Heroes And Invincible Undead Magic God

Chapter 1393 Jenny's Enlightenment

After leaving the camp, Jenny took the time to meet with Monfila in the city lord's mansion, told her in advance of the incident, as a member of the upper council, and then returned to the rescue center with a large number of white tents.

"Master Jenny, you finally came back." In the largest white camp, seeing Jenny returning safely, Sotophie said anxiously.

Feeling the aura on Jenny's body is very different from before leaving, Sotophie also feels worried.

Judging from the aggressive heroic will when Jenny left, Sotophie was really worried that she would do anything irrational. Now that Jenny returned safely, Sotophie was relieved.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Sensing Sotophie's concern, Jane comforted. At this moment, her sight couldn't help but glimpsed the bright red color on the ground of the camp. The dwarf who died here has long since disappeared.

"Has Fried been taken away? Take me to see him." Jenny sighed and asked Sotophie.

"Okay... Master Jenny." Sotophie replied with a low expression.

After that, under the guidance of Sotofi, the two shuttled among the white camps, and finally came to an open space.

Intense black smoke continued to rise from the center of this open space, and several apprentices wearing gloves and veils were constantly busy here.

"Master Jenny." Seeing the arrival of Jenny and Sotophie, these apprentices put aside the things in their hands and greeted respectfully. If you look closely, you can find that the white veils on the faces of these apprentices have long been smoked to dark yellow, and the gloves are covered with black marks no matter the front or back.

"I just came over to see, you guys continue to do your own things." Jenny said slowly.

After obtaining Jenny's approval, these apprentices resume their work.

The two apprentices carried the stretcher and came to a deep pit that was constantly emitting black smoke, and lying on the stretcher was the Fried that Jenny was looking for.

"Master Jenny, everything is normal here, there is no trace of a necromancer, you don't need to worry." A Tier 5 great elf dressed in the same manner as those apprentices came to Jenny and reported the situation to her.

"I see, Ariane, how is the situation here recently?" Jane asked the big elf, but her gaze was always focused on Fried's corpse.

"Recently, it has been a lot easier, and the number of dead bodies has decreased significantly. I still remember the scenes when the riots occurred. Even the most senior apprentices looked desperate when they saw the dead bodies that needed to be burned."

Ariane reported respectfully, his brows furrowed and he let out a deep sigh: "Two accidents happened. Apprentice Zell accidentally fell into the pit, and when he was rescued, he had already lost his breath. Apprentice Muke Seeing the corpse of his relatives, he suffered a mental breakdown and is receiving treatment in the emergency tent."

"Sometimes I would question all of what I did." Ariane frowned, with an expression of pain on his face, "Burning the bodies of those creatures is a kind of blasphemy to their souls. They should have been deeply buried. In the land, they endured such torture after death."

Jenny patted Arion on the shoulder and comforted: "You have done nothing wrong. On the contrary, everything you have done is great. Burning the bodies of those creatures is to prevent them from being killed by the Necromancer. If you are disturbed, with your help, they can truly sleep."

Ariane lowered his head: "Master Jenny, I understand everything you say, but I still can't forgive myself... I can't forget what they looked like in the end. They looked at me and seemed to want to tell me, their souls. There will never be peace..."

Jenny shook his head: "I will arrange psychological counseling for you. It just so happens that one of my apprentices is very good at this kind of treatment."

With that, Jenny glanced in Sotophie's direction.

At this time, the original flames in the deep pit gradually subsided, an apprentice put the ashes in the pit into the space ring, and the dwarf Fried's body was lifted by the other two apprentices and placed carefully at the bottom of the remaining deep pit. .

"Master Jenny, I'll go there first." Ariane asked for instructions.

"Go ahead."

After getting Jenny's approval, Ariane came to the edge of the pit, and rich magical elements emerged from his body, and then gathered on Fried under the pit.

There was no solemn funeral, no painful eulogy, or even a cry of grief. Under Jenny's gaze, flames spread over the dwarf's body.

She closed her eyes and turned around after a moment of silence.

The familiar low sobbing sound came from the side, and Jenny followed the fame, and saw her apprentice Sodophie, looking at Fried in the flames, crying.

Jenny immediately stepped forward and turned Sotophie's figure so that she didn't have to look at the flames burning behind.

Looking directly at Sotofi in front of him, Jenny comforted: "This matter is over, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Forgot? The hero won't stop at one thing, it's time to move forward. NS."

Seeing that the comfort hadn't been as effective as it should be, Jenny continued to persuade: "Think about what makes me happy? We are going to see Yuke the wise. He is the patron saint of all elves, better than all the undead. Masters are all ancient towering trees, I believe you have never seen his true face, don't you feel excited?"

Sotophie asked in a weeping voice: "Master Jenny... Is there nothing in her heart to bear? Or is it possible that the hero can ignore everything... and won't be touched by anything?"

Jenny sighed and replied patiently: "I do feel a little intolerable... But everything about this matter has now been resolved, and everything is over, even the Fiat that destroyed the village of Moyas. , Has also been judged. No matter how unbearable, the dwarf can't be reborn, can it? It's time to put all this down and move forward."

Jenny's words are firm, and there is a will that Sotophie cannot understand.

After hearing that Fiat got the trial he deserved, Sotophie nodded as if he didn't understand, and the sobbing voice became much smaller.

"The only thing left is the source of all this, the holder of the artifact, the evil Necromancer. I promise you that he will pay the price."

Under Jenny’s guidance, Sodomy slowly recovered her emotions and walked away from the way she came, but as she progressed, she looked back at the black every few steps. A deep pit where smoke rises.

"Don't look back anymore." Jenny said helplessly, but still smiled, "You will turn into a stone when you turn around."

Finally, under Jenny's continuous guidance, Sotophie smiled for a long time, and the sadness and intolerance in his heart have improved a lot now.

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