Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 658 Handling and Response

city ​​gate

The attackers are all dead

The Northern Army is sweeping the battlefield, because Li Cha did not give the order to keep the prisoners, the group of killers of the Northern Army are extraordinarily ruthless, and the attackers have a tenacious fighting will, and there is no one who voluntarily surrenders. Arrange hundreds of corpses in a row for identification.

"My lord, it has been identified that most of the attackers are soldiers of the Imperial Guard, and some are members of the City Guard and the Security Force. The leader is a banner commander of the Imperial Guard."

Quill stood beside Li Cha's carriage, and leaned over to report the situation of the battle to Li Cha.

Li Cha nodded, but there was nothing abnormal in his tone and expression, he just asked again.

"How about casualties?"

"Only two of our troops were killed and a dozen were injured."

The casualties of the Northland Army were almost negligible compared to the corpses of hundreds of attackers. The Northland Army's own combat power was several levels stronger, and there were high-end forces such as elite swordsmen to assist in the battle. It was completely crushed. .

Of course, Quill did not regard the Guards brought by Oran as his own, and only reported the casualties of the Northern Army.

"Go and call General Orang and Prime Minister Zuo."

"Yes, my lord!"

After the attack, the Northern Army completely sealed off the surroundings of the carriage, and Prime Minister Zuo and General Aurang never got to see Li Cha in the first place.

After Li Cha ordered, Zuo Xiang and Ao Lang were led by a small officer of the Northern Army through the blockade of the Northern Army, and hurried to the carriage.

"Master Li Cha!"

"Master Li Cha!"

The two came to the carriage and saluted in unison. Li Cha was not polite, and asked immediately:

"You two, what does this mean in the kingdom? Why did I get attacked by the imperial guards when I first arrived in the capital?"

"Lord Li Cha, this is definitely not what His Majesty meant. Someone must have taken the opportunity to set the blame on you. You must not be fooled by them."

"But so many people have heard it. Before the assassin died, he was still shouting Long Live His Majesty."

"What's more, someone has already identified them. These corpses wearing the armor of the Imperial Guard are all real sergeants of the Imperial Guard, and the leader is the banner commander of the Second Banner Regiment of the Third Legion of the Imperial Guard. This is an old unit of the Praetorian Guard."

"Yusi" has always paid attention to the layout in the Golden Dragon Capital. Although the intelligence network is not as deep-rooted as the black prison, like the situation of the Imperial Guard, this kind of information that is placed in the open is still very clear.

These imperial guards who came to attack were not only serious troops, but also the ones with high numbers.

The higher numbers represent that this unit was not urgently expanded later, but an old unit left over from Sol’s time. Normally, it should be the most loyal existence to Rennes.

"Lord Richard, His Majesty Rennes will never have the idea of ​​harming you. If His Majesty Rennes ordered it, the Imperial Guards would not only send out these people, and at least more than a hundred mighty crossbows would be placed on the streets on both sides. "

"Princess Messiah is also in the carriage. No one in the kingdom knows that Princess Messiah is His Majesty Ren's favorite daughter, and it is impossible for His Majesty to hurt Her Majesty the Princess."

Aurang then tried his best to defend himself, for fear that Richard might misunderstand something.

"Heh, maybe it's because I'm afraid that I'll notice you if you move too much?"

In fact, Li Cha believed in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with Ren. After all, based on his understanding of Ren, he knew that the other party could not be so stupid.

"Honey, my father won't do such a thing, you have to trust my father."

"Well, I believe that His Majesty Rennes did not instigate it, but another group of people with ulterior motives."

Messiah listened for a long time, and finally couldn't help but also opened his mouth to defend Ren. Li Cha had habitually wanted to argue with Zuoxiang and Aurang, but looking at Messiah who looked anxious, he had no choice but to give up. , this silly girl was so anxious that she almost cried.

Although the Charlemagne family is a group of ruthless people, the relationship between family members is weak.

But she is very friendly to female members. Messiah has never been treated too harshly by Rennes since she was a child, and she is not like the princes who have been intriguing since they were sensible.

