Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 76 Adventures in the Cabin

The Chunin was a little stunned, and froze in place for a while, Mitarai Anko showed a bad look on his face and said, "What are you looking at? Don't hurry up."

Chunin immediately lifted his spirits when he heard the words, and after saluting, he left in a flash. This may be the fastest time in his life.

The dust that was thrown up made the candidates who were still wandering around in amazement. Sure enough, there are quite a lot of Konoha masters!

Orochimaru, disguised as Kusanagi, came to a shady tree alone at this time, perhaps because snakes belong to Yin, but there is nothing wrong with it.

He lowered his head and looked at the disclaimer in his hand, and thought to himself: Sure enough, Konoha hasn't changed at all after being away for so many years, the old guy is really useless!

But wash the red beans! You are really my good apprentice, if I am almost unlucky, will I be dealt with by you?

Then he didn't know where he took out a pen and signed a name on it casually.

Then the mind came alive again: Uchiha's last lucky brat? I hope you don't let me down! After all, I have placed part of the bet on you!

Then, because snakes are very vigilant creatures, Orochimaru thought of the sand ninja who appeared in the scene just now.

He murmured in his heart: Does sand ninja still have such a master? Or was there some other force that saw something was wrong and planned to join in.

After thinking so much, Uncle Snake naturally had to consider some unnecessary troubles that might affect his plan. Of course, he didn't feel much fear of the somewhat mysterious person just now.

This may be because of his self-confidence and the self-confidence he once had, and he did not believe that there will be people of his level participating in this matter this time.

After a while, everyone began to go to the small room to hand in the agreement one after another, and receive the task scroll and choose the entrance.

Looking at the small room blocked by the red curtain, Nara Shikamaru frowned deeply: What! In this way, even that person does not know that he is holding the scroll! This greatly increases the difficulty and uncertainty of the assessment.

After the three of Hinata finished filling out, no one went in for the time being, so they no longer choose to remain silent.

In the hut covered by the red curtain, there are two ninjas wearing Konoha Chunin uniform vests and the chief examiner Mitarai Anzuki at this time.

Mitarai Anko sat on a bench in a very unrecognizable manner, and kept away from the two staff members in a considerate manner, which also made the expressions of the two Chunin who were also sitting on the bench well-behaved a lot easier.

After the three of Hinata came in, they planned to hand over the agreement to a chunin in a business-like manner. After the chunin checked it and made sure there was nothing wrong, he was about to ask them which entrance to choose.

Suddenly a voice came: "Wait a minute," Hinata secretly said: Oops, as expected this guy is not a big-bellied person.

Mitarai Anko's voice immediately startled the two Chunin, and one said cautiously, "Is there any problem?"

Mitarai Anko stood up, with a piercing smile on her face, and said, "Don't ask, I'll know if there are any questions."

Inuzuka Ya was also very angry, and said, "This is the agreement! What's the problem?"

Mitarai Anko dodged the agreement between the three of Hinata in the hands of the Chunin, and immediately flipped through it, and after a glance at the end, said: "Inuzuka Ya from the Inuzuka Clan, Yume Shino from the Yume Clan, and Hinata Hinata Hinata of the clan."

"The three of you are the representatives of the three prosperous families in the village! I just want to tell you that this exam is very dangerous, you should give it up!"

Inuzuka tooth: "Stop looking down on people, we will definitely pass this exam."

Yume Shino was silent, but her expression was serious.

Hinata said, "Auntie, I seem to have seen you somewhere!"

Mitarai red beans, Inuzuka teeth, Yume Shino,,,

Mitarai Anko didn't intend to hold back right away, and said more and more embarrassingly: "The kid is really not cute now!"

Hinata quickly explained: "Please don't misunderstand, sometimes I really don't know what age group to call people. Generally, if I don't know people very well, I call them aunt or uncle."

"Although you don't look that old, I really don't know what to call you!"

"Besides, this is also the method my father taught me." Well, decisively throw the blame, and my father is used to block the blame.

Mitarai Anko let out another two strange laughs when she heard the words, and then countless poisonous snakes sprang out from her cuffs. Mitarai Anko also performed the same trick as Orochimaru, with her neck stretched out, her fangs exposed, and she attacked Hinata. Come on, and said in his mouth: "I also hate the kid who doesn't know how to respect the most."

Inuzuka Kiba and Yume Shino immediately looked alert and planned to retreat immediately if the situation was wrong.

When Mitarai Anko was less than five centimeters away from Hinata, Hinata seemed to be a little cute and said: "Ah, your neck can be stretched so long, it's amazing."

Then, looking at the snakes crawling on the ground, Hinata bent down and picked up a snake at random, saying, "What a pity! I thought it was a real snake, it turned out to be made of Chakra!"

In the arena, Mitarai Anko's stretched neck was already stiff in the air, and the two Chunin were already trembling in the corner.

After Inuzuka Ya and Yume Shino moved a little away from the place where the incident happened, Inuzuka Ya whispered to Yume Shino, "Shino, do you feel that Hinata feels a little different from usual ah!"

Yume Shino said: "Indeed, we are still very clear about Hinata's character, but in my opinion, this is understandable, if you ask the reason."

"Hinata may have met the enemy of her life. No one will choose to back down from the enemy of her life, and they will face it very firmly."

"Although this is a bit of a metaphysical theory, but in terms you can understand, they look at each other—it's not pleasing to the eye."

Inuzuka Iba,,, what you said makes sense, but I still feel that it makes sense, and I can accept it in my heart.

At this time, voices suddenly came out from outside: "What's going on in front? I've been in for so long, and I haven't come out yet."

After hearing the sound, Mitarai Anko immediately put away the snake that was already scurrying around the room around her neck, with a sunny smile on her face, then slapped Hinata on the shoulder and said, "You guys are quite interesting!"

"Don't mind! I just want to see what skills Yuhihong's subordinates have for so long. After all, she and I haven't said anything about you."

After she finished speaking, she immediately said to the two Chunin: "Where are you dawdling, what are you doing! Hurry up and get to work," and the two Chunin had fainted from crying in the toilet.

Yume Shino chose to take a Sky Scroll in front of one Chunin, and the other Chunin asked Hinata which entrance to choose, and Hinata pointed to the sixth entrance.

As for the reason! She was really shown by the wave of operations just now. Because of 6, she chose 6.

After walking out of the hut, the ninjas looked at the three of them with resentment, but the three of them didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, sooner or later they will see the real chapter, so there is no need to be polite at the moment.

When following a Chunin leading the way to the No. 6 training ground, Hinata said to Inuzuka Ya and Yume Shino, "Iba, Shino, let's eat snake meat after arriving in the Death Forest!"

Inuzuka's jaw almost dropped in shock, as if ten thousand horses were galloping past in his mind, as if he heard the analysis of Yume Shino again.

Then he came back to his senses and found that the oil girl Shino on the side was indeed re-analyzing, which meant that Inuzuka was not hallucinating. Inuzuka felt that he was too difficult today, and it seemed that his two teammates were like It's like a different person.

The ninja who was in charge of guiding the way walked in front, and in the middle of Hinata, Yume Shino and Inuzuka were behind. She also heard Yume Shino's analysis, and it seemed quite reasonable!

Ever since she met at the Maruko shop four years ago, she wasn't sure what Mitarai Anko was thinking, but she had checked her eyes, and she had met the wrong person.

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