Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 98 Letter

Hyuga Hyuzu hummed calmly, but looked at Fengtu who didn't seem to plan to go down.

He immediately asked, "Is there anything else going on in Fengtu?"

Hyuga Toyoto hesitated a little and said: "Master Patriarch, regarding this qualifier, many problems occurred during the period."

"Oh!" Hyuga Hyuzu turned his attention to Fengtu again, and said, "Tell me."

And Hanabi also seemed to be interested, so she stayed by Hinata Hyuzu's side, and seemed to be more interested in what happened next.

Then Hyuga Toyoto said: "Master Patriarch, this time the situation is like this, Master Hinata's opponent is also a member of our Hyuga Clan, and it is Neiji Hyuga from the branch."

"Now that Neji has been sent to the Ninja Hospital, Master Hinata seems to be really serious this time."

To be honest, Feng Tu didn't believe it when he first got the news. It can be said that Hinata almost grew up under his watch. How could such a kind and somewhat introverted delicate girl do such a thing.

But after knowing the information behind, it was difficult for him to judge, so he came here and hesitated whether to report this matter to Hinata Nichizu.

After thinking about it for a while, the Hyuga Japanese said: "Then you go down and get ready, I will go to the Ninja Hospital in person later! Anyway, Neji is also a member of my Hyuga clan and a nephew."

"Although there is a separation between the branch family and the main family, this child can be regarded as a rare genius in our Hyuga clan."

Hinata Toyoto said: "I understand the tribe, but according to the information I got, it seems that when Hinata-sama and Neji were fighting, they said some unfriendly words."

"Ning Ci also seemed to have revealed some conflicting issues about our clan and branch families, and it seemed that it was because the child seemed to be repressed too deeply."

Hyuga Hizuzu was silent, Hyuga Toyoto took a sneaky glance at Hyuga Hizuru, and after Hyuga Hizuzu didn't find any emotional fluctuations on Hyuga Hizuzu's face, he heard Hyuga Hizuzu say: "Toyoto, you go down first! This matter I know, let me think about it."

Hyuga Toyoto left immediately, and then Hinata Hyuzu said: "Hanabi! Next, you practice by yourself first, I have something to do, so go out."

Huahuo seemed to have seen Hinata Hyuzu's hesitation, so she nodded obediently, and ran over to practice kung fu on her own.

Hyuga Hyuzu turned around and left here, and walked towards his own study. At this time, he thought in his heart: "It's true that things are right and people are wrong!"

"Although the child is still a little young, it's time to hand over that thing to him. Otherwise, after two years, the child won't know what to think."

"Hey!" He felt that it was too difficult for him, not only to take care of the immature little daughter Huahuo, but also to always pay attention to the eldest daughter who he could no longer see through.

It's good now, and he has added a nephew who seemed very well-behaved and obedient to him before, but now he is also a problem child.

In addition to the family affairs to be dealt with, and the diplomacy between other ninjas and businessmen, he almost felt that he was really old and couldn't do it anymore.

Of course, the conflict between the division of the Hinata family and the main family announced by Neji is actually not as huge as imagined.

If a catastrophe really swept through the Hyuga family, Hyuga Hyuga had enough reason and confidence to believe that at that time the main family and the members of the branch family would definitely unite to protect their family and their relatives.

So say it and say it! It wouldn't be a bad thing if outsiders knew that there was still such a contradiction in Hinata's family.

After all, after the Uchiha extermination, the Hinata family has kept a low profile under the leadership of Hinata Hizuru, but in this way, the Hinata family has attracted attention even if it makes a little movement.

This is not what Hinata Hyuzu wants to see. In this chaotic ninja era, it is not so easy to be a leader.

However, he may have thought that this incident may further deepen the conflict between the main family and the branch family, so the best way to deal with it is to secretly control the order of the Hyuga family.

After coming to the study room, he had a very clear goal this time. He took out a letter from a box that looked old, and then he didn't open the letter, but touched it very tenderly.

Then he took this letter and resolutely walked out of the study room, and directly took Hyuga Toyoto who had already prepared everything to the hospital.

Konoha Ninja Hospital, Neji has woken up, but his whole body is covered with bandages, and his whole body can be said to be completely fixed with wooden boards, like a wooden puppet. The only movement he can do is actually twisting with difficulty He touched his own neck, but it was also very reluctant.

Regarding what happened today, his memory is already a little fuzzy, and it is difficult for him to understand why he is lying here.

His current clear memory is actually still in the qualifiers of the third assessment, and then her opponent was the eldest lady of the Zong family who had never been in his eyes.

Then he started reasoning along this line, and he thought of everything one by one. Now he can't wait to get up and slap himself, maybe because he has been suppressed for too long.

At that time, I couldn't control the emotions I vented in my heart, and I vented everything I could and couldn't say at the time.

This is worthy of saying that everyone is drunk without alcohol. Now that I think about it, the strength of this clan member whom I have always hated in my heart has indeed far exceeded his expectations.

And when I finished the last sentence, the explosive power and speed displayed by the other party, is this a girl who is weak and easy to bully at first sight?

At this time, Neji seemed to cover his face, and carefully recalled the last sentence he said. Looking at the actual situation, he found that the more he looked, the more he felt like a sand sculpture. He, Neji, Hinata’s Genius, shameless.

If Hinata knew about this scene, Hinata would probably think that fists can sometimes be used as mouths!

Ning Ci suddenly lost confidence in life, and then he looked at his whole body. He tried to move his arm, but a tingling pain came over him.

The pain made him gasp. At this moment, the door of the ward was opened, and only one person came in. The person who came was Hinata Hizuru in black kimono.

After Ning Ci saw this scene, there was no movement immediately. It is estimated that about the qualifiers, about the fight between himself and Hinata, it must have been heard by the other party.

So at this time, if I speak first, I feel embarrassed to say anything, so I should wait silently and listen to what the other party has to say!

As for this matter, if Hyuga Nichizu punishes himself, he will admit it. After all, he also revealed a lot of information about the family in this competition. Too much.

Seeing that Neji had woken up, Hinata Hyuzu took the lead and said, "Ningji, you finally woke up. This time, the girl Hinata is so messed up that she doesn't know the severity of her attack."

Ning Ci thought: Hehe, if you were fighting against me at that time, I am afraid you would have shot me to death!

Hinata Neiji said in that somewhat hoarse voice: "Thank you, Patriarch, for your concern."

Hyuga Hyuzu nodded, and didn't stay too much on this topic, but said: "Oh! You child, I thought you had already dismissed those things. I am also to blame for this. I didn't find out , if I told you the truth earlier, it wouldn’t be like this!”

As he said that, Hinata Hyuzu took out the letter from his pocket, put the letter next to Neji's head, and said: "This is the last letter your father left you. I will give it to you when I grow up."

"But it might be better to give it to you now, and I don't know what is written in this letter. After all, this is a letter left by your father, and I have no right to read it."

"When you recover from your injuries, it's not too late to read this letter slowly. Next, I will tell you the truth of the matter. Believe it or not, it's up to you to judge for yourself."

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