The relationship with the family members is not bad, and they have experienced family affection. If Richard and Renn turned their faces, it would definitely be the most uncomfortable for Messiah to be caught in the middle.

Li Cha kept patting Messiah's head lightly, comforting the anxious Messiah, and ordered outside without thinking too long:

"Go on to the palace without delay."

What is going on, you will know when you go to see Ren. Even if the palace is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, Li Cha has the confidence to get out of it.

He didn't believe that Rennes would do anything to him, but he also didn't believe that Rennes' control over the capital would be so low.

This is Li Cha's confidence in an old Yin coin.

This is the lair of the Black Prison. A group of imperial guards came to attack him. Two Shenwei crossbows are a bit too much. This kind of military-level weapon-level equipment should be strictly managed.

Moreover, the weight and size of this kind of strengthened Shenwei crossbow are much larger than those of the Northern Army. They are arranged in ambush on the streets on both sides, and the rain is hidden. There should be some news from the black prison.

"My lord, the capital is not safe, do you still want to enter the palace now?"

"Should we leave the city first and make plans after Lord Catherine's troops meet up in the capital?"

After Li Cha's order was issued, the heroes of the system such as Gru didn't say anything. They thought about things a little more simply, and generally only acted according to Li Cha's order.

On the contrary, Quill and several great knights of the Northern Army, these local officers hesitated a bit and put forward different suggestions.

"According to what you mean, should I also call Sandro and the others to join the army in Jinlongdu and ask the kingdom to give an explanation?"

After annihilating the main force of the orcs, the army did not go south together, but acted separately under Li Cha's order.

The biggest one is the Northern Land Army Local Legion led by Li Cha, mixed with some system heroes and troops, and continued to sail south to the capital directly by boat.

Catherine took Sir Mrak, giants, and dragons as part of the high-end combat power, and cooperated with the undead legion to clean up the scattered orc army all the way. The goal was Cress City, the gateway to the king's capital that was besieged by orcs before.

Quill was silent when asked. In fact, according to their thinking, if there are orcs around, they should fight the orcs first. The orcs are no longer a serious problem, and the threat is greatly reduced.

It would be in the best interests of the Northland to take advantage of this opportunity to lift up the kingdom together. Now the territory of the Northland River Valley has expanded to the extreme.

These two lands are not the kind of places dominated by large barren deserts like the Ross family in the western region.

Although there are many brave and ruthless miners in the western region who can provide high-quality soldiers for the western region army, a small amount of grass grows the best western region horses in the human kingdom.

But the grain production in the western region is the biggest shortcoming. Not to mention the large population flow, most of the food has to be purchased from the central plains. Although the western border army is strong, the foundation of the western border is not enough to support too many ideas in the western border.

But now the situation in the Northland Group and the Western Region is completely different.

The River Valley itself is extremely rich, densely populated, and business is very prosperous. After Morrill's iron-blooded suppression and Catherine's Huairou rule, it has reached another level in a short period of time.

Although the Northland is a place of bitter cold, it is only compared to the fertile land of the Central Great Plains. As long as they adapt to the cold climate, the grain harvest on the large amount of black soil is not low.

Coupled with the expulsion of the ogres, the Northland controlled the pastoral areas in the wilderness.

Not only can the food in the Northland feed a population of 70 to 80 million, but it has also developed the wilderness that was originally occupied by ogres for grazing. After the introduction of Western Territory horses and red flame horses, better quality war horses will soon be produced.

The quality of ordnance and equipment is also first-class, and there is no shortcoming from food supply to armaments.

Moreover, the Jinlong River flows from the north to the south, and the natural danger of Zhenbeiguan is controlled by Li Cha. Just like this time when the Northern Army went south to fight the orcs, starting from Piaoxue City, the army can go south directly to threaten the people by following the Jinlong River. To the Central Great Plains and Jinlongdu.

The initiative is completely in the hands of the Northland, and it is a thorn in the back for any ruler living in Jinlongdu. It is hard to imagine that such a monster-like group can live in peace with the central government of the kingdom.

Not to mention the suspicion of the kingdom, even Quill, the generals in the north, can't trust themselves. The kingdom is weak, and the two legions have already entered the city, and the other party has launched an attack on its own initiative to give up the excuse.

