Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,290 The Tribal Council of Elders Wrangling

Facing these tribal elders who have lived in Wakanda, the almost perfect Garden of Eden, for most of his life, T'Challa has no good way to restrain them except to maintain the majesty of the king and watch them indifferently and constantly raise questions. .

After all, the king of Wakanda still needs the support of these tribes. Although the royal family represented by T'Challa has its own strong supporters, it is impossible to completely abandon the support of other tribes.

Of course, apart from these tribal elders who still hold conservative ideas and are unwilling to expose the real Wakanda to the outside world, there are still a small number of tribal elders who are willing to accept this change. It was also with the support of those tribes that T'Challa's face was not too ugly.

You frowned and looked at the "conservative" tribal elders in front of you. After you finished expressing your opinions and fell silent for a while, T'Challa was about to speak to them and explain the current general trend of the development of the outside world and Wakanda at this time. The choice should be made.

And just when T'Challa opened his mouth and made no sound, the door of this huge conference room suddenly opened. As a meeting of the highest leadership of the entire Wakanda, it is impossible for ordinary people to come in at this time. Therefore, all the tribe elders, including T'Challa, looked at the location of the gate.

Then, T'Challa and the others saw the great elder of Wakanda, who was wearing a purple robe and guarding the heart-shaped grass, walking in with a serious face. In terms of influence, this old man who followed the previous king since childhood and eventually served as the guardian of the Heart-Shaped Grass and the Grand Elder of Wakanda is much higher than the other tribal elders present.

"Why are you here?" Seeing the appearance of this great elder who usually did not participate in Wakanda's political affairs, T'Challa stood up from the throne in surprise and greeted him.

When T'Challa came over, the great elder smiled and nodded to him, and then glanced at the tribal elders on both sides of the conference room.

"Such a big thing has happened. It would be wrong for me to keep hiding and staying with the Heart-shaped Grass." Although the tone was calm, T'Challa and other tribe elders could hear the great elder's mood at this time. Doesn't seem very good.

After saying this, the great elder was guided by T'Challa and sat on the right side of his throne, slightly lower than his mother who sat on T'Challa's left side.

After the sudden appearance of the great elder disrupted the original rhythm of the tribal elders and T'Challa in the conference room, T'Challa was silent for a while and then looked at the great elder and continued to speak.

"Great Elder, now that you know the current situation, what is your opinion?"

Although the great elder usually just stays in the secret room to take care of the heart-shaped grass, and he will only come out when there is a change of king, but now that he has appeared here, T'Challa naturally wants to ask for his opinion. If he supports his words, then T'Challa feels that he can listen to the words of the tribal elders in front of him or not.

"Well, I do know everything. I also understand almost everything about His Majesty the King's choice and the suggestions of the tribal elders. It is nothing more than a disagreement about whether the status quo of Wakanda has changed." After hearing T'Challa's inquiry, The great elder nodded and spoke slowly.

Before a tribal elder sitting under the great elder could speak, he had already continued, "Of course I understand the thoughts of the tribal elders. The reason why Wakanda has been able to develop rapidly for so many years is that apart from having vibranium, we are far away from The choices of the rest of the planet are also crucial."

"Yes, staying away from the countries on Earth that are full of aggression is the most important reason why Wakanda can develop to this day. Therefore, I am opposed to establishing diplomatic ties with that SHIELD. Wakanda must remain pure in order to continue its high speed. Let’s develop steadily.” After hearing what the great elder said, a tribal elder who had not interrupted just now said quickly.

Obviously, this tribal elder belongs to the more conservative faction in Wakanda. After all, with SHIELD's current global popularity, even within Wakanda,

Most people still know what kind of existence SHIELD is, and they won't call it SHIELD.

After listening to the tribal elder's speech, a somewhat chaotic discussion was heard again in the conference room. The Great Elder's expression didn't change much, but T'Challa, who was sitting in the main seat, frowned even more. He hasn't told these tribal elders about Lin Rui's existence yet. If these conservative tribal elders know that there is a diplomatic envoy from SHIELD wandering around the core city of Wakanda, they don't know what trouble they will cause.

His eyes calmly glanced in front of the tribal elders in the meeting room. The elder continued to speak after everyone fell silent again, "Let's not talk about the matter of establishing in-depth cooperative diplomacy with the external S.H.I.E.L.D. proposed by His Majesty the King this time. I think Let me ask everyone here, do you really understand the current earth and the countries outside that you once looked down upon?"

Without worrying too much about the issue they just discussed, the great elder suddenly asked another question. Moreover, his question was obviously aimed at those conservative tribal elders. T'Challa's wrinkles finally eased after hearing the Great Elder's question. From this question, T'Challa could at least confirm that the Great Elder's position was not on the conservative side.


"Do we need to understand? Did they make any progress in the previous hundreds of years?"

"However, I have heard that some big things have happened outside in recent years."

"What's the big deal?"

"I don't know the specifics...but it has nothing to do with us..."

After the great elder raised this question, the elders of the innovative tribe who supported T'Challa were all refreshed, while the elders of the conservative faction frowned and looked at each other and discussed in low voices. However, because they have always ignored the outside world, no results can be achieved from the discussion.

"Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors chose to use space technology that was simply incomprehensible at the time to peel off the entire Wakanda from the earth. The purpose was simply to avoid the war-torn environment and ensure that Wakanda had a stable future. It can develop stably even under the conditions of gold. However, maybe you don’t know that our ancestors did not decide to hide in the special space outside the earth. At the right time, we, Wakanda, will return to the earth. It is also a choice that adapts to development!" After the surrounding discussions gradually subsided, the great elder's tone changed from low to high and said something that was enough to shake the spirits of everyone present.

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