Shen Fang saluted a few elders and looked at the people present after drinking.

"Elders are coming back this time, in addition to attending the wedding banquet, I have one more thing to discuss with you.

In the future, I will no longer care about everything in the fruit processing factory, and the brand of BESTORE has become famous now, and I want to let the three uncles take turns to replace the chairman's position.

Shen Tianliang looked at Shen Fang in shock: "Son, you are no longer the chairman, what if something happens to our brand in the future? Why are you going to do this if you don't do this?"

Shen Fang smiled: "Lao Dou, your son will be mixed in the literary and artistic circle in the future, and the dividends in the village will be taken according to the dividends, I just gave up the decision-making power, and now that the overall situation has been decided, I can't let the good store frame me." Uncle

: "Xiao Fang'er, there's no need to let it out, everyone supports you as the chairman, we should be, there will always be some bias, if something happens, what can we do then? Besides, we are all related to the village here, and it is inevitable that we will be biased." We are all old, we don't know how to deal with many things, BESTORE is you and everyone to set up, how can you say that you don't do it. The

second uncle nodded: "That's right, Xiaofang, you do things, pay attention to fairness and justice, the dividends have been transparent in recent years, everyone believes in you, I'm afraid you will be chaotic."

Sanbo Shen Kuo nodded: "Yes, Xiao Fang, if something happens to you, we are all old, we don't understand many things, in case something goes wrong, it will be difficult to clean up."

Shen Fang smiled: "The three uncles are highly respected, with them, as long as they are fair and just, there will be no problem, besides, I am not leaving, if I encounter anything and notify me when the time comes, can I still care?"

Shen Tianci nodded: "That's good, those of us who are elders help you take care of the family business, as long as you don't leave, then it's fine." The

uncle nodded: "Xiaofang, you have had a big idea since you were a child, what do you want to do, we won't stop you, but this family business was created by you, we can only help you watch, and we don't worry about handing it over to others." The three uncles are all old, so it's okay to let them preside, but the decision-making power is still in your hands. The

second master smiled: "Xiao Fang has let it out, we can find another capable person, we can't stop Xiao Fang from going out." The

uncle sneered: "Shen Er, what do you want? Who else is capable? Who is capable? Your Shen Jin has the ability? You can eat, drink, prostitute and gamble, this is called capability?"

Shen Erye glared at his uncle angrily: "Shen Jianguo, what do you mean?"

Uncle sneered: " You know what you mean, let me tell you, even if Xiao Fang is gone, the industry of Shenjia Village is still Xiao Fang, without him, there would be no current Shen Family Village, if someone takes advantage of this opportunity to exploit loopholes and play with his heart, I will ask the family tree to expel him directly.

Shen Erye angrily pointed at his uncle: "You !!"

Shen Fang hurriedly made a round: "Okay, okay, let's do it, in the future, the three uncles will be the acting chairman, and the uncle will be the inspector, and the elders can arrange their own people to go in, and it's okay to eat, drink and be lazy, but I have one thing, the company's core business can't be touched, and it's okay to make money every month?"

Uncle nodded: "That's no problem, the arranger can't be the supervisor, you can mess around, but don't think about promotion, the right still has to be in your own hands, Xiaofang, your mother is the company's finance, and if you divide the accounts in the future, let Tianliang, Godci, and Xiao Kuo preside over." Second

Master Shen: "What about me?"

Uncle took a sip of tea: "You, catch your fish well." "

Second Master Shen looked at Shen Fang and said flatteringly;" Xiao Fang, you also give your second master a position, and by the way, you are getting an errand for your unsuccessful cousin.

Shen Fang smiled: "Second master, forget it, just take care of your old age when you are old." It's good that my cousin eats and drinks every day, and there is no need to get involved in the company's affairs.

Second Master Shen looked at Shen Fang: "It's really not good?"

Shen Fang shook his head: "Second Master can't do it, I promise, and my uncle won't either." Uncle

nodded: "That's right, I don't agree, if you think your life is too comfortable, Shen Er, you can go to the door of the company to be a security guard." It's also useful.

Second Master Shen suddenly blew his beard and glared. Shen Fang secretly gave his uncle a thumbs up from under the table. Uncle smiled when he saw it.

The big event has been decided, drinking and drinking, Shen Yanhong and the two came over to toast, and came down to Shen Fang in a circle.

Shen Yanhong looked at Shen Fang with a smile and said to Liu Jialiang: "My uncle is handsome, he looks like a big star." When I was a kid, I used to feed my uncle.

Shen Fang suddenly picked his feet in embarrassment: "Bright red..... This was many years ago, why do you mention it?

Shen Yanhong chuckled: "Uncle, is what I said the truth in the first place, you also said it was quite sweet, and I drank it all afternoon." Our family Xiaoli didn't feed that night. "

Shen Fang........... Do you want to embarrass me, are you, are all married women like this? Unscrupulous?

Shen Fang picked up a bowl of wine: "Ahem, I wish you a hundred years of good luck and an early birth of a noble son."

Shen Yanhong smiled: "Thank you, uncle." "

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