The right time, place and people are all in place, and it is really a great opportunity to replace it.

Therefore, even though Li Cha gave the order, Quill and several great knights of the Northern Army still planned to persuade him.

Li Cha's tone seemed a little dissatisfied. Quill only felt a lot of pressure after hearing Li Cha's questioning. Li Cha looked at him. This man killed ogres, kobolds, and even some unruly humans in the wilderness. In the slave hunting team, the butcher-level figures with blood on their hands were actually sweating nervously on their foreheads.

Quill didn't dare to answer Richard's words. The direction of the undead army was set by Richard. He was not qualified to comment. He could only skip this question and knelt on the ground and said:

"My lord! Your safety is of the utmost importance."

"My order is to continue to the palace."

"Yes, my lord!"

After Richard's order was reconfirmed, the knight in charge of driving had already started driving the carriage.

Quill didn't dare to continue to persuade, so he could only mount his horse again and follow closely beside the carriage.

"Quick, keep up!"

Quill spoke submissively in front of Richard, but turned around and gave orders, but he was full of anger.

Under Quill's organization, the Northland Army regrouped in a short period of time, and soon surrounded the carriage according to the previous formation, and ten elite swordsmen also returned to the side of the carriage to open the way.

It's just that the group of good-looking people led by Orang were completely chaotic after an attack. Under the organization of Orang and the left minister, a group of gorgeously dressed guards lined up in front of the carriage and followed behind the carriage.

Because of the attack, the crowd that had originally greeted them dispersed, and the doors and windows on both sides of the street were basically closed. Occasionally, a few brave people dared to sneak up and observe the movements of the carriage and the Northern Army.

The street became very empty and more spacious. Walking on the 50-meter-wide main street, the speed of the entire team became much faster.

In the royal palace, in an inconspicuous room in the apse.

Ren was wearing casual clothes, sitting on a recliner with his eyes closed.

Varys, the intelligence leader of the black prison, was standing beside Renn respectfully and reporting the situation.

"Your Majesty, the King of the North Land was attacked, and the attackers were basically soldiers and officers of the Imperial Guard."

"Messiah isn't hurt, is she?"

"Her Royal Highness is not injured."

"That's good, what's Li Cha's reaction?"

Ren didn't ask what the result of the attack was. He was completely sure that the attack would not pose any threat to Li Cha, so he asked Li Cha's reaction directly.

"I'm on my way to the palace, and I should be there in two or three hours."


Ren opened his eyes and hummed lightly, not knowing what it meant.

Then went on to ask:

"Any clues?"

"Yes, some suspect targets have been identified, and the black prison will collect further evidence."

"Does the black prison need evidence to do things?"

Ryan's words made Varys choke a little. After all, secret agencies like the Black Prison sometimes act domineeringly, and they often arrest people without evidence.

Anyway, the incident of torture must have happened more than once in the prison of the black prison.

On weekdays, even Varys would not bother to ask about such a trivial matter, but after all, it cannot be brought up on the stage. When Ren asked such a question, Varys didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Renn skipped this topic after typing a sentence, and then ordered:

"Give me a list of all suspects."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Also, let the imperial guards open the gate of Miyagi to welcome the carriage of the King of the Northland."

"In addition, the King of the North is allowed to enter the palace directly without being inspected."

"Your Majesty, there are thousands of Northern Army soldiers behind the Northern King's carriage, and another regiment of the Northern Army has already entered Golden Dragon Capital. It may not be safe to open the palace gate directly."

"They have all entered the capital, and you are still worried about Miyagi."

"So what if he brings the soldiers in?"

"It just so happens that the school grounds in Xiyuan are empty, so the Northern Army will be stationed in Xiyuan after entering the palace."


"Go quickly. When Li Cha arrives, make sure the palace gate is wide open. Don't appear to be stingy."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Just like Quill can't persuade Richard, although Varys is Ren's confidant, he can't persuade Ren, and can only communicate according to Ren's order.

A few hours later, the team arrived in front of the open Miyagi...

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