With the death of the Behemoth, Tanan led the rest of the savage creatures to evacuate, and the battle came to an end. In this battle, the legendary mage, who had spent a lot of energy, finally stopped worrying at this time.

Looking at the mess on the battlefield, these legendary mages knew that the next situation in this battle could be resolved by other existences even if they stopped taking action.

Different from the relationship between high-level mages and the competition among them, among Bracada, legendary mages are often very familiar with each other. Since the total number of legendary mages is not large, the communication between legendary mages is far more profound than that of ordinary high-level mages.

The appearance of every legendary mage takes a long time to accumulate, and for the entire Bracada, it is considered an improvement. Even if the relationship between some legendary wizards is not close, they must have heard of the other's name and have a general impression of him. It is impossible to have never heard of his information.

Under this circumstance, after realizing that the crisis has been resolved, the legendary mages who exist here and are familiar with each other also began to express their own opinions on the development of the situation after Bracada.

As the existence of a legendary mage, it is natural to understand better what the emergence of the banned magic ball means for Bracada. Previously unfavorable spells, under the effect of the ban magic ball, are difficult to play any role, which is a serious impact for the entire Bracada.

It’s just that, as if to get some news, in the process of talking, these legendary wizards deliberately ignored the existence of the forbidden magic ball, and did not mention any information about this artifact, as if this artifact is not worth paying attention to, and these The eyes of the legendary mage looking at the battlefield revealed their thoughts.

Before the start of this battle, these legendary mages couldn’t think that just such a group of savage creatures that had been enslaved for a long time could rely on the existence of the Forbidden Orb to threaten Bracada to this point, and had to ask Ella. Only the reinforcements of West Asia can repel their offensive.

According to the understanding of these legendary mages, Bracada’s past opponents, the heretical mages who were expelled, have never given up on Bracada’s plans, and have already developed a very special by their own abilities. the power of.

If the special artifact of the Forbidden Magic Ball is not the leader of the barbarians, Tanan, but replaced by an already extremely powerful force, it may bring even more serious disasters to the entire Bracada.

Regarding the special artifact of Forbidden Magic Ball, it has long been the most concerned information in the hearts of these legendary mages, but in the face of the far away Tanan, these legendary mages have no plans to pursue it.

These legendary mages knew in their hearts that even before them, there were already stronger existences, and they went to chase the escaped barbaric creatures, which caused this battle. The Forbidden Orb, which is a serious threat to the entire Bracada, not to mention it. May fall into the hands of other creatures.

At this moment, among the group of legendary mages who were discussing, one of the legendary mages seemed to have noticed something, and took the initiative to signal to the other legendary mages, and then raised his hand.

Following the movements of this legendary mage, in front of him, the space began to distort rapidly, and in the distorted space, a little golden light continued to radiate. After all the changes in the space were completed, a bright yellow portal appeared in front of him.

After completing the casting of the spell, the legendary mage entered the portal directly without any pause.

With the end of the battle, these legendary wizards did not need to care about the situation on the battlefield, but put their own attention on the future development of Bracada. However, for other creatures, there are many things waiting to be dealt with on the battlefield. On the original battlefield, there are still more creatures at this time.

When all the behemoths died, the golem puppet belonging to Brakada had returned to the city behind under the control of the mages.

And those Erasian troops who came to help the battle are resting on the edge of the battlefield. In addition to dealing with the members injured in the battle, they also need to count the bodies of their companions who died in the battle.

In the most urgent situation and there is no time to deal with any other matters, for the army of Elasia, after a battle, in order to prevent the plague caused by the corruption of the corpse, the corpse generated in the battle will be burned in time. Or bury it directly.

At this time, when the savage creatures retreat and the Elasia side is also in the ranks of the winners, naturally they will not choose this method to deal with the remains of their companions.

As far as the army of Elasia was concerned, the way it chose to deal with it was to converge the bones of the companions on the battlefield and transport them back to the nearest cemetery for burial.

The members of the Erasian army believe that this method of handling is the best comfort for those companions who died in the war, and their relatives can also take this to cherish their memory.

For death, the fighters in the army of Elasia will also have fear. In addition to the knights who have a strong will and truly regard death as home, in a state of extremely low morale, this fear of death will also make the army of Elasia A rout occurred.

This method of treatment is also an invisible comfort to all the surviving fighters in the Erasian army. It can let these fighters know that when they die, their remains will not be exposed to the wilderness, let alone suffer. Originally, the enemy vented his anger and destroyed it, but he could return to his homeland.

Only in the most urgent situation, when the living fighters in the Erasian army can hardly take care of themselves and are likely to die at any time, they will choose another way to deal with it.

At this time, with the victory of the battle, Elasia's army also dispatched corresponding manpower and began to gather the corpse of his companion and prepare to transport it to the place where it had come.

Under normal circumstances, even if the army of Elasia chooses to transport the corpse of the companion back to the burial, it needs to be carried out as soon as possible. The location usually selected is the nearest cemetery, and it is impossible to choose a specific town, or It is transported back to their original place of residence.

Once the delivery time is delayed, corruption spreads on these corpses, which may cause more serious consequences. Any creature in Elasia does not want this result to occur. This is even more important to the morale of the soldiers in the army. A devastating blow.

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