and the others observed for a while before opening the invisibility cloak.

Hagrid lowered the bow and arrow in his hand.

"Why are you here? Principal Dumbledore said he was not allowed to run around, so you risk your life!"

Harry and the others simply ignored this problem. They were already here, so why should they be afraid of their lives?

"Did you hear what happened with Vesey and Hermione?"

Harry asked politely.

Hagrid's hand that was pouring tea for them shook and the tea spilled all over him.

His tears fell heavily.

"I heard about it, I thought..."

At this time there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Harry and Ronald stood up in horror.

Hagrid put the invisibility cloak on them, and then shouted: "Who is it?"

"it's me!"

Dumbledore's voice.

Hagrid quickly went over and opened the door.

As soon as Dumbledore came in, he looked at the corner where Harry and Ronald were hiding.

"Good evening, Hagrid!"

He said with a very serious expression.

Entering behind him was Pierce Thicknesse.

Both Harry and Ronald had met him.

He is the new minister who took office after Fudge was arrested.

He had a disdainful smile on his face, wore a black robe, was of normal height, looked at people with a somewhat vulgar look, and was in his forties.

As soon as Hagrid saw him, his legs weakened and he fell into the chair.

Pierce smiled.

"Very good, it seems that Mr. Hagrid is ready."

"No, it's not me. I didn't raise the basilisk. I never raised a basilisk at all!"

Hagrid shouted desperately.

But Pierce shook his head.

"Okay, Hagrid, don't quibble. After all, that's what the prisoners said, and I think if the attack happens again after you go in, wouldn't it free you from suspicion?

Or maybe you can tell me where the basilisk is hiding, you know? Your attack on Vesey has spread throughout the UK, and now countless wizards are asking me to give an explanation.

"I didn't, I didn't attack Vesey, and I couldn't possibly attack Vesey even if I died!"

Hagrid cried out in pain.

Harry and Ronald believed it.

Because Hagrid is not a liar, if he says he doesn't, then he really doesn't.

He said that he did not raise the basilisk. Maybe he did not raise the basilisk.

But it was useless for them to believe it. Pierce didn't believe it.

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with anger.

"I think it won't help even if you take Hagrid away!"

Pierce smiled.

"Oh, Dumbledore, you are just a principal after all. Hagrid has done something illegal. His previous experience tells me that he is a person with a criminal record!"

"He was wronged!"

Dumbledore said coldly.

At this moment Harry completely believed Hagrid.

If Dumbledore also said that Hagrid was wronged, then he was wronged.

Has Hagrid been slandered before?

So what role did Riddle play in this?

Harry wanted to tell him about Riddle, but now that Pierce was here, he held back.

"Dumbledore, we need to ask Hagrid to come with us and hold him temporarily..."


Hagrid shouted loudly.

"Where? Azkaban?"

he asked heavily.

Pierce was about to speak, but the door was opened again.

This time it was Lucius Malfoy who came in.

He came in with a cane and a proud expression on his face.

"Mr. Thicknesse, you are already here!"

He smiled and shook Pierce's hand.

Then he looked at Hagrid.

"Oh my god, why hasn't this person been arrested yet?"

Hagrid shouted angrily: "Get out of my house!"

Lucius scoffed.

"You call this a house? Well, I'm not here to find you. I heard that the principal is here, so I plan to talk to him!"

"What do you want from me?"

Dumbledore looked at Lucius calmly.

He smiled.

"It's really terrible."

Saying that, the smile on his mouth became even wider.

He unfolded a long roll of parchment and said softly: "Look, the board of directors thinks you should be let go. This is a removal order. Isn't it unbelievable?"